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synced 2025-03-12 23:05:48 +03:00
Start initial errors & exceptions rework
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,10 +37,13 @@ Django styleguide that we use in [HackSoft](https://hacksoft.io).
* [Nested serializers](#nested-serializers)
* [Advanced serialization](#advanced-serialization)
- [Urls](#urls)
- [Exception Handling](#exception-handling)
* [Raising Exceptions in Services / Selectors](#raising-exceptions-in-services--selectors)
* [Handle Exceptions in APIs](#handle-exceptions-in-apis)
* [Error formatting](#error-formatting)
- [Errors & Exception Handling](#errors--exception-handling)
* [How exception handling works (in the context of DRF)](#how-exception-handling-works-in-the-context-of-drf)
+ [DRF's `ValidationError`](#drfs-validationerror)
+ [Django's `ValidationError`](#djangos-validationerror)
* [Describe how your API errors are going to look like.](#describe-how-your-api-errors-are-going-to-look-like)
* [Know how to change the default exception handling behavior.](#know-how-to-change-the-default-exception-handling-behavior)
* [Approach 1 - Use DRF's default exceptions, with very little modifications.](#approach-1---use-drfs-default-exceptions-with-very-little-modifications)
- [Testing](#testing-2)
* [Naming conventions](#naming-conventions)
- [Celery](#celery)
@ -1014,250 +1017,404 @@ urlpatterns = [
**Splitting urls like that can give you the extra flexibility to move separate domain patterns to separate modules**, especially for really big projects, where you'll often have merge conflicts in `urls.py`.
## Exception Handling
## Errors & Exception Handling
### Raising Exceptions in Services / Selectors
Errors & exception handling is a big topic & quite often - the details are specific for a given project.
Now we have a separation between our HTTP interface & the core logic of our application.
That's why we'll split things into 2 - **general guidelines**, followed by some **specific approaches** for error handling.
To keep this separation of concerns, our services and selectors must not use the `rest_framework.exception` classes because they are bounded with HTTP status codes.
Our general guidelines are:
Our services and selectors must use one of:
1. Know how exception handling works (we'll give context for Django Rest Framework).
1. Describe how your API errors are going to look like.
1. Know how to change the default exception handling behavior.
* [Python built-in exceptions](https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html)
* Exceptions from `django.core.exceptions`
* Custom exceptions, inheriting from the ones above.
Followed by some specific approaches:
Here is a good example of service that performs some validation and raises `django.core.exceptions.ValidationError`:
1. Use DRF's default exceptions, with very little modifications.
1. Validation throws `ValidationError`, business logic throws `ApplicationError`.
### How exception handling works (in the context of DRF)
DRF has an excellent guide on how exceptions are being handled, so make sure to read it first - <https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/exceptions/>
Additionally, we love to visualize with diagrams, so here's an overview of the process:

Basically, if the exception handler cannot handle the given exception & returns `None`, this will result in an unhandled exception & a `500 Server Error`. This is often good, because you won't be silencing errors, that you need to pay attention to.
**Now, there are some quirks, that we need to pay attention to.**
#### DRF's `ValidationError`
For example, if we simply raise a `rest_framework.exceptions.ValidationError` like that:
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from rest_framework import exceptions
def create_topic(*, name: str, course: Course) -> Topic:
if course.end_date < timezone.now():
raise ValidationError('You can not create topics for course that has ended.')
topic = Topic.objects.create(name=name, course=course)
return topic
def some_service():
raise ValidationError("Error message here.")
### Handle Exceptions in APIs
The response payload is going to look like this:
To transform the exceptions raised in the services or selectors, to a standard HTTP response, you need to catch the exception and raise something that the rest framework understands.
The best place to do this is in the `handle_exception` method of the `APIView`. There you can map your Python/Django exception to a DRF exception.
By default, the [`handle_exception` method implementation in DRF](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/exceptions/#exception-handling-in-rest-framework-views) handles Django's built-in `Http404` and `PermissionDenied` exceptions, thus there is no need for you to handle it by hand.
Here is an example:
from rest_framework import exceptions as rest_exceptions
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
class CourseCreateApi(SomeAuthenticationMixin, APIView):
expected_exceptions = {
ValidationError: rest_exceptions.ValidationError
class InputSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
def post(self, request):
serializer = self.InputSerializer(data=request.data)
return Response(status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
def handle_exception(self, exc):
if isinstance(exc, tuple(self.expected_exceptions.keys())):
drf_exception_class = self.expected_exceptions[exc.__class__]
drf_exception = drf_exception_class(get_error_message(exc))
return super().handle_exception(drf_exception)
return super().handle_exception(exc)
Here's the implementation of `get_error_message`:
def get_first_matching_attr(obj, *attrs, default=None):
for attr in attrs:
if hasattr(obj, attr):
return getattr(obj, attr)
return default
def get_error_message(exc):
if hasattr(exc, 'message_dict'):
return exc.message_dict
error_msg = get_first_matching_attr(exc, 'message', 'messages')
if isinstance(error_msg, list):
error_msg = ', '.join(error_msg)
if error_msg is None:
error_msg = str(exc)
return error_msg
You can move this code to a mixin and use it in every API to prevent code duplication.
We call this `ApiErrorsMixin`. Here's a sample implementation from one of our projects:
from rest_framework import exceptions as rest_exceptions
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from project.common.utils import get_error_message
class ApiErrorsMixin:
Mixin that transforms Django and Python exceptions into rest_framework ones.
Without the mixin, they return 500 status code which is not desired.
expected_exceptions = {
ValueError: rest_exceptions.ValidationError,
ValidationError: rest_exceptions.ValidationError,
PermissionError: rest_exceptions.PermissionDenied
def handle_exception(self, exc):
if isinstance(exc, tuple(self.expected_exceptions.keys())):
drf_exception_class = self.expected_exceptions[exc.__class__]
drf_exception = drf_exception_class(get_error_message(exc))
return super().handle_exception(drf_exception)
return super().handle_exception(exc)
Having this mixin in mind, our API can be written like that:
class CourseCreateApi(
class InputSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
def post(self, request):
serializer = self.InputSerializer(data=request.data)
return Response(status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
All of the code above can be found in [here](https://github.com/HackSoftware/Styleguide-Example/blob/master/styleguide_example/api/mixins.py#L70), in the [Styleguide-Example](https://github.com/HackSoftware/Styleguide-Example) repo.
### Error formatting
The next step is to generalize the format of the errors we get from our APIs. This will ease the process of displaying errors to the end-user, via JavaScript.
If we have a standard serializer and there is an error with one of the fields, the message we get by default looks like this:
"url": [
"This field is required."
If we have a validation error with just a message - `raise ValidationError('Something is wrong.')` - it will look like this:
"some error"
"Some message"
Another error format may look like this:
This looks strange, because if we do it like this:
from rest_framework import exceptions
def some_service():
raise exceptions.ValidationError({"error": "Some message"})
The response payload is going to look like this:
"detail": "Method \"GET\" not allowed."
"error": "Some message"
**Those are 3 different ways of formatting for our errors.** What we want to have is a single format, for all errors.
That's basically what we passed as the `detail` of the `ValidationError`. But it's a different data structure from the initial array.
Luckily, DRF provides a way for us to give our own custom exception handler, where we can implement the desired formatting: <https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/exceptions/#custom-exception-handling>
In our projects, we format the errors like that:
Now, if we decide to raise another of the DRF's built-in exceptions:
from rest_framework import exceptions
def some_service():
raise exceptions.NotFound()
The response payload is going to look like this:
"errors": [
"message": "Error message",
"code": "Some code",
"field": "field_name"
"message": "Error message",
"code": "Some code",
"field": "nested.field_name"
"detail": "Not found."
If we raise a `ValidationError`, then the field is optional.
That's entirely different from what we saw as behavior from the `ValidationError` and this might cause problems.
In order to achieve that, we implement a custom exception handler:
So far, the default behavior can get us:
- An array.
- A dictionarry.
- A specific `{"detail": "something"}` result.
#### Django's `ValidationError`
Now, DRF's default exception handling is not playing nice with Django's `ValidationError`.
This piece of code:
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError
def some_service():
raise DjangoValidationError("Some error message")
Will result in an unhandled exception, causing `500 Server Error`.
This will also happen if this `ValidationError` comes from model validation, for example:
def some_service():
user = BaseUser()
user.full_clean() # Throws ValidationError
This will also result in `500 Server Error`.
If we want to start handling this, as if it was `rest_framework.exceptions.ValidationError`, we need to roll-out our own [custom exception handler](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/exceptions/#custom-exception-handling):
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError
from rest_framework.views import exception_handler
from rest_framework.serializers import as_serializer_error
from rest_framework import exceptions
def exception_errors_format_handler(exc, context):
response = exception_handler(exc, context)
def custom_exception_handler(exc, ctx):
if isinstance(exc, DjangoValidationError):
exc = exceptions.ValidationError(as_serializer_error(exc))
# If an unexpected error occurs (server error, etc.)
response = exception_handler(exc, ctx)
# If unexpected error occurs (server error, etc.)
if response is None:
return response
formatter = ErrorsFormatter(exc)
response.data = formatter()
return response
which needs to be added to the `REST_FRAMEWORK` project settings:
This is basically the default implementation, with the addition of this piece of code:
'EXCEPTION_HANDLER': 'project.app.handlers.exception_errors_format_handler',
if isinstance(exc, DjangoValidationError):
exc = exceptions.ValidationError(as_serializer_error(exc))
Now, since we need to map between `django.core.exceptions.ValidationError` and `rest_framework.exceptions.ValidationError`, we are using DRF's `as_serializer_error`, which is used internally in the serializers, just for that.
With that, we can now have Django's `ValidationError` playing nice with DRF's exception handler.
### Describe how your API errors are going to look like.
This is very important and should be done as early as possible in any given project.
This is basically agreening upon what the interface of your API errors - how an error is going to look like?
This is very project specific, you can use some of the popular APIs for inspiration:
- Stripe - <https://stripe.com/docs/api/errors>
As an example, we might decide that our errors are going to look like this:
1. `4**` and `5**` status codes for different types of errors.
1. Each error will be a dictionarry with a single `message` key, containing the error message.
"message": "Some error message here"
**The magic happens in the `ErrorsFormatter` class.**
That's simple enough:
The implementation of that class can be found [here](https://github.com/HackSoftware/Styleguide-Example/blob/master/styleguide_example/api/errors.py), in the [Styleguide-Example](https://github.com/HackSoftware/Styleguide-Example) repo.
- `400` will be used for validation errors.
- `401` for auth errors.
- `403` for permission errors.
- `404` for not found errors.
- `429` for throttling errors.
- `500` for server errors (we need to be careful not to silence an exception causing 500 and always report that in services like Sentry)
Combining `ApiErrorsMixin`, the custom exception handler & the errors formatter class, we can have predictable behavior in our APIs, when it comes to errors.
Again, this is up to you & it's specific to the project. **We'll propose something similiar for one of the specific approaches.**
**A note:**
### Know how to change the default exception handling behavior.
> We've moved away from this particular way of formatting errors & we'll be updating the styleguide with a more generic approach.
This is also important, because when you decide how your errors are going to look like, you need to implement this as custom exception handling.
We've already provided an example for that in the paragraph above, talking about Django's `ValidationError`.
We'll also provide additional examples in the sections below.
### Approach 1 - Use DRF's default exceptions, with very little modifications.
DRF's error handling is good. It'd be great, if the end result was always consistent. Those are the little modifications that we are going to do.
We want to end up with errors, always looking like that:
"detail": "Some error"
"detail": ["Some error", "Another error"]
"detail": { "key": "... some arbitrary nested structure ..." }
Basically, make sure we always have a dictionary with a `detail` key.
Additonally, we want to handle Django's `ValidationError` as well.
In order to achieve that, this is how our custom exception handler is going to look like:
def drf_default_with_modifications_exception_handler(exc, ctx):
if isinstance(exc, DjangoValidationError):
exc = exceptions.ValidationError(as_serializer_error(exc))
response = exception_handler(exc, ctx)
# If unexpected error occurs (server error, etc.)
if response is None:
return response
if isinstance(exc.detail, (list, dict)):
response.data = {
"detail": response.data
return response
Now, lets run a set of tests:
def some_service():
raise DjangoValidationError("Some error message")
"detail": {
"non_field_errors": [
"Some error message"
def some_service():
raise RestValidationError("Some error message")
"detail": [
"Some error message"
def some_service():
raise RestValidationError(detail={"error": "Some error message"})
"detail": {
"error": "Some error message"
class NestedSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
bar = serializers.CharField()
class PlainSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
foo = serializers.CharField()
email = serializers.EmailField(min_length=200)
nested = NestedSerializer()
def some_service():
serializer = PlainSerializer(data={
"email": "foo",
"nested": {}
"detail": {
"foo": [
"This field is required."
"email": [
"Ensure this field has at least 200 characters.",
"Enter a valid email address."
"nested": {
"bar": [
"This field is required."
from rest_framework import exceptions
def some_service():
raise exceptions.Throttled()
"detail": "Request was throttled."
def some_service():
user = BaseUser()
"detail": {
"password": [
"This field cannot be blank."
"email": [
"This field cannot be blank."
## Testing
Reference in New Issue
Block a user