diff --git a/readthedocs/developing/testing.rst b/readthedocs/developing/testing.rst
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+Telethon uses `Pytest `__, for testing, `Tox
+`__ for environment setup, and
+`pytest-asyncio `__ and `pytest-cov
+`__ for asyncio and
+`coverage `__ integration.
+While reading the full documentation for these is probably a good idea, there
+is a lot to read, so a brief summary of these tools is provided below for
+Brief Introduction to Pytest
+`Pytest `__ is a tool for discovering and running python
+tests, as well as allowing modular reuse of test setup code using fixtures.
+Most Pytest tests will look something like this::
+ from module import my_thing, my_other_thing
+ def test_my_thing(fixture):
+ assert my_thing(fixture) == 42
+ @pytest.mark.asyncio
+ async def test_my_thing(event_loop):
+ assert await my_other_thing(loop=event_loop) == 42
+Note here:
+ 1. The test imports one specific function. The role of unit tests is to test
+ that the implementation of some unit, like a function or class, works.
+ It's role is not so much to test that components interact well with each
+ other. I/O, such as connecting to remote servers, should be avoided. This
+ helps with quickly identifying the source of an error, finding silent
+ breakage, and makes it easier to cover all possible code paths.
+ System or integration tests can also be useful, but are currently out of
+ scope of Telethon's automated testing.
+ 2. A function ``test_my_thing`` is declared. Pytest searches for files
+ starting with ``test_``, classes starting with ``Test`` and executes any
+ functions or methods starting with ``test_`` it finds.
+ 3. The function is declared with a parameter ``fixture``. Fixtures are used to
+ request things required to run the test, such as temporary directories,
+ free TCP ports, Connections, etc. Fixtures are declared by simply adding
+ the fixture name as parameter. A full list of available fixtures can be
+ found with the ``pytest --fixtures`` command.
+ 4. The test uses a simple ``assert`` to test some condition is valid. Pytest
+ uses some magic to ensure that the errors from this are readable and easy
+ to debug.
+ 5. The ``pytest.mark.asyncio`` fixture is provided by ``pytest-asyncio``. It
+ starts a loop and executes a test function as coroutine. This should be
+ used for testing asyncio code. It also declares the ``event_loop``
+ fixture, which will request an ``asyncio`` event loop.
+Brief Introduction to Tox
+`Tox `__ is a tool for automated setup
+of virtual environments for testing. While the tests can be run directly by
+just running ``pytest``, this only tests one specific python version in your
+existing environment, which will not catch e.g. undeclared dependencies, or
+version incompatabilities.
+Tox environments are declared in the ``tox.ini`` file. The default
+environments, declared at the top, can be simply run with ``tox``. The option
+``tox -e py36,flake`` can be used to request specific environments to be run.
+Brief Introduction to Pytest-cov
+Coverage is a useful metric for testing. It measures the lines of code and
+branches that are exercised by the tests. The higher the coverage, the more
+likely it is that any coding errors will be caught by the tests.
+A brief coverage report can be generated with the ``--cov`` option to ``tox``,
+which will be passed on to ``pytest``. Additionally, the very useful HTML
+report can be generated with ``--cov --cov-report=html``, which contains a
+browsable copy of the source code, annotated with coverage information for each
diff --git a/readthedocs/index.rst b/readthedocs/index.rst
index 9f28deda..0776e3f2 100644
--- a/readthedocs/index.rst
+++ b/readthedocs/index.rst
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ You can also use the menu on the left to quickly skip over sections.
+ developing/testing.rst