Note that `default`, `alias` and `materialized` are mutually exclusive - you cannot use more than one of them in a single field.
## default
Specifies a default value to use for the field. If not given, the field will have a default value based on its type: empty string for string fields, zero for numeric fields, etc.
The default value can be a Python value suitable for the field type, or an expression. For example:
When creating a model instance, any fields you do not specify get their default value. Fields that use a default expression are assigned a sentinel value of `infi.clickhouse_orm.utils.NO_VALUE` instead. For example:
:warning: Due to a bug in ClickHouse versions prior to, insertion of records with expressions for default values may fail.
## alias / materialized
The `alias` and `materialized` attributes expect an expression that gets calculated by the database. The difference is that `alias` fields are calculated on the fly, while `materialized` fields are calculated when the record is inserted, and are stored on disk.
You can use any expression, and can refer to other model fields. For example:
Both field types can't be inserted into the database directly, so they are ignored when using the `Database.insert()` method. ClickHouse does not return the field values if you use `"SELECT * FROM ..."` - you have to list these field names explicitly in the query.
When creating a model instance, any alias or materialized fields are assigned a sentinel value of `infi.clickhouse_orm.utils.NO_VALUE` since their real values can only be known after insertion to the database.
This attribute specifies the compression algorithm to use for the field (instead of the default data compression algorithm defined in server settings).
| LZ4HC(`level`) | Possible `level` range: [3, 12]. | Default value: 9. Greater values stands for better compression and higher CPU usage. Recommended value range: [4,9].
| ZSTD(`level`) | Possible `level`range: [1, 22]. | Default value: 1. Greater values stands for better compression and higher CPU usage. Levels >= 20, should be used with caution, as they require more memory.
| Delta(`delta_bytes`) | Possible `delta_bytes` range: 1, 2, 4 , 8. | Default value for `delta_bytes` is `sizeof(type)` if it is equal to 1, 2,4 or 8 and equals to 1 otherwise.
Codecs can be combined by separating their names with commas. The default database codec is not included into pipeline (if it should be applied to a field, you have to specify it explicitly in pipeline).
Recommended usage for codecs:
- When values for particular metric do not differ significantly from point to point, delta-encoding allows to reduce disk space usage significantly.
- DateTime works great with pipeline of Delta, ZSTD and the column size can be compressed to 2-3% of its original size (given a smooth datetime data)
- Numeric types usually enjoy best compression rates with ZSTD
- String types enjoy good compression rates with LZ4HC