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Tidy examples and update licenses
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MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 LonamiWebs
Copyright (c) 2016-2019 LonamiWebs
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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CC0 1.0 Universal
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For more information, please see
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# Examples
This folder contains several single-file examples using [Telethon].
## Requisites
You should have the `telethon` library installed with `pip`.
Run `python3 -m pip install --upgrade telethon --user` if you don't
have it installed yet (this is the most portable way to install it).
Examples assume you have the following environment variables defined:
* `TG_API_ID`, this is your API ID from https://my.telegram.org.
* `TG_API_HASH`, this is your API hash from https://my.telegram.org.
* `TG_TOKEN`, this is your bot token from [@BotFather] for bot examples.
* `TG_SESSION`, this is the name of the `*.session` file to use.
You can ignore any of these, and the scripts will prompt you to enter them.
## Downloading Examples
You may download all and run any example with by typing in a terminal:
git clone https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon.git
cd Telethon
cd telethon_examples
python3 gui.py
You can also right-click the title of any example and use "Save Link As…" to
download only a particular example.
All examples are licensed under the [CC0 License], so you can use
them as the base for your own code without worrying about copyright.
## Available Examples
### [`print_updates.py`]
* Usable as a: **user and bot**.
* Difficulty: **easy**.
Trivial example that just prints all the updates Telegram originally
sends. Your terminal should support UTF-8, or Python may fail to print
some characters on screen.
### [`print_messages.py`]
* Usable as a: **user and bot**.
* Difficulty: **easy**.
This example uses the different `@client.on` syntax to register event
handlers, and uses the `pattern=` variable to filter only some messages.
There are a lot other things you can do, but you should refer to the
documentation of [`events.NewMessage`] since this is only a simple example.
### [`replier.py`]
* Usable as a: **user and bot**.
* Difficulty: **easy**.
This example showcases a third way to add event handlers (using decorators
but without the client; you should use the one you prefer) and will also
reply to some messages with different reactions, or to your commands.
It also shows how to enable `logging`, which you should always do, but was
not really needed for the previous two trivial examples.
### [`assistant.py`]
* Usable as a: **bot**.
* Difficulty: **medium**.
This example is the actual bot account [@TelethonianBot] running in the
[official Telethon's chat] to help people out. The file is a bit big and
assumes some [`asyncio`] knowledge, but otherwise is easy to follow.
### [`interactive_telegram_client.py`]
* Usable as a: **user and bot**.
* Difficulty: **medium**.
Interactive terminal client that you can use to list your dialogs,
send messages, delete them, and download media. The code is a bit
long which may make it harder to follow, and requires saving some
state in order for downloads to work later.
### [`gui.py`]
* Usable as a: **user and bot**.
* Difficulty: **high**.
This is a simple GUI written with [`tkinter`] which becomes more complicated
when there's a need to use [`asyncio`] (although it's only a bit of additional
setup). The code to deal with the interface and the commands the GUI supports
also complicate the code further and require knowledge and careful reading.
This example is the actual bot account [@TelethonianBot] running in the
[official Telethon's chat] to help people out. The file is a bit big and
assumes some [`asyncio`] knowledge, but otherwise is easy to follow.
![Screenshot of the tkinter GUI][tkinter GUI]
[Telethon]: https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon
[CC0 License]: https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/blob/master/telethon_examples/LICENSE
[@BotFather]: https://t.me/BotFather
[`assistant.py`]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/master/telethon_examples/assistant.py
[`gui.py`]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/master/telethon_examples/gui.py
[`interactive_telegram_client.py`]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/master/telethon_examples/interactive_telegram_client.py
[`print_messages.py`]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/master/telethon_examples/print_messages.py
[`print_updates.py`]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/master/telethon_examples/print_updates.py
[`replier.py`]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/master/telethon_examples/replier.py
[@TelethonianBot]: https://t.me/TelethonianBot
[official Telethon's chat]: https://t.me/TelethonChat
[`asyncio`]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio.html
[`tkinter`]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/tkinter.html
[tkinter GUI]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/master/telethon_examples/screenshot-gui.jpg
[`events.NewMessage`]: https://telethon.readthedocs.io/en/stable/telethon.events.html#telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
You should be able to run these files with python3 filename.py after
installing Telethon (`pip3 install .` on the root of the project if you
haven't installed it yet and you downloaded the repository).
Most of these examples assume you have the following variables defined
in your environment:
TG_API_ID, this is the api ID of your Telegram application.
TG_API_HASH, similarly, this is the api hash.
TG_TOKEN, for bot examples, this should be the bot token.
TG_SESSION, this is the session file name to be (re)used.
See https://superuser.com/q/284342 to learn how to define them.
It's more convenient to define them, but if you forget to do so,
the scripts will ask you to enter the variables when ran.
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A simple script to print some messages.
import os
import sys
import time
from telethon import TelegramClient, events, utils
def get_env(name, message, cast=str):
if name in os.environ:
return os.environ[name]
while True:
value = input(message)
return cast(value)
except ValueError as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)
session = os.environ.get('TG_SESSION', 'printer')
api_id = get_env('TG_API_ID', 'Enter your API ID: ', int)
api_hash = get_env('TG_API_HASH', 'Enter your API hash: ')
proxy = None # https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks
# Create and start the client so we can make requests (we don't here)
client = TelegramClient(session, api_id, api_hash, proxy=proxy).start()
# `pattern` is a regex, see https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html
# Use https://regexone.com/ if you want a more interactive way of learning.
# "(?i)" makes it case-insensitive, and | separates "options".
async def handler(event):
sender = await event.get_sender()
name = utils.get_display_name(sender)
print(name, 'said', event.text, '!')
print('(Press Ctrl+C to stop this)')
# Note: We used try/finally to show it can be done this way, but using:
# with client:
# client.run_until_disconnected()
# is almost always a better idea.
@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A simple script to print all updates received
# A simple script to print all updates received.
# Import modules to access environment, sleep, write to stderr
import os
import sys
import time
# Import the client
from telethon import TelegramClient
# This is a helper method to access environment variables or
# prompt the user to type them in the terminal if missing.
def get_env(name, message, cast=str):
if name in os.environ:
return os.environ[name]
@ -19,28 +23,23 @@ def get_env(name, message, cast=str):
client = TelegramClient(
os.environ.get('TG_SESSION', 'printer'),
get_env('TG_API_ID', 'Enter your API ID: ', int),
get_env('TG_API_HASH', 'Enter your API hash: '),
# Define some variables so the code reads easier
session = os.environ.get('TG_SESSION', 'printer')
api_id = get_env('TG_API_ID', 'Enter your API ID: ', int)
api_hash = get_env('TG_API_HASH', 'Enter your API hash: ')
proxy = None # https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks
async def update_handler(update):
# This is our update handler. It is called when a new update arrives.
async def handler(update):
# Use the client in a `with` block. It calls `start/disconnect` automatically.
with TelegramClient(session, api_id, api_hash, proxy=proxy) as client:
# Register the update handler so that it gets called
'''You could also have used the @client.on(...) syntax:
from telethon import events
async def update_handler(update):
with client.start():
# Run the client until Ctrl+C is pressed, or the client disconnects
print('(Press Ctrl+C to stop this)')
@ -6,26 +6,17 @@ This script assumes that you have certain files on the working directory,
such as "xfiles.m4a" or "anytime.png" for some of the automated replies.
import os
import re
import sys
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from telethon import TelegramClient, events
"""Uncomment this for debugging
import logging
REACTS = {'emacs': 'Needs more vim',
'chrome': 'Needs more Firefox'}
# A list of dates of reactions we've sent, so we can keep track of floods
recent_reacts = defaultdict(list)
# "When did we last react?" dictionary, 0.0 by default
recent_reacts = defaultdict(float)
def get_env(name, message, cast=str):
@ -40,6 +31,60 @@ def get_env(name, message, cast=str):
def can_react(chat_id):
# Get the time when we last sent a reaction (or 0)
last = recent_reacts[chat_id]
# Get the current time
now = time.time()
# If 10 minutes as seconds have passed, we can react
if now - last < 10 * 60:
# Make sure we updated the last reaction time
recent_reacts[chat_id] = now
return True
return False
# Register `events.NewMessage` before defining the client.
# Once you have a client, `add_event_handler` will use this event.
async def handler(event):
# There are better ways to do this, but this is simple.
# If the message is not outgoing (i.e. someone else sent it)
if not event.out:
if 'emacs' in event.raw_text:
if can_react(event.chat_id):
await event.reply('> emacs\nneeds more vim')
elif 'vim' in event.raw_text:
if can_react(event.chat_id):
await event.reply('> vim\nneeds more emacs')
elif 'chrome' in event.raw_text:
if can_react(event.chat_id):
await event.reply('> chrome\nneeds more firefox')
# Reply always responds as a reply. We can respond without replying too
if 'shrug' in event.raw_text:
if can_react(event.chat_id):
await event.respond(r'¯\_(ツ)_/¯')
# We can also use client methods from here
client = event.client
# If we sent the message, we are replying to someone,
# and we said "save pic" in the message
if event.out and event.reply_to_msg_id and 'save pic' in event.raw_text:
reply_msg = await event.get_reply_message()
replied_to_user = await reply_msg.get_input_sender()
message = await event.reply('Downloading your profile photo...')
file = await client.download_profile_photo(replied_to_user)
await message.edit('I saved your photo in {}'.format(file))
client = TelegramClient(
os.environ.get('TG_SESSION', 'replier'),
get_env('TG_API_ID', 'Enter your API ID: ', int),
@ -47,45 +92,9 @@ client = TelegramClient(
with client:
# This remembers the events.NewMessage we registered before
async def my_handler(event: events.NewMessage.Event):
global recent_reacts
# Through event.raw_text we access the text of messages without format
words = re.split('\W+', event.raw_text)
# Try to match some reaction
for trigger, response in REACTS.items():
if len(recent_reacts[event.chat_id]) > 3:
# Silently ignore triggers if we've recently sent 3 reactions
if trigger in words:
# Remove recent replies older than 10 minutes
recent_reacts[event.chat_id] = [
a for a in recent_reacts[event.chat_id] if
datetime.now() - a < timedelta(minutes=10)
# Send a reaction as a reply (otherwise, event.respond())
await event.reply(response)
# Add this reaction to the list of recent actions
# Automatically send relevant media when we say certain things
# When invoking requests, get_input_entity needs to be called manually
if event.out:
chat = await event.get_input_chat()
if event.raw_text.lower() == 'x files theme':
await client.send_file(chat, 'xfiles.m4a',
reply_to=event.message.id, voice_note=True)
if event.raw_text.lower() == 'anytime':
await client.send_file(chat, 'anytime.png',
if '.shrug' in event.text:
await event.edit(event.text.replace('.shrug', r'¯\_(ツ)_/¯'))
with client.start():
print('(Press Ctrl+C to stop this)')
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user