Split error_generator code into parsers/generators packages

This commit is contained in:
Lonami Exo 2018-04-14 13:56:39 +02:00
parent 8b2afa3530
commit 463fcedf27
6 changed files with 214 additions and 151 deletions

View File

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
import json
import re
from collections import defaultdict
known_base_classes = {
303: 'InvalidDCError',
400: 'BadRequestError',
401: 'UnauthorizedError',
403: 'ForbiddenError',
404: 'NotFoundError',
406: 'AuthKeyError',
420: 'FloodError',
500: 'ServerError',
# The API doesn't return the code for some (vital) errors. They are
# all assumed to be 400, except these well-known ones that aren't.
known_codes = {
def get_class_name(error_code):
if isinstance(error_code, int):
return known_base_classes.get(
error_code, 'RPCError' + str(error_code).replace('-', 'Neg')
if 'FIRSTNAME' in error_code:
error_code = error_code.replace('FIRSTNAME', 'FIRST_NAME')
result = re.sub(
r'_([a-z])', lambda m: m.group(1).upper(), error_code.lower()
return result[:1].upper() + result[1:].replace('_', '') + 'Error'
def write_error(f, code, name, desc, capture_name):
'\n\nclass {}({}):\n def __init__(self, **kwargs):\n '
''.format(name, get_class_name(code))
if capture_name:
"self.{} = int(kwargs.get('capture', 0))\n ".format(capture_name)
f.write('super(Exception, self).__init__({}'.format(repr(desc)))
if capture_name:
def generate_code(output, json_file, errors_desc):
with open(json_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
data = json.load(f)
errors = defaultdict(set)
# PWRTelegram's API doesn't return all errors, which we do need here.
# Add some special known-cases manually first.
for error_code, method_errors in data['result'].items():
for error_list in method_errors.values():
for error in error_list:
errors[int(error_code)].add(re.sub('_\d+', '_X', error).upper())
# Some errors are in the human result, but not with a code. Assume code 400
for error in data['human_result']:
if error[0] != '-' and not error.isdigit():
error = re.sub('_\d+', '_X', error).upper()
if not any(error in es for es in errors.values()):
errors[known_codes.get(error, 400)].add(error)
# Some error codes are not known, so create custom base classes if needed
needed_base_classes = [
(e, get_class_name(e)) for e in errors if e not in known_base_classes
# Prefer the descriptions that are related with Telethon way of coding to
# those that PWRTelegram's API provides.
telethon_descriptions = {}
with open(errors_desc, encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line and not line.startswith('#'):
equal = line.index('=')
message, description = line[:equal], line[equal + 1:]
telethon_descriptions[message.rstrip()] = description.lstrip()
# Names for the captures, or 'x' if unknown
capture_names = {
'FloodWaitError': 'seconds',
'FloodTestPhoneWaitError': 'seconds',
'FileMigrateError': 'new_dc',
'NetworkMigrateError': 'new_dc',
'PhoneMigrateError': 'new_dc',
'UserMigrateError': 'new_dc',
'FilePartMissingError': 'which'
# Everything ready, generate the code
with open(output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
'from .rpc_base_errors import RPCError, BadMessageError, {}\n'.format(
", ".join(known_base_classes.values()))
for code, cls in needed_base_classes:
'\n\nclass {}(RPCError):\n code = {}\n'.format(cls, code)
patterns = [] # Save this dictionary later in the generated code
for error_code, error_set in errors.items():
for error in sorted(error_set):
description = telethon_descriptions.get(
error, '\n'.join(data['human_result'].get(
error, ['No description known.']
has_captures = '_X' in error
if has_captures:
name = get_class_name(error.replace('_X', ''))
pattern = error.replace('_X', r'_(\d+)')
name, pattern = get_class_name(error), error
patterns.append((pattern, name))
capture = capture_names.get(name, 'x') if has_captures else None
# TODO Some errors have the same name but different code,
# split this across different files?
write_error(f, error_code, name, description, capture)
f.write('\n\nrpc_errors_all = {\n')
for pattern, name in patterns:
f.write(' {}: {},\n'.format(repr(pattern), name))
if __name__ == '__main__':
'errors.json', 'error_descriptions')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
from telethon_generator.parsers import parse_errors
from telethon_generator.generators import generate_errors
INPUT_JSON = 'errors.json'
INPUT_DESCRIPTIONS = 'error_descriptions'
OUTPUT = '../telethon/errors/rpc_error_list.py'
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(OUTPUT, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
errors=list(parse_errors(INPUT_JSON, INPUT_DESCRIPTIONS)),

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
from .errors import generate_errors

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import itertools
def generate_errors(errors, f):
# Exact/regex match to create {CODE: ErrorClassName}
exact_match = []
regex_match = []
# Find out what subclasses to import and which to create
import_base, create_base = set(), {}
for error in errors:
if error.subclass_exists:
create_base[error.subclass] = error.int_code
if error.has_captures:
# Imports and new subclass creation
f.write('from .rpc_base_errors import RPCError, {}\n'
.format(", ".join(sorted(import_base))))
for cls, int_code in sorted(create_base.items(), key=lambda t: t[1]):
f.write('\n\nclass {}(RPCError):\n code = {}\n'
.format(cls, int_code))
# Error classes generation
for error in errors:
f.write('\n\nclass {}({}):\n def __init__(self, **kwargs):\n'
' '.format(error.name, error.subclass))
if error.has_captures:
f.write("self.{} = int(kwargs.get('capture', 0))\n "
f.write('super(Exception, self).__init__({}'
if error.has_captures:
# Create the actual {CODE: ErrorClassName} dict once classes are defined
# TODO Actually make a difference between regex/exact
f.write('\n\nrpc_errors_all = {\n')
for error in itertools.chain(regex_match, exact_match):
f.write(' {}: {},\n'.format(repr(error.pattern), error.name))

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
from .errors import Error, parse_errors

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
import json
from collections import defaultdict
import re
# Core base classes depending on the integer error code
303: 'InvalidDCError',
400: 'BadRequestError',
401: 'UnauthorizedError',
403: 'ForbiddenError',
404: 'NotFoundError',
406: 'AuthKeyError',
420: 'FloodError',
500: 'ServerError',
# The API doesn't return the code for some (vital) errors. They are
# all assumed to be 400, except these well-known ones that aren't.
# Give better semantic names to some captures
'FloodWaitError': 'seconds',
'FloodTestPhoneWaitError': 'seconds',
'FileMigrateError': 'new_dc',
'NetworkMigrateError': 'new_dc',
'PhoneMigrateError': 'new_dc',
'UserMigrateError': 'new_dc',
'FilePartMissingError': 'which'
def _get_class_name(error_code):
Gets the corresponding class name for the given error code,
this either being an integer (thus base error name) or str.
if isinstance(error_code, int):
error_code, 'RPCError' + str(error_code).replace('-', 'Neg')
if 'FIRSTNAME' in error_code:
error_code = error_code.replace('FIRSTNAME', 'FIRST_NAME')
result = re.sub(
r'_([a-z])', lambda m: m.group(1).upper(), error_code.lower()
return result[:1].upper() + result[1:].replace('_', '') + 'Error'
class Error:
def __init__(self, int_code, str_code, description):
# TODO Some errors have the same str_code but different int_code
# Should these be split into different files or doesn't really matter?
# Telegram isn't exactly consistent with returned errors anyway.
self.int_code = int_code
self.str_code = str_code
self.subclass = _get_class_name(int_code)
self.subclass_exists = int_code in KNOWN_BASE_CLASSES
self.description = description
self.has_captures = '_X' in str_code
if self.has_captures:
self.name = _get_class_name(str_code.replace('_X', ''))
self.pattern = str_code.replace('_X', r'_(\d+)')
self.capture_name = CAPTURE_NAMES.get(self.name, 'x')
self.name = _get_class_name(str_code)
self.pattern = str_code
self.capture_name = None
def parse_errors(json_file, descriptions_file):
Parses the given JSON file in the following format:
"ok": true,
"human_result": {"int_code": ["descriptions"]},
"result": {"int_code": {"full_method_name": ["str_error"]}}
The descriptions file, which has precedence over the JSON's human_result,
should have the following format:
# comment
The method yields `Error` instances as a result.
with open(json_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
data = json.load(f)
errors = defaultdict(set)
# PWRTelegram's API doesn't return all errors, which we do need here.
# Add some special known-cases manually first.
for int_code, method_errors in data['result'].items():
for error_list in method_errors.values():
for error in error_list:
errors[int(int_code)].add(re.sub('_\d+', '_X', error).upper())
# Some errors are in the human result, but not with a code. Assume 400
for error in data['human_result']:
if error[0] != '-' and not error.isdigit():
error = re.sub('_\d+', '_X', error).upper()
if not any(error in es for es in errors.values()):
errors[KNOWN_CODES.get(error, 400)].add(error)
# Prefer the descriptions that are related with Telethon way of coding
# to those that PWRTelegram's API provides.
telethon_descriptions = {}
with open(descriptions_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line and not line.startswith('#'):
equal = line.index('=')
message, description = line[:equal], line[equal + 1:]
telethon_descriptions[message.rstrip()] = description.lstrip()
for int_code, error_set in errors.items():
for str_code in sorted(error_set):
description = telethon_descriptions.get(
str_code, '\n'.join(data['human_result'].get(
str_code, ['No description known.']
yield Error(