Move alternative libraries to the wiki

It doesn't make sense to track what happens to Telegram's ecosystem
in the repository of a specific library. The wiki is better suited
for this and can be trivially updated by anyone, allowing it to better
This commit is contained in:
Lonami Exo 2020-10-16 11:00:14 +02:00
parent 5952a40c6d
commit 1311b9393c

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@ -2,81 +2,12 @@
Telegram API in Other Languages
Telethon was made for **Python**, and it has inspired other libraries such as
`gramjs <>`__ (JavaScript) and `grammers
<>`__ (Rust). But there is a lot more beyond
those, made independently by different developers.
Telethon was made for **Python**, and as far as I know, there is no
*exact* port to other languages. However, there *are* other
implementations made by awesome people (one needs to be awesome to
understand the official Telegram documentation) on several languages
(even more Python too), listed below:
Possibly the most well-known unofficial open source implementation out
there by `@vysheng <>`__,
`tgl <>`__, and its console client
`telegram-cli <>`__. Latest development
has been moved to `BitBucket <>`__.
The newest (and official) library, written from scratch, is called
`tdlib <>`__ and is what the Telegram X
uses. You can find more information in the official documentation,
published `here <>`__.
`Ali Gasymov <>`__ made the `@mtproto/core <>`__ library for the browser and nodejs installable via `npm <>`__.
`painor <>`__ is the primary author of `gramjs <>`__,
a Telegram client implementation in JavaScript.
`Kotlogram <>`__ is a Telegram
implementation written in Kotlin (one of the
`official <>`__
languages for
`Android <>`__) by
`@badoualy <>`__, currently as a beta
yet working.
`Taas <>`__ is a service that lets you use Telegram API with any HTTP client via API. Using tdlib under the hood, Taas is commercial service, but allows free access if you use under 5000 requests per month.
A PHP implementation is also available thanks to
`@danog <>`__ and his
`MadelineProto <>`__ project, with
a very nice `online
documentation <>`__ too.
A fairly new (as of the end of 2017) Telegram library written from the
ground up in Python by
`@delivrance <>`__ and his
`Pyrogram <>`__ library.
There isn't really a reason to pick it over Telethon and it'd be kinda
sad to see you go, but it would be nice to know what you miss from each
other library in either one so both can improve.
The `grammers <>`__ library is made by
the `same author as Telethon's <>`__! If you are
looking for a Telethon alternative written in Rust, this is a valid option!
Another older, work-in-progress implementation, on Rust is made by
`@JuanPotato <>`__ under the fancy
name of `Vail <>`__.
If you're looking for something like Telethon but in a different programming
language, head over to `Telegram API in Other Languages in the official wiki
for a (mostly) up-to-date list.