# These are comments. Spaces around the = are optional. Empty lines ignored.
#CODE=Human readable description
FILE_MIGRATE_X=The file to be accessed is currently stored in DC {}
PHONE_MIGRATE_X=The phone number a user is trying to use for authorization is associated with DC {}
NETWORK_MIGRATE_X=The source IP address is associated with DC {}
USER_MIGRATE_X=The user whose identity is being used to execute queries is associated with DC {}
API_ID_INVALID=The api_id/api_hash combination is invalid
BOT_METHOD_INVALID=The API access for bot users is restricted. The method you tried to invoke cannot be executed as a bot
CDN_METHOD_INVALID=This method cannot be invoked on a CDN server. Refer to https://core.telegram.org/cdn#schema for available methods
CHANNEL_INVALID=Invalid channel object. Make sure to pass the right types, for instance making sure that the request is designed for channels or otherwise look for a different one more suited
CHANNEL_PRIVATE=The channel specified is private and you lack permission to access it. Another reason may be that you were banned from it
CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED=Chat admin privileges are required to do that in the specified chat (for example, to send a message in a channel which is not yours)
CHAT_ID_INVALID=Invalid object ID for a chat. Make sure to pass the right types, for instance making sure that the request is designed for chats (not channels/megagroups) or otherwise look for a different one more suited\nAn example working with a megagroup and AddChatUserRequest, it will fail because megagroups are channels. Use InviteToChannelRequest instead
CONNECTION_LANG_PACK_INVALID=The specified language pack is not valid. This is meant to be used by official applications only so far, leave it empty
CONNECTION_LAYER_INVALID=The very first request must always be InvokeWithLayerRequest
DC_ID_INVALID=This occurs when an authorization is tried to be exported for the same data center one is currently connected to
FIELD_NAME_EMPTY=The field with the name FIELD_NAME is missing
FIELD_NAME_INVALID=The field with the name FIELD_NAME is invalid
FILE_PARTS_INVALID=The number of file parts is invalid
FILE_PART_X_MISSING=Part {} of the file is missing from storage
FILE_PART_INVALID=The file part number is invalid
FIRSTNAME_INVALID=The first name is invalid
INPUT_METHOD_INVALID=The invoked method does not exist anymore or has never existed
INPUT_REQUEST_TOO_LONG=The input request was too long. This may be a bug in the library as it can occur when serializing more bytes than it should (like appending the vector constructor code at the end of a message)
USERNAME_NOT_MODIFIED=The username is not different from the current username
USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIED=The username is not in use by anyone else yet
USERNAME_OCCUPIED=The username is already taken
USERS_TOO_FEW=Not enough users (to create a chat, for example)
USERS_TOO_MUCH=The maximum number of users has been exceeded (to create a chat, for example)
USER_ID_INVALID=Invalid object ID for an user. Make sure to pass the right types, for instance making sure that the request is designed for users or otherwise look for a different one more suited
ACTIVE_USER_REQUIRED=The method is only available to already activated users
AUTH_KEY_INVALID=The key is invalid
AUTH_KEY_PERM_EMPTY=The method is unavailable for temporary authorization key, not bound to permanent
AUTH_KEY_UNREGISTERED=The key is not registered in the system
INVITE_HASH_EXPIRED=The chat the user tried to join has expired and is not valid anymore
SESSION_EXPIRED=The authorization has expired
SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED=Two-steps verification is enabled and a password is required
SESSION_REVOKED=The authorization has been invalidated, because of the user terminating all sessions
USER_ALREADY_PARTICIPANT=The authenticated user is already a participant of the chat
USER_DEACTIVATED=The user has been deleted/deactivated