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2017-04-26 15:47:02 +03:00
Schema Migrations
Over time, the ORM models in your application may change. Migrations provide a way to modify the database tables according to the changes in your models, without writing raw SQL.
The migrations that were applied to the database are recorded in the `infi_clickhouse_orm_migrations` table, so migrating the database will only apply any missing migrations.
Writing Migrations
2017-05-11 05:30:17 +03:00
To write migrations, create a Python package. Then create a python file for the initial migration. The migration files must begin with a four-digit number, and will be applied in sequence. For example:
2017-04-26 15:47:02 +03:00
+-- analytics_migrations
2017-05-11 05:30:17 +03:00
Each migration file is expected to contain a list of `operations`, for example:
2017-04-26 15:47:02 +03:00
from infi.clickhouse_orm import migrations
from analytics import models
operations = [
The following operations are supported:
2017-10-30 16:15:12 +03:00
2017-04-26 15:47:02 +03:00
A migration operation that creates a table for a given model class. If the table already exists, the operation does nothing.
In case the model class is a `BufferModel`, the operation first creates the underlying on-disk table, and then creates the buffer table.
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2017-10-30 16:15:12 +03:00
2017-04-26 15:47:02 +03:00
A migration operation that drops the table of a given model class. If the table does not exist, the operation does nothing.
2017-04-26 15:47:02 +03:00
2017-10-30 16:15:12 +03:00
2017-04-26 15:47:02 +03:00
A migration operation that compares the table of a given model class to the models fields, and alters the table to match the model. The operation can:
- add new columns
- drop obsolete columns
- modify column types
Default values are not altered by this operation.
2017-10-30 16:15:12 +03:00
A compound migration operation for altering a buffer table and its underlying on-disk table. The buffer table is dropped, the on-disk table is altered, and then the buffer table is re-created. This is the procedure recommended in the ClickHouse documentation for handling scenarios in which the underlying table needs to be modified.
Applying this migration operation to a regular table has the same effect as an `AlterTable` operation.
2017-10-30 16:15:12 +03:00
A migration operation that runs a Python function. The function receives the `Database` instance to operate on.
def forward(database):
2017-10-30 16:15:12 +03:00
operations = [
2017-10-30 16:15:12 +03:00
2017-10-30 16:15:12 +03:00
A migration operation that runs raw SQL queries. It expects a string containing an SQL query, or an array of SQL-query strings.
2017-10-30 16:15:12 +03:00
operations = [
RunSQL('INSERT INTO `test_table` (field) VALUES (1)'),
'INSERT INTO `test_table` (field) VALUES (2)',
'INSERT INTO `test_table` (field) VALUES (3)'
2017-04-26 15:47:02 +03:00
Running Migrations
2017-05-11 05:30:17 +03:00
To migrate a database, create a `Database` instance and call its `migrate` method with the package name containing your migrations:
2017-04-26 15:47:02 +03:00
2017-04-28 13:44:45 +03:00
Note that you may have more than one migrations package.
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