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import os
import re
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
import shutil
2016-08-28 14:43:00 +03:00
from parser import SourceBuilder, TLParser
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
def tlobjects_exist():
"""Determines whether the TLObjects were previously generated (hence exist) or not"""
return os.path.isfile('tl/')
def clean_tlobjects():
"""Cleans the automatically generated TLObjects from disk"""
if os.path.isdir('tl/functions'):
if os.path.isdir('tl/types'):
if os.path.isfile('tl/'):
def generate_tlobjects(scheme_file):
"""Generates all the TLObjects from to tl/functions and tl/types"""
# First ensure that the required parent directories exist
os.makedirs('tl/functions', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('tl/types', exist_ok=True)
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
# Store the parsed file in a tuple for iterating it more than once
tlobjects = tuple(TLParser.parse_file(scheme_file))
for tlobject in tlobjects:
# Determine the output directory and create it
out_dir = os.path.join('tl',
'functions' if tlobject.is_function
else 'types')
if tlobject.namespace:
out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, tlobject.namespace)
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
2016-09-04 13:42:11 +03:00
# Also add this object to, so we can import the whole packet at once
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
init_py = os.path.join(out_dir, '')
2016-09-04 13:42:11 +03:00
with open(init_py, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file:
with SourceBuilder(file) as builder:
builder.writeln('from {} import {}'.format(
get_full_file_name(tlobject), get_class_name(tlobject)))
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
# Create the file for this TLObject
filename = os.path.join(out_dir, get_file_name(tlobject, add_extension=True))
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
# Let's build the source code!
with SourceBuilder(file) as builder:
# Both types and functions inherit from MTProtoRequest so they all can be sent
2016-08-28 14:43:00 +03:00
builder.writeln('from tl.mtproto_request import MTProtoRequest')
builder.writeln('class {}(MTProtoRequest):'.format(get_class_name(tlobject)))
# Write the original .tl definition, along with a "generated automatically" message
builder.writeln('"""Class generated by TLObjects\' generator. '
'All changes will be ERASED. Original .tl definition below.')
# First sort the arguments so that those not being a flag come first
args = sorted([arg for arg in tlobject.args if not arg.flag_indicator],
key=lambda x: x.is_flag)
# Then convert the args to string parameters, the flags having =None
args = [( if not arg.is_flag
else '{}=None'.format( for arg in args
if not arg.flag_indicator and not arg.generic_definition]
# Write the __init__ function
if args:
builder.writeln('def __init__(self, {}):'.format(', '.join(args)))
builder.writeln('def __init__(self):')
# Now update args to have the TLObject arguments, _except_
# those which are generated automatically: flag indicator and generic definitions.
# We don't need the generic definitions in Python because arguments can be any type
args = [arg for arg in tlobject.args
if not arg.flag_indicator and not arg.generic_definition]
if args:
# Write the docstring, so we know the type of the arguments
for arg in args:
if not arg.flag_indicator:
builder.write(':param {}: Telegram type: «{}».'.format(, arg.type))
if arg.is_vector:
builder.write(' Must be a list.'.format(
if arg.is_generic:
builder.write(' This should be another MTProtoRequest.')
# Functions have a result object and are confirmed by default
if tlobject.is_function:
builder.writeln('self.result = None')
builder.writeln('self.confirmed = True # Confirmed by default')
# Create an attribute that stores the TLObject's constructor ID
builder.writeln('self.constructor_id = {}'.format(hex(
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
# Set the arguments
if args:
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
# Leave an empty line if there are any args
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
for arg in args:
builder.writeln('self.{0} = {0}'.format(
# Write the on_send(self, writer) function
builder.writeln('def on_send(self, writer):')
builder.writeln('writer.write_int(self.constructor_id, signed=False)'
for arg in tlobject.args:
write_onsend_code(builder, arg, tlobject.args)
# Write the on_response(self, reader) function
builder.writeln('def on_response(self, reader):')
# Do not read constructor's ID, since that's already been read somewhere else
if tlobject.is_function:
builder.writeln('self.result = reader.tgread_object()')
if tlobject.args:
for arg in tlobject.args:
write_onresponse_code(builder, arg, tlobject.args)
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
# If there were no arguments, we still need an on_response method, and hence "pass" if empty
# Write the __repr__(self) and __str__(self) functions
builder.writeln('def __repr__(self):')
builder.writeln("return '{}'".format(repr(tlobject)))
builder.writeln('def __str__(self):')
builder.writeln("return {}".format(str(tlobject)))
# builder.end_block() # There is no need to end the last block
# Once all the objects have been generated, we can now group them in a single file
filename = os.path.join('tl', '')
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
with SourceBuilder(file) as builder:
builder.writeln('"""File generated by TLObjects\' generator. All changes will be ERASED"""')
# First add imports
for tlobject in tlobjects:
builder.writeln('import {}'.format(get_full_file_name(tlobject)))
# Then create the dictionary containing constructor_id: class
builder.writeln('tlobjects = {')
builder.current_indent += 1
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
# Fill the dictionary (0x1a2b3c4f: tl.full.type.path.Class)
for tlobject in tlobjects:
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
builder.writeln('{}: {}.{},'
.format(hex(, get_full_file_name(tlobject), get_class_name(tlobject)))
builder.current_indent -= 1
def get_class_name(tlobject):
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
"""Gets the class name following the Python style guidelines, in ThisClassFormat"""
# Courtesy of
# Also, '_' could be replaced for ' ', then use .title(), and then remove ' '
result = re.sub(r'_([a-z])', lambda m:,
2016-09-04 13:42:11 +03:00
result = result[:1].upper() + result[1:].replace('_', '') # Replace again to fully ensure!
# If it's a function, let it end with "Request" to identify them more easily
if tlobject.is_function:
result += 'Request'
return result
def get_full_file_name(tlobject):
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
"""Gets the full file name for the given TLObject (tl.type.full.path)"""
fullname = get_file_name(tlobject, add_extension=False)
if tlobject.namespace:
fullname = '{}.{}'.format(tlobject.namespace, fullname)
if tlobject.is_function:
return 'tl.functions.{}'.format(fullname)
return 'tl.types.{}'.format(fullname)
def get_file_name(tlobject, add_extension):
2016-08-28 11:38:46 +03:00
"""Gets the file name in for the given TLObject"""
# Courtesy of
s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2',
result = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower()
if add_extension:
return result + '.py'
return result
def write_onsend_code(builder, arg, args, name=None):
Writes the write code for the given argument
:param builder: The source code builder
:param arg: The argument to write
:param args: All the other arguments in TLObject same on_send. This is required to determine the flags value
:param name: The name of the argument. Defaults to «self.argname»
This argument is an option because it's required when writing Vectors<>
if arg.generic_definition:
return # Do nothing, this only specifies a later type
if name is None:
name = 'self.{}'.format(
# The argument may be a flag, only write if it's not None AND if it's not a True type
# True types are not actually sent, but instead only used to determine the flags
if arg.is_flag:
if arg.type == 'true':
return # Exit, since True type is never written
builder.writeln('if {}:'.format(name))
if arg.is_vector:
builder.writeln("writer.write_int(0x1cb5c415, signed=False) # Vector's constructor ID")
builder.writeln('for {}_item in {}:'.format(, name))
# Temporary disable .is_vector, not to enter this if again
arg.is_vector = False
write_onsend_code(builder, arg, args, name='{}_item'.format(
arg.is_vector = True
elif arg.flag_indicator:
# Calculate the flags with those items which are not None
builder.writeln('# Calculate the flags. This equals to those flag arguments which are NOT None')
builder.writeln('flags = 0')
for flag in args:
if flag.is_flag:
builder.writeln('flags |= (1 << {}) if {} else 0'
.format(flag.flag_index, 'self.{}'.format(
elif 'int' == arg.type:
elif 'long' == arg.type:
elif 'int128' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('writer.write_large_int({}, bits=128)'.format(name))
elif 'int256' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('writer.write_large_int({}, bits=256)'.format(name))
elif 'double' == arg.type:
elif 'string' == arg.type:
elif 'Bool' == arg.type:
elif 'true' == arg.type: # Awkwardly enough, Telegram has both bool and "true", used in flags
pass # These are actually NOT written! Only used for flags
elif 'bytes' == arg.type:
# Else it may be a custom type
# End vector and flag blocks if required (if we opened them before)
if arg.is_vector:
if arg.is_flag:
def write_onresponse_code(builder, arg, args, name=None):
Writes the receive code for the given argument
:param builder: The source code builder
:param arg: The argument to write
:param args: All the other arguments in TLObject same on_send. This is required to determine the flags value
:param name: The name of the argument. Defaults to «self.argname»
This argument is an option because it's required when writing Vectors<>
if arg.generic_definition:
return # Do nothing, this only specifies a later type
if name is None:
name = 'self.{}'.format(
# The argument may be a flag, only write that flag was given!
was_flag = False
if arg.is_flag:
was_flag = True
builder.writeln('if (flags & (1 << {})) != 0:'.format(arg.flag_index))
# Temporary disable .is_flag not to enter this if again when calling the method recursively
arg.is_flag = False
if arg.is_vector:
builder.writeln("reader.read_int() # Vector's constructor ID")
builder.writeln('{} = [] # Initialize an empty list'.format(name))
2016-08-30 18:40:49 +03:00
builder.writeln('{}_len = reader.read_int()'.format(
builder.writeln('for _ in range({}_len):'.format(
# Temporary disable .is_vector, not to enter this if again
arg.is_vector = False
write_onresponse_code(builder, arg, args, name='{}_item'.format(
arg.is_vector = True
elif arg.flag_indicator:
# Read the flags, which will indicate what items we should read next
builder.writeln('flags = reader.read_int()')
elif 'int' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_int()'.format(name))
elif 'long' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_long()'.format(name))
elif 'int128' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_large_int(bits=128)'.format(name))
elif 'int256' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_large_int(bits=256)'.format(name))
elif 'double' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_double()'.format(name))
elif 'string' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_string()'.format(name))
elif 'Bool' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_bool()'.format(name))
elif 'true' == arg.type: # Awkwardly enough, Telegram has both bool and "true", used in flags
builder.writeln('{} = True # Arbitrary not-None value, no need to read since it is a flag'.format(name))
elif 'bytes' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_bytes()'.format(name))
# Else it may be a custom type
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_object()'.format(name))
# End vector and flag blocks if required (if we opened them before)
if arg.is_vector:
if was_flag:
# Restore .is_flag
arg.is_flag = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
if tlobjects_exist():
print('Detected previous TLObjects. Cleaning...')
print('Generating TLObjects...')