mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 10:45:52 +03:00
Separate file and message methods from TelegramClient
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
import hashlib
import io
import itertools
import logging
import os
import re
import warnings
from io import BytesIO
from mimetypes import guess_type
from .users import UserMethods
from .. import utils, helpers
from ..extensions import markdown, html
from ..tl import types, functions, custom
import hachoir
except ImportError:
hachoir = None
__log__ = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FileMethods(UserMethods):
# region Public methods
async def send_file(
self, entity, file, caption='', force_document=False,
progress_callback=None, reply_to=None, attributes=None,
thumb=None, allow_cache=True, parse_mode=utils.Default,
voice_note=False, video_note=False, **kwargs):
Sends a file to the specified entity.
entity (`entity`):
Who will receive the file.
file (`str` | `bytes` | `file` | `media`):
The path of the file, byte array, or stream that will be sent.
Note that if a byte array or a stream is given, a filename
or its type won't be inferred, and it will be sent as an
"unnamed application/octet-stream".
Furthermore the file may be any media (a message, document,
photo or similar) so that it can be resent without the need
to download and re-upload it again.
If a list or similar is provided, the files in it will be
sent as an album in the order in which they appear, sliced
in chunks of 10 if more than 10 are given.
caption (`str`, optional):
Optional caption for the sent media message.
force_document (`bool`, optional):
If left to ``False`` and the file is a path that ends with
the extension of an image file or a video file, it will be
sent as such. Otherwise always as a document.
progress_callback (`callable`, optional):
A callback function accepting two parameters:
``(sent bytes, total)``.
reply_to (`int` | :tl:`Message`):
Same as `reply_to` from `send_message`.
attributes (`list`, optional):
Optional attributes that override the inferred ones, like
:tl:`DocumentAttributeFilename` and so on.
thumb (`str` | `bytes` | `file`, optional):
Optional thumbnail (for videos).
allow_cache (`bool`, optional):
Whether to allow using the cached version stored in the
database or not. Defaults to ``True`` to avoid re-uploads.
Must be ``False`` if you wish to use different attributes
or thumb than those that were used when the file was cached.
parse_mode (`object`, optional):
See the `TelegramClient.parse_mode` property for allowed
values. Markdown parsing will be used by default.
voice_note (`bool`, optional):
If ``True`` the audio will be sent as a voice note.
Set `allow_cache` to ``False`` if you sent the same file
without this setting before for it to work.
video_note (`bool`, optional):
If ``True`` the video will be sent as a video note,
also known as a round video message.
Set `allow_cache` to ``False`` if you sent the same file
without this setting before for it to work.
If the ``hachoir3`` package (``hachoir`` module) is installed,
it will be used to determine metadata from audio and video files.
The `telethon.tl.custom.message.Message` (or messages) containing
the sent file, or messages if a list of them was passed.
# First check if the user passed an iterable, in which case
# we may want to send as an album if all are photo files.
if utils.is_list_like(file):
# TODO Fix progress_callback
images = []
if force_document:
documents = file
documents = []
for x in file:
if utils.is_image(x):
result = []
while images:
result += await self._send_album(
entity, images[:10], caption=caption,
progress_callback=progress_callback, reply_to=reply_to,
images = images[10:]
await self.send_file(
entity, x, allow_cache=allow_cache,
caption=caption, force_document=force_document,
progress_callback=progress_callback, reply_to=reply_to,
attributes=attributes, thumb=thumb, voice_note=voice_note,
video_note=video_note, **kwargs
) for x in documents
return result
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
reply_to = utils.get_message_id(reply_to)
# Not document since it's subject to change.
# Needed when a Message is passed to send_message and it has media.
if 'entities' in kwargs:
msg_entities = kwargs['entities']
caption, msg_entities =\
await self._parse_message_text(caption, parse_mode)
file_handle, media = await self._file_to_media(
file, allow_cache=allow_cache)
request = functions.messages.SendMediaRequest(
entity, media, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to, message=caption,
msg = self._get_response_message(request, await self(request), entity)
self._cache_media(msg, file, file_handle, force_document=force_document)
return msg
async def send_voice_note(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Deprecated, see :meth:`send_file`."""
warnings.warn('send_voice_note is deprecated, use '
'send_file(..., voice_note=True) instead')
kwargs['is_voice_note'] = True
return await self.send_file(*args, **kwargs)
async def _send_album(self, entity, files, caption='',
progress_callback=None, reply_to=None,
"""Specialized version of .send_file for albums"""
# We don't care if the user wants to avoid cache, we will use it
# anyway. Why? The cached version will be exactly the same thing
# we need to produce right now to send albums (uploadMedia), and
# cache only makes a difference for documents where the user may
# want the attributes used on them to change.
# In theory documents can be sent inside the albums but they appear
# as different messages (not inside the album), and the logic to set
# the attributes/avoid cache is already written in .send_file().
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
if not utils.is_list_like(caption):
caption = (caption,)
captions = [
await self._parse_message_text(caption or '', parse_mode)
for caption in reversed(caption) # Pop from the end (so reverse)
reply_to = utils.get_message_id(reply_to)
# Need to upload the media first, but only if they're not cached yet
media = []
for file in files:
# fh will either be InputPhoto or a modified InputFile
fh = await self.upload_file(file, use_cache=types.InputPhoto)
if not isinstance(fh, types.InputPhoto):
r = await self(functions.messages.UploadMediaRequest(
entity, media=types.InputMediaUploadedPhoto(fh)
input_photo = utils.get_input_photo(r.photo)
self.session.cache_file(fh.md5, fh.size, input_photo)
fh = input_photo
if captions:
caption, msg_entities = captions.pop()
caption, msg_entities = '', None
media.append(types.InputSingleMedia(types.InputMediaPhoto(fh), message=caption,
# Now we can construct the multi-media request
result = await self(functions.messages.SendMultiMediaRequest(
entity, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to, multi_media=media
return [
self._get_response_message(update.id, result, entity)
for update in result.updates
if isinstance(update, types.UpdateMessageID)
async def upload_file(
self, file, part_size_kb=None, file_name=None, use_cache=None,
Uploads the specified file and returns a handle (an instance of
:tl:`InputFile` or :tl:`InputFileBig`, as required) which can be
later used before it expires (they are usable during less than a day).
Uploading a file will simply return a "handle" to the file stored
remotely in the Telegram servers, which can be later used on. This
will **not** upload the file to your own chat or any chat at all.
file (`str` | `bytes` | `file`):
The path of the file, byte array, or stream that will be sent.
Note that if a byte array or a stream is given, a filename
or its type won't be inferred, and it will be sent as an
"unnamed application/octet-stream".
part_size_kb (`int`, optional):
Chunk size when uploading files. The larger, the less
requests will be made (up to 512KB maximum).
file_name (`str`, optional):
The file name which will be used on the resulting InputFile.
If not specified, the name will be taken from the ``file``
and if this is not a ``str``, it will be ``"unnamed"``.
use_cache (`type`, optional):
The type of cache to use (currently either :tl:`InputDocument`
or :tl:`InputPhoto`). If present and the file is small enough
to need the MD5, it will be checked against the database,
and if a match is found, the upload won't be made. Instead,
an instance of type ``use_cache`` will be returned.
progress_callback (`callable`, optional):
A callback function accepting two parameters:
``(sent bytes, total)``.
:tl:`InputFileBig` if the file size is larger than 10MB,
(subclass of :tl:`InputFile`) otherwise.
if isinstance(file, (types.InputFile, types.InputFileBig)):
return file # Already uploaded
if isinstance(file, str):
file_size = os.path.getsize(file)
elif isinstance(file, bytes):
file_size = len(file)
file = file.read()
file_size = len(file)
# File will now either be a string or bytes
if not part_size_kb:
part_size_kb = utils.get_appropriated_part_size(file_size)
if part_size_kb > 512:
raise ValueError('The part size must be less or equal to 512KB')
part_size = int(part_size_kb * 1024)
if part_size % 1024 != 0:
raise ValueError(
'The part size must be evenly divisible by 1024')
# Set a default file name if None was specified
file_id = helpers.generate_random_long()
if not file_name:
if isinstance(file, str):
file_name = os.path.basename(file)
file_name = str(file_id)
# Determine whether the file is too big (over 10MB) or not
# Telegram does make a distinction between smaller or larger files
is_large = file_size > 10 * 1024 * 1024
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
if not is_large:
# Calculate the MD5 hash before anything else.
# As this needs to be done always for small files,
# might as well do it before anything else and
# check the cache.
if isinstance(file, str):
with open(file, 'rb') as stream:
file = stream.read()
if use_cache:
cached = self.session.get_file(
hash_md5.digest(), file_size, cls=use_cache
if cached:
return cached
part_count = (file_size + part_size - 1) // part_size
__log__.info('Uploading file of %d bytes in %d chunks of %d',
file_size, part_count, part_size)
with open(file, 'rb') if isinstance(file, str) else BytesIO(file)\
as stream:
for part_index in range(part_count):
# Read the file by in chunks of size part_size
part = stream.read(part_size)
# The SavePartRequest is different depending on whether
# the file is too large or not (over or less than 10MB)
if is_large:
request = functions.upload.SaveBigFilePartRequest(
file_id, part_index, part_count, part)
request = functions.upload.SaveFilePartRequest(
file_id, part_index, part)
result = await self(request)
if result:
__log__.debug('Uploaded %d/%d', part_index + 1,
if progress_callback:
progress_callback(stream.tell(), file_size)
raise RuntimeError(
'Failed to upload file part {}.'.format(part_index))
if is_large:
return types.InputFileBig(file_id, part_count, file_name)
return custom.InputSizedFile(
file_id, part_count, file_name, md5=hash_md5, size=file_size
# endregion
# region Private methods
def _get_response_message(self, request, result, input_chat):
Extracts the response message known a request and Update result.
The request may also be the ID of the message to match.
# Telegram seems to send updateMessageID first, then updateNewMessage,
# however let's not rely on that just in case.
if isinstance(request, int):
msg_id = request
msg_id = None
for update in result.updates:
if isinstance(update, types.UpdateMessageID):
if update.random_id == request.random_id:
msg_id = update.id
if isinstance(result, types.UpdateShort):
updates = [result.update]
entities = {}
elif isinstance(result, (types.Updates, types.UpdatesCombined)):
updates = result.updates
entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x
for x in
itertools.chain(result.users, result.chats)}
found = None
for update in updates:
if isinstance(update, (
if update.message.id == msg_id:
found = update.message
elif (isinstance(update, types.UpdateEditMessage) and
not isinstance(request.peer,
if request.id == update.message.id:
found = update.message
elif (isinstance(update, types.UpdateEditChannelMessage) and
utils.get_peer_id(request.peer) ==
if request.id == update.message.id:
found = update.message
if found:
return custom.Message(self, found, entities, input_chat)
def parse_mode(self):
This property is the default parse mode used when sending messages.
Defaults to `telethon.extensions.markdown`. It will always
be either ``None`` or an object with ``parse`` and ``unparse``
When setting a different value it should be one of:
* Object with ``parse`` and ``unparse`` methods.
* A ``callable`` to act as the parse method.
* A ``str`` indicating the ``parse_mode``. For Markdown ``'md'``
or ``'markdown'`` may be used. For HTML, ``'htm'`` or ``'html'``
may be used.
The ``parse`` method should be a function accepting a single
parameter, the text to parse, and returning a tuple consisting
of ``(parsed message str, [MessageEntity instances])``.
The ``unparse`` method should be the inverse of ``parse`` such
that ``assert text == unparse(*parse(text))``.
See :tl:`MessageEntity` for allowed message entities.
return self._parse_mode
def parse_mode(self, mode):
self._parse_mode = self._sanitize_parse_mode(mode)
def _sanitize_parse_mode(mode):
if not mode:
return None
if callable(mode):
class CustomMode:
def unparse(text, entities):
raise NotImplementedError
CustomMode.parse = mode
return CustomMode
elif (all(hasattr(mode, x) for x in ('parse', 'unparse'))
and all(callable(x) for x in (mode.parse, mode.unparse))):
return mode
elif isinstance(mode, str):
return {
'md': markdown,
'markdown': markdown,
'htm': html,
'html': html
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Unknown parse mode {}'.format(mode))
raise TypeError('Invalid parse mode type {}'.format(mode))
async def _parse_message_text(self, message, parse_mode):
Returns a (parsed message, entities) tuple depending on ``parse_mode``.
if parse_mode == utils.Default:
parse_mode = self._parse_mode
parse_mode = self._sanitize_parse_mode(parse_mode)
if not parse_mode:
return message, []
message, msg_entities = parse_mode.parse(message)
for i, e in enumerate(msg_entities):
if isinstance(e, types.MessageEntityTextUrl):
m = re.match(r'^@|\+|tg://user\?id=(\d+)', e.url)
if m:
msg_entities[i] = types.InputMessageEntityMentionName(
e.offset, e.length, await self.get_input_entity(
int(m.group(1)) if m.group(1) else e.url
except (ValueError, TypeError):
# Make no replacement
return message, msg_entities
async def _file_to_media(
self, file, force_document=False,
progress_callback=None, attributes=None, thumb=None,
allow_cache=True, voice_note=False, video_note=False):
if not file:
return None, None
if not isinstance(file, (str, bytes, io.IOBase)):
# The user may pass a Message containing media (or the media,
# or anything similar) that should be treated as a file. Try
# getting the input media for whatever they passed and send it.
return None, utils.get_input_media(file)
except TypeError:
return None, None # Can't turn whatever was given into media
as_image = utils.is_image(file) and not force_document
use_cache = types.InputPhoto if as_image else types.InputDocument
file_handle = await self.upload_file(
file, progress_callback=progress_callback,
use_cache=use_cache if allow_cache else None
if isinstance(file_handle, use_cache):
# File was cached, so an instance of use_cache was returned
if as_image:
media = types.InputMediaPhoto(file_handle)
media = types.InputMediaDocument(file_handle)
elif as_image:
media = types.InputMediaUploadedPhoto(file_handle)
mime_type = None
if isinstance(file, str):
# Determine mime-type and attributes
# Take the first element by using [0] since it returns a tuple
mime_type = guess_type(file)[0]
attr_dict = {
if utils.is_audio(file) and hachoir:
m = hachoir.metadata.extractMetadata(
attr_dict[types.DocumentAttributeAudio] = \
title=m.get('title') if m.has(
'title') else None,
performer=m.get('author') if m.has(
'author') else None,
if m.has('duration') else 0)
if not force_document and utils.is_video(file):
if hachoir:
m = hachoir.metadata.extractMetadata(
doc = types.DocumentAttributeVideo(
w=m.get('width') if m.has('width') else 0,
h=m.get('height') if m.has('height') else 0,
if m.has('duration') else 0)
doc = types.DocumentAttributeVideo(
0, 1, 1, round_message=video_note)
attr_dict[types.DocumentAttributeVideo] = doc
attr_dict = {
getattr(file, 'name',
None) or 'unnamed'))
if voice_note:
if types.DocumentAttributeAudio in attr_dict:
attr_dict[types.DocumentAttributeAudio].voice = True
attr_dict[types.DocumentAttributeAudio] = \
types.DocumentAttributeAudio(0, voice=True)
# Now override the attributes if any. As we have a dict of
# {cls: instance}, we can override any class with the list
# of attributes provided by the user easily.
if attributes:
for a in attributes:
attr_dict[type(a)] = a
# Ensure we have a mime type, any; but it cannot be None
# 'The "octet-stream" subtype is used to indicate that a body
# contains arbitrary binary data.'
if not mime_type:
mime_type = 'application/octet-stream'
input_kw = {}
if thumb:
input_kw['thumb'] = await self.upload_file(thumb)
media = types.InputMediaUploadedDocument(
return file_handle, media
def _cache_media(self, msg, file, file_handle,
if file and msg and isinstance(file_handle,
# There was a response message and we didn't use cached
# version, so cache whatever we just sent to the database.
md5, size = file_handle.md5, file_handle.size
if utils.is_image(file) and not force_document:
to_cache = utils.get_input_photo(msg.media.photo)
to_cache = utils.get_input_document(msg.media.document)
self.session.cache_file(md5, size, to_cache)
# endregion
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
import asyncio
import itertools
import logging
import time
import warnings
from collections import UserList
from .files import FileMethods
from .. import utils
from ..tl import types, functions, custom
__log__ = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MessageMethods(FileMethods):
# region Public methods
# region Message retrieval
async def iter_messages(
self, entity, limit=None, offset_date=None, offset_id=0,
max_id=0, min_id=0, add_offset=0, search=None, filter=None,
from_user=None, batch_size=100, wait_time=None, ids=None,
Iterator over the message history for the specified entity.
If either `search`, `filter` or `from_user` are provided,
:tl:`messages.Search` will be used instead of :tl:`messages.getHistory`.
entity (`entity`):
The entity from whom to retrieve the message history.
limit (`int` | `None`, optional):
Number of messages to be retrieved. Due to limitations with
the API retrieving more than 3000 messages will take longer
than half a minute (or even more based on previous calls).
The limit may also be ``None``, which would eventually return
the whole history.
offset_date (`datetime`):
Offset date (messages *previous* to this date will be
retrieved). Exclusive.
offset_id (`int`):
Offset message ID (only messages *previous* to the given
ID will be retrieved). Exclusive.
max_id (`int`):
All the messages with a higher (newer) ID or equal to this will
be excluded.
min_id (`int`):
All the messages with a lower (older) ID or equal to this will
be excluded.
add_offset (`int`):
Additional message offset (all of the specified offsets +
this offset = older messages).
search (`str`):
The string to be used as a search query.
filter (:tl:`MessagesFilter` | `type`):
The filter to use when returning messages. For instance,
:tl:`InputMessagesFilterPhotos` would yield only messages
containing photos.
from_user (`entity`):
Only messages from this user will be returned.
batch_size (`int`):
Messages will be returned in chunks of this size (100 is
the maximum). While it makes no sense to modify this value,
you are still free to do so.
wait_time (`int`):
Wait time between different :tl:`GetHistoryRequest`. Use this
parameter to avoid hitting the ``FloodWaitError`` as needed.
If left to ``None``, it will default to 1 second only if
the limit is higher than 3000.
ids (`int`, `list`):
A single integer ID (or several IDs) for the message that
should be returned. This parameter takes precedence over
the rest (which will be ignored if this is set). This can
for instance be used to get the message with ID 123 from
a channel. Note that if the message doesn't exist, ``None``
will appear in its place, so that zipping the list of IDs
with the messages can match one-to-one.
_total (`list`, optional):
A single-item list to pass the total parameter by reference.
Instances of `telethon.tl.custom.message.Message`.
Telegram's flood wait limit for :tl:`GetHistoryRequest` seems to
be around 30 seconds per 3000 messages, therefore a sleep of 1
second is the default for this limit (or above). You may need
an higher limit, so you're free to set the ``batch_size`` that
you think may be good.
# It's possible to get messages by ID without their entity, so only
# fetch the input version if we're not using IDs or if it was given.
if not ids or entity:
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
if ids:
if not utils.is_list_like(ids):
ids = (ids,)
async for x in self._iter_ids(entity, ids, total=_total):
yield x
# Telegram doesn't like min_id/max_id. If these IDs are low enough
# (starting from last_id - 100), the request will return nothing.
# We can emulate their behaviour locally by setting offset = max_id
# and simply stopping once we hit a message with ID <= min_id.
offset_id = max(offset_id, max_id)
if offset_id and min_id:
if offset_id - min_id <= 1:
limit = float('inf') if limit is None else int(limit)
if search is not None or filter or from_user:
if filter is None:
filter = types.InputMessagesFilterEmpty()
request = functions.messages.SearchRequest(
q=search or '',
filter=filter() if isinstance(filter, type) else filter,
await self.get_input_entity(from_user)
if from_user else None
request = functions.messages.GetHistoryRequest(
if limit == 0:
if not _total:
# No messages, but we still need to know the total message count
result = await self(request)
if isinstance(result, types.messages.MessagesNotModified):
_total[0] = result.count
_total[0] = getattr(result, 'count', len(result.messages))
if wait_time is None:
wait_time = 1 if limit > 3000 else 0
have = 0
last_id = float('inf')
batch_size = min(max(batch_size, 1), 100)
while have < limit:
start = asyncio.get_event_loop().time()
# Telegram has a hard limit of 100
request.limit = min(limit - have, batch_size)
r = await self(request)
if _total:
_total[0] = getattr(r, 'count', len(r.messages))
entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x
for x in itertools.chain(r.users, r.chats)}
for message in r.messages:
if message.id <= min_id:
if isinstance(message, types.MessageEmpty)\
or message.id >= last_id:
# There has been reports that on bad connections this method
# was returning duplicated IDs sometimes. Using ``last_id``
# is an attempt to avoid these duplicates, since the message
# IDs are returned in descending order.
last_id = message.id
yield custom.Message(self, message, entities, entity)
have += 1
if len(r.messages) < request.limit:
request.offset_id = r.messages[-1].id
if isinstance(request, functions.messages.GetHistoryRequest):
request.offset_date = r.messages[-1].date
request.max_date = r.messages[-1].date
time.sleep(max(wait_time - (time.time() - start), 0))
async def get_messages(self, *args, **kwargs):
Same as :meth:`iter_messages`, but returns a list instead
with an additional ``.total`` attribute on the list.
If the `limit` is not set, it will be 1 by default unless both
`min_id` **and** `max_id` are set (as *named* arguments), in
which case the entire range will be returned.
This is so because any integer limit would be rather arbitrary and
it's common to only want to fetch one message, but if a range is
specified it makes sense that it should return the entirety of it.
If `ids` is present in the *named* arguments and is not a list,
a single :tl:`Message` will be returned for convenience instead
of a list.
total = [0]
kwargs['_total'] = total
if len(args) == 1 and 'limit' not in kwargs:
if 'min_id' in kwargs and 'max_id' in kwargs:
kwargs['limit'] = None
kwargs['limit'] = 1
msgs = UserList(x async for x in self.iter_messages(*args, **kwargs))
msgs.total = total[0]
if 'ids' in kwargs and not utils.is_list_like(kwargs['ids']):
return msgs[0]
return msgs
async def get_message_history(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Deprecated, see :meth:`get_messages`."""
'get_message_history is deprecated, use get_messages instead'
return await self.get_messages(*args, **kwargs)
# endregion
# region Message sending/editing/deleting
async def send_message(
self, entity, message='', reply_to=None,
parse_mode=utils.Default, link_preview=True, file=None,
force_document=False, clear_draft=False):
Sends the given message to the specified entity (user/chat/channel).
The default parse mode is the same as the official applications
(a custom flavour of markdown). ``**bold**, `code` or __italic__``
are available. In addition you can send ``[links](https://example.com)``
and ``[mentions](@username)`` (or using IDs like in the Bot API:
``[mention](tg://user?id=123456789)``) and ``pre`` blocks with three
Sending a ``/start`` command with a parameter (like ``?start=data``)
is also done through this method. Simply send ``'/start data'`` to
the bot.
entity (`entity`):
To who will it be sent.
message (`str` | :tl:`Message`):
The message to be sent, or another message object to resend.
The maximum length for a message is 35,000 bytes or 4,096
characters. Longer messages will not be sliced automatically,
and you should slice them manually if the text to send is
longer than said length.
reply_to (`int` | :tl:`Message`, optional):
Whether to reply to a message or not. If an integer is provided,
it should be the ID of the message that it should reply to.
parse_mode (`object`, optional):
See the `TelegramClient.parse_mode` property for allowed
values. Markdown parsing will be used by default.
link_preview (`bool`, optional):
Should the link preview be shown?
file (`file`, optional):
Sends a message with a file attached (e.g. a photo,
video, audio or document). The ``message`` may be empty.
force_document (`bool`, optional):
Whether to send the given file as a document or not.
clear_draft (`bool`, optional):
Whether the existing draft should be cleared or not.
Has no effect when sending a file.
The sent `telethon.tl.custom.message.Message`.
if file is not None:
return await self.send_file(
entity, file, caption=message, reply_to=reply_to,
parse_mode=parse_mode, force_document=force_document
elif not message:
raise ValueError(
'The message cannot be empty unless a file is provided'
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
if isinstance(message, types.Message):
if (message.media and not isinstance(
message.media, types.MessageMediaWebPage)):
return await self.send_file(
entity, message.media, caption=message.message,
if reply_to is not None:
reply_id = utils.get_message_id(reply_to)
elif utils.get_peer_id(entity) == utils.get_peer_id(message.to_id):
reply_id = message.reply_to_msg_id
reply_id = None
request = functions.messages.SendMessageRequest(
message=message.message or '',
no_webpage=not isinstance(
message.media, types.MessageMediaWebPage)
message = message.message
message, msg_ent = await self._parse_message_text(message,
request = functions.messages.SendMessageRequest(
no_webpage=not link_preview,
result = await self(request)
if isinstance(result, types.UpdateShortSentMessage):
to_id, cls = utils.resolve_id(utils.get_peer_id(entity))
return custom.Message(self, types.Message(
), {}, input_chat=entity)
return self._get_response_message(request, result, entity)
async def forward_messages(self, entity, messages, from_peer=None):
Forwards the given message(s) to the specified entity.
entity (`entity`):
To which entity the message(s) will be forwarded.
messages (`list` | `int` | :tl:`Message`):
The message(s) to forward, or their integer IDs.
from_peer (`entity`):
If the given messages are integer IDs and not instances
of the ``Message`` class, this *must* be specified in
order for the forward to work.
The list of forwarded `telethon.tl.custom.message.Message`,
or a single one if a list wasn't provided as input.
single = not utils.is_list_like(messages)
if single:
messages = (messages,)
if not from_peer:
# On private chats (to_id = PeerUser), if the message is
# not outgoing, we actually need to use "from_id" to get
# the conversation on which the message was sent.
from_peer = next(
if not m.out and isinstance(m.to_id, types.PeerUser)
else m.to_id for m in messages
if isinstance(m, types.Message)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError(
'from_chat must be given if integer IDs are used'
req = functions.messages.ForwardMessagesRequest(
id=[m if isinstance(m, int) else m.id for m in messages],
result = await self(req)
if isinstance(result, (types.Updates, types.UpdatesCombined)):
entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x
for x in itertools.chain(result.users, result.chats)}
entities = {}
random_to_id = {}
id_to_message = {}
for update in result.updates:
if isinstance(update, types.UpdateMessageID):
random_to_id[update.random_id] = update.id
elif isinstance(update, (
types.UpdateNewMessage, types.UpdateNewChannelMessage)):
id_to_message[update.message.id] = custom.Message(
self, update.message, entities, input_chat=entity)
result = [id_to_message[random_to_id[rnd]] for rnd in req.random_id]
return result[0] if single else result
async def edit_message(
self, entity, message=None, text=None, parse_mode=utils.Default,
link_preview=True, file=None):
Edits the given message ID (to change its contents or disable preview).
entity (`entity` | :tl:`Message`):
From which chat to edit the message. This can also be
the message to be edited, and the entity will be inferred
from it, so the next parameter will be assumed to be the
message text.
message (`int` | :tl:`Message` | `str`):
The ID of the message (or :tl:`Message` itself) to be edited.
If the `entity` was a :tl:`Message`, then this message will be
treated as the new text.
text (`str`, optional):
The new text of the message. Does nothing if the `entity`
was a :tl:`Message`.
parse_mode (`object`, optional):
See the `TelegramClient.parse_mode` property for allowed
values. Markdown parsing will be used by default.
link_preview (`bool`, optional):
Should the link preview be shown?
file (`str` | `bytes` | `file` | `media`, optional):
The file object that should replace the existing media
in the message.
>>> client = ...
>>> message = client.send_message('username', 'hello')
>>> client.edit_message('username', message, 'hello!')
>>> # or
>>> client.edit_message('username', message.id, 'Hello')
>>> # or
>>> client.edit_message(message, 'Hello!')
``MessageAuthorRequiredError`` if you're not the author of the
message but tried editing it anyway.
``MessageNotModifiedError`` if the contents of the message were
not modified at all.
The edited `telethon.tl.custom.message.Message`.
if isinstance(entity, types.Message):
text = message # Shift the parameters to the right
message = entity
entity = entity.to_id
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
text, msg_entities = await self._parse_message_text(text, parse_mode)
file_handle, media = await self._file_to_media(file)
request = functions.messages.EditMessageRequest(
no_webpage=not link_preview,
msg = self._get_response_message(request, self(request), entity)
self._cache_media(msg, file, file_handle)
return msg
async def delete_messages(self, entity, message_ids, revoke=True):
Deletes a message from a chat, optionally "for everyone".
entity (`entity`):
From who the message will be deleted. This can actually
be ``None`` for normal chats, but **must** be present
for channels and megagroups.
message_ids (`list` | `int` | :tl:`Message`):
The IDs (or ID) or messages to be deleted.
revoke (`bool`, optional):
Whether the message should be deleted for everyone or not.
By default it has the opposite behaviour of official clients,
and it will delete the message for everyone.
This has no effect on channels or megagroups.
A list of :tl:`AffectedMessages`, each item being the result
for the delete calls of the messages in chunks of 100 each.
if not utils.is_list_like(message_ids):
message_ids = (message_ids,)
message_ids = (
m.id if isinstance(m, (
types.Message, types.MessageService, types.MessageEmpty))
else int(m) for m in message_ids
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity) if entity else None
if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerChannel):
return await self([functions.channels.DeleteMessagesRequest(
entity, list(c)) for c in utils.chunks(message_ids)])
return await self([functions.messages.DeleteMessagesRequest(
list(c), revoke) for c in utils.chunks(message_ids)])
# endregion
# region Miscellaneous
async def send_read_acknowledge(self, entity, message=None, max_id=None,
Sends a "read acknowledge" (i.e., notifying the given peer that we've
read their messages, also known as the "double check").
This effectively marks a message as read (or more than one) in the
given conversation.
entity (`entity`):
The chat where these messages are located.
message (`list` | :tl:`Message`):
Either a list of messages or a single message.
max_id (`int`):
Overrides messages, until which message should the
acknowledge should be sent.
clear_mentions (`bool`):
Whether the mention badge should be cleared (so that
there are no more mentions) or not for the given entity.
If no message is provided, this will be the only action
if max_id is None:
if message:
if utils.is_list_like(message):
max_id = max(msg.id for msg in message)
max_id = message.id
elif not clear_mentions:
raise ValueError(
'Either a message list or a max_id must be provided.')
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
if clear_mentions:
await self(functions.messages.ReadMentionsRequest(entity))
if max_id is None:
return True
if max_id is not None:
if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerChannel):
return await self(functions.channels.ReadHistoryRequest(
entity, max_id=max_id))
return await self(functions.messages.ReadHistoryRequest(
entity, max_id=max_id))
return False
# endregion
# endregion
# region Private methods
async def _iter_ids(self, entity, ids, total):
Special case for `iter_messages` when it should only fetch some IDs.
if total:
total[0] = len(ids)
if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerChannel):
r = await self(functions.channels.GetMessagesRequest(entity, ids))
r = await self(functions.messages.GetMessagesRequest(ids))
if isinstance(r, types.messages.MessagesNotModified):
for _ in ids:
yield None
entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x
for x in itertools.chain(r.users, r.chats)}
# Telegram seems to return the messages in the order in which
# we asked them for, so we don't need to check it ourselves.
for message in r.messages:
if isinstance(message, types.MessageEmpty):
yield None
yield custom.Message(self, message, entities, entity)
# endregion
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -402,6 +402,27 @@ def get_input_message(message):
_raise_cast_fail(message, 'InputMedia')
def get_message_id(message):
"""Sanitizes the 'reply_to' parameter a user may send"""
if message is None:
return None
if isinstance(message, int):
return message
if hasattr(message, 'original_message'):
return message.original_message.id
if message.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x790009e3:
# hex(crc32(b'Message')) = 0x790009e3
return message.id
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError('Invalid message type: {}'.format(type(message)))
def get_input_location(location):
"""Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for input messages."""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user