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synced 2025-02-15 08:10:32 +03:00
Support for model constraints
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
Change Log
- Support for model constraints
- Remove unnecessary import of `six`
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Unrecognized field names will cause an `AttributeError`.
#### Model.create_table_sql(db)
Returns the SQL command for creating a table for this model.
Returns the SQL statement for creating a table for this model.
#### Model.drop_table_sql(db)
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ Unrecognized field names will cause an `AttributeError`.
#### BufferModel.create_table_sql(db)
Returns the SQL command for creating a table for this model.
Returns the SQL statement for creating a table for this model.
#### BufferModel.drop_table_sql(db)
@ -422,12 +422,147 @@ Returns the instance's column values as a tab-separated line. A newline is not i
- `include_readonly`: if false, returns only fields that can be inserted into database.
### MergeModel
Extends Model
Model for Merge engine
Predefines virtual _table column an controls that rows can't be inserted to this table type
#### MergeModel(**kwargs)
Creates a model instance, using keyword arguments as field values.
Since values are immediately converted to their Pythonic type,
invalid values will cause a `ValueError` to be raised.
Unrecognized field names will cause an `AttributeError`.
#### MergeModel.create_table_sql(db)
Returns the SQL statement for creating a table for this model.
#### MergeModel.drop_table_sql(db)
Returns the SQL command for deleting this model's table.
#### MergeModel.fields(writable=False)
Returns an `OrderedDict` of the model's fields (from name to `Field` instance).
If `writable` is true, only writable fields are included.
Callers should not modify the dictionary.
#### MergeModel.from_tsv(line, field_names, timezone_in_use=UTC, database=None)
Create a model instance from a tab-separated line. The line may or may not include a newline.
The `field_names` list must match the fields defined in the model, but does not have to include all of them.
- `line`: the TSV-formatted data.
- `field_names`: names of the model fields in the data.
- `timezone_in_use`: the timezone to use when parsing dates and datetimes.
- `database`: if given, sets the database that this instance belongs to.
#### get_database()
Gets the `Database` that this model instance belongs to.
Returns `None` unless the instance was read from the database or written to it.
#### get_field(name)
Gets a `Field` instance given its name, or `None` if not found.
#### MergeModel.has_funcs_as_defaults()
Return True if some of the model's fields use a function expression
as a default value. This requires special handling when inserting instances.
#### MergeModel.is_read_only()
Returns true if the model is marked as read only.
#### MergeModel.is_system_model()
Returns true if the model represents a system table.
#### MergeModel.objects_in(database)
Returns a `QuerySet` for selecting instances of this model class.
#### set_database(db)
Sets the `Database` that this model instance belongs to.
This is done automatically when the instance is read from the database or written to it.
#### MergeModel.table_name()
Returns the model's database table name. By default this is the
class name converted to lowercase. Override this if you want to use
a different table name.
#### to_db_string()
Returns the instance as a bytestring ready to be inserted into the database.
#### to_dict(include_readonly=True, field_names=None)
Returns the instance's column values as a dict.
- `include_readonly`: if false, returns only fields that can be inserted into database.
- `field_names`: an iterable of field names to return (optional)
#### to_tskv(include_readonly=True)
Returns the instance's column keys and values as a tab-separated line. A newline is not included.
Fields that were not assigned a value are omitted.
- `include_readonly`: if false, returns only fields that can be inserted into database.
#### to_tsv(include_readonly=True)
Returns the instance's column values as a tab-separated line. A newline is not included.
- `include_readonly`: if false, returns only fields that can be inserted into database.
### DistributedModel
Extends Model
Model for Distributed engine
Model class for use with a `Distributed` engine.
#### DistributedModel(**kwargs)
@ -441,6 +576,9 @@ Unrecognized field names will cause an `AttributeError`.
#### DistributedModel.create_table_sql(db)
Returns the SQL statement for creating a table for this model.
#### DistributedModel.drop_table_sql(db)
@ -541,6 +679,10 @@ Returns a `QuerySet` for selecting instances of this model class.
#### set_database(db)
Sets the `Database` that this model instance belongs to.
This is done automatically when the instance is read from the database or written to it.
#### DistributedModel.table_name()
@ -581,6 +723,26 @@ Returns the instance's column values as a tab-separated line. A newline is not i
- `include_readonly`: if false, returns only fields that can be inserted into database.
### Constraint
Defines a model constraint.
#### Constraint(expr)
Initializer. Requires an expression that ClickHouse will verify when inserting data.
#### create_table_sql()
Returns the SQL statement for defining this constraint on table creation.
#### str()
@ -75,6 +75,25 @@ The table name used for the model is its class name, converted to lowercase. To
def table_name(cls):
return 'people'
### Model Constraints
It is possible to define constraints which ClickHouse verifies when data is inserted. Trying to insert invalid records will raise a `ServerError`. Each constraint has a name and an expression to validate. For example:
from infi.clickhouse_orm import Model, Constraint, F, StringField, DateField, Float32Field, MergeTree
class Person(Model):
first_name = StringField()
last_name = StringField()
birthday = DateField()
height = Float32Field()
# Ensure that the birthday is not a future date
birthday_is_in_the_past = Constraint(birthday <= F.today())
engine = MergeTree('birthday', ('first_name', 'last_name', 'birthday'))
Using Models
@ -33,19 +33,19 @@ Each migration file is expected to contain a list of `operations`, for example:
The following operations are supported:
### CreateTable
A migration operation that creates a table for a given model class. If the table already exists, the operation does nothing.
In case the model class is a `BufferModel`, the operation first creates the underlying on-disk table, and then creates the buffer table.
### DropTable
A migration operation that drops the table of a given model class. If the table does not exist, the operation does nothing.
### AlterTable
A migration operation that compares the table of a given model class to the model’s fields, and alters the table to match the model. The operation can:
@ -56,14 +56,19 @@ A migration operation that compares the table of a given model class to the mode
Default values are not altered by this operation.
### AlterTableWithBuffer
A compound migration operation for altering a buffer table and its underlying on-disk table. The buffer table is dropped, the on-disk table is altered, and then the buffer table is re-created. This is the procedure recommended in the ClickHouse documentation for handling scenarios in which the underlying table needs to be modified.
Applying this migration operation to a regular table has the same effect as an `AlterTable` operation.
### AlterConstraints
A migration operation that adds new constraints from the model to the database table, and drops obsolete ones. Constraints are identified by their names, so a change in an existing constraint will not be detected unless its name was changed too. ClickHouse does not check that the constraints hold for existing data in the table.
### RunPython
A migration operation that runs a Python function. The function receives the `Database` instance to operate on.
@ -77,9 +82,9 @@ A migration operation that runs a Python function. The function receives the `Da
### RunSQL
A migration operation that runs raw SQL queries. It expects a string containing an SQL query, or an array of SQL-query strings.
A migration operation that runs raw SQL statements. It expects a string containing an SQL statements, or a list of statements.
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
* [Materialized fields](models_and_databases.md#materialized-fields)
* [Alias fields](models_and_databases.md#alias-fields)
* [Table Names](models_and_databases.md#table-names)
* [Model Constraints](models_and_databases.md#model-constraints)
* [Using Models](models_and_databases.md#using-models)
* [Inserting to the Database](models_and_databases.md#inserting-to-the-database)
* [Reading from the Database](models_and_databases.md#reading-from-the-database)
@ -58,6 +59,13 @@
* [Schema Migrations](schema_migrations.md#schema-migrations)
* [Writing Migrations](schema_migrations.md#writing-migrations)
* [CreateTable](schema_migrations.md#createtable)
* [DropTable](schema_migrations.md#droptable)
* [AlterTable](schema_migrations.md#altertable)
* [AlterTableWithBuffer](schema_migrations.md#altertablewithbuffer)
* [AlterConstraints](schema_migrations.md#alterconstraints)
* [RunPython](schema_migrations.md#runpython)
* [RunSQL](schema_migrations.md#runsql)
* [Running Migrations](schema_migrations.md#running-migrations)
* [System Models](system_models.md#system-models)
@ -74,7 +82,9 @@
* [infi.clickhouse_orm.models](class_reference.md#inficlickhouse_ormmodels)
* [Model](class_reference.md#model)
* [BufferModel](class_reference.md#buffermodel)
* [MergeModel](class_reference.md#mergemodel)
* [DistributedModel](class_reference.md#distributedmodel)
* [Constraint](class_reference.md#constraint)
* [infi.clickhouse_orm.fields](class_reference.md#inficlickhouse_ormfields)
* [ArrayField](class_reference.md#arrayfield)
* [BaseEnumField](class_reference.md#baseenumfield)
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
module_doc([database.Database, database.DatabaseException])
module_doc([models.Model, models.BufferModel, models.DistributedModel])
module_doc([models.Model, models.BufferModel, models.MergeModel, models.DistributedModel, models.Constraint])
module_doc(sorted([fields.Field] + all_subclasses(fields.Field), key=lambda x: x.__name__), False)
module_doc([engines.Engine] + all_subclasses(engines.Engine), False)
module_doc([query.QuerySet, query.AggregateQuerySet, query.Q])
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('migrations')
class Operation(object):
class Operation():
Base class for migration operations.
@ -16,14 +16,31 @@ class Operation(object):
raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
class CreateTable(Operation):
class ModelOperation(Operation):
A migration operation that creates a table for a given model class.
Base class for migration operations that work on a specific model.
def __init__(self, model_class):
self.model_class = model_class
def _alter_table(self, database, cmd):
Utility for running ALTER TABLE commands.
cmd = "ALTER TABLE $db.`%s` %s" % (self.model_class.table_name(), cmd)
class CreateTable(ModelOperation):
A migration operation that creates a table for a given model class.
def apply(self, database):
logger.info(' Create table %s', self.model_class.table_name())
if issubclass(self.model_class, BufferModel):
@ -31,7 +48,7 @@ class CreateTable(Operation):
class AlterTable(Operation):
class AlterTable(ModelOperation):
A migration operation that compares the table of a given model class to
the model's fields, and alters the table to match the model. The operation can:
@ -41,18 +58,10 @@ class AlterTable(Operation):
Default values are not altered by this operation.
def __init__(self, model_class):
self.model_class = model_class
def _get_table_fields(self, database):
query = "DESC `%s`.`%s`" % (database.db_name, self.model_class.table_name())
return [(row.name, row.type) for row in database.select(query)]
def _alter_table(self, database, cmd):
cmd = "ALTER TABLE `%s`.`%s` %s" % (database.db_name, self.model_class.table_name(), cmd)
def apply(self, database):
logger.info(' Alter table %s', self.model_class.table_name())
@ -100,16 +109,13 @@ class AlterTable(Operation):
self._alter_table(database, 'MODIFY COLUMN %s %s' % (field_name, model_fields[field_name]))
class AlterTableWithBuffer(Operation):
class AlterTableWithBuffer(ModelOperation):
A migration operation for altering a buffer table and its underlying on-disk table.
The buffer table is dropped, the on-disk table is altered, and then the buffer table
is re-created.
def __init__(self, model_class):
self.model_class = model_class
def apply(self, database):
if issubclass(self.model_class, BufferModel):
@ -119,25 +125,60 @@ class AlterTableWithBuffer(Operation):
class DropTable(Operation):
class DropTable(ModelOperation):
A migration operation that drops the table of a given model class.
def __init__(self, model_class):
self.model_class = model_class
def apply(self, database):
logger.info(' Drop table %s', self.model_class.table_name())
class AlterConstraints(ModelOperation):
A migration operation that adds new constraints from the model to the database
table, and drops obsolete ones. Constraints are identified by their names, so
a change in an existing constraint will not be detected unless its name was changed too.
ClickHouse does not check that the constraints hold for existing data in the table.
def apply(self, database):
logger.info(' Alter constraints for %s', self.model_class.table_name())
existing = self._get_constraint_names(database)
# Go over constraints in the model
for constraint in self.model_class._constraints.values():
# Check if it's a new constraint
if constraint.name not in existing:
logger.info(' Add constraint %s', constraint.name)
self._alter_table(database, 'ADD %s' % constraint.create_table_sql())
# Remaining constraints in `existing` are obsolete
for name in existing:
logger.info(' Drop constraint %s', name)
self._alter_table(database, 'DROP CONSTRAINT `%s`' % name)
def _get_constraint_names(self, database):
Returns a set containing the names of existing constraints in the table.
import re
create_table_sql = database.raw('SHOW CREATE TABLE $db.`%s`' % self.model_class.table_name())
matches = re.findall(r'\sCONSTRAINT\s+`?(.+?)`?\s+CHECK\s', create_table_sql, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
return set(matches)
class RunPython(Operation):
A migration operation that executes given python function on database
A migration operation that executes a Python function.
def __init__(self, func):
assert callable(func), "'func' parameter must be function"
Initializer. The given Python function will be called with a single
argument - the Database instance to apply the migration to.
assert callable(func), "'func' argument must be function"
self._func = func
def apply(self, database):
@ -147,14 +188,17 @@ class RunPython(Operation):
class RunSQL(Operation):
A migration operation that executes given SQL on database
A migration operation that executes arbitrary SQL statements.
def __init__(self, sql):
Initializer. The given sql argument must be a valid SQL statement or
list of statements.
if isinstance(sql, str):
sql = [sql]
assert isinstance(sql, list), "'sql' parameter must be string or list of strings"
assert isinstance(sql, list), "'sql' argument must be string or list of strings"
self._sql = sql
def apply(self, database):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user