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synced 2025-03-12 07:25:49 +03:00
Use a proper markdown parser
This commit is contained in:
@ -206,6 +206,27 @@ The ``telethon.errors`` module continues to provide custom errors used by the li
// TODO should RpcError subclass ValueError? technically the values used in the request somehow were wrong…
// TODO provide a way to see which errors are known in the docs or at tl.telethon.dev
The default markdown parse mode now conforms to the commonmark specification
The old markdown parser (which was used as the default ``client.parse_mode``) used to emulate
Telegram Desktop's behaviour. Now `<markdown-it-py https://github.com/executablebooks/markdown-it-py>`__
is used instead, which fixes certain parsing bugs but also means the formatting will be different.
Most notably, ``__`` will now make text bold. If you want the old behaviour, use a single
underscore instead (such as ``_``). You can also use a single asterisk (``*``) for italics.
Because now there's proper parsing, you also gain:
* Headings (``# text``) will now be underlined.
* Certain HTML tags will now also be recognized in markdown (including ``<u>`` for underlining text).
* Line breaks behave properly now. For a single-line break, end your line with ``\\``.
* Inline links should no longer behave in a strange manner.
* Pre-blocks can now have a language. Official clients don't syntax highlight code yet, though.
// TODO provide a way to get back the old behaviour?
The "iter" variant of the client methods have been removed
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
@ -5,177 +5,152 @@ since they seem to count as two characters and it's a bit strange.
import re
import warnings
import markdown_it
from .helpers import add_surrogate, del_surrogate, within_surrogate, strip_text
from .. import _tl
from .._misc import tlobject
'**': _tl.MessageEntityBold,
'__': _tl.MessageEntityItalic,
'~~': _tl.MessageEntityStrike,
'`': _tl.MessageEntityCode,
'```': _tl.MessageEntityPre
MARKDOWN = markdown_it.MarkdownIt().enable('strikethrough')
_tl.MessageEntityBlockquote: ('> ', ''),
_tl.MessageEntityBold: ('**', '**'),
_tl.MessageEntityCode: ('`', '`'),
_tl.MessageEntityItalic: ('_', '_'),
_tl.MessageEntityStrike: ('~~', '~~'),
_tl.MessageEntityUnderline: ('# ', ''),
DEFAULT_URL_RE = re.compile(r'\[([\S\s]+?)\]\((.+?)\)')
DEFAULT_URL_FORMAT = '[{0}]({1})'
# Not trying to be complete; just enough to have an alternative (mostly for inline underline).
# The fact headings are treated as underline is an implementation detail.
TAG_PATTERN = re.compile(r'<\s*(/?)\s*(\w+)')
'i': ('em_close', 'em_open'),
'em': ('em_close', 'em_open'),
'b': ('strong_close', 'strong_open'),
'strong': ('strong_close', 'strong_open'),
's': ('s_close', 's_open'),
'del': ('s_close', 's_open'),
'u': ('heading_open', 'heading_close'),
'mark': ('heading_open', 'heading_close'),
def overlap(a, b, x, y):
return max(a, x) < min(b, y)
def expand_inline_and_html(tokens):
for token in tokens:
if token.type == 'inline':
yield from expand_inline_and_html(token.children)
elif token.type == 'html_inline':
match = TAG_PATTERN.match(token.content)
if match:
close, tag = match.groups()
tys = HTML_TO_TYPE.get(tag.lower())
if tys:
token.type = tys[bool(close)]
token.nesting = -1 if close else 1
yield token
yield token
def parse(message, delimiters=None, url_re=None):
def parse(message):
Parses the given markdown message and returns its stripped representation
plus a list of the _tl.MessageEntity's that were found.
:param message: the message with markdown-like syntax to be parsed.
:param delimiters: the delimiters to be used, {delimiter: type}.
:param url_re: the URL bytes regex to be used. Must have two groups.
:return: a tuple consisting of (clean message, [message entities]).
if not message:
return message, []
if url_re is None:
elif isinstance(url_re, str):
url_re = re.compile(url_re)
def push(ty, **extra):
nonlocal message, entities, token
if token.nesting > 0:
entities.append(ty(offset=len(message), length=0, **extra))
for entity in reversed(entities):
if isinstance(entity, ty):
entity.length = len(message) - entity.offset
if not delimiters:
if delimiters is not None:
return message, []
parsed = MARKDOWN.parse(add_surrogate(message.strip()))
message = ''
entities = []
last_map = [0, 0]
for token in expand_inline_and_html(parsed):
if token.map is not None and token.map != last_map:
# paragraphs, quotes fences have a line mapping. Use it to determine how many newlines to insert.
# But don't inssert any (leading) new lines if we're yet to reach the first textual content, or
# if the mappings are the same (e.g. a quote then opens a paragraph but the mapping is equal).
if message:
message += '\n' + '\n' * (token.map[0] - last_map[-1])
last_map = token.map
# Build a regex to efficiently test all delimiters at once.
# Note that the largest delimiter should go first, we don't
# want ``` to be interpreted as a single back-tick in a code block.
delim_re = re.compile('|'.join('({})'.format(re.escape(k))
for k in sorted(delimiters, key=len, reverse=True)))
if token.type in ('blockquote_close', 'blockquote_open'):
elif token.type == 'code_block':
entities.append(_tl.MessageEntityPre(offset=len(message), length=len(token.content), language=''))
message += token.content
elif token.type == 'code_inline':
entities.append(_tl.MessageEntityCode(offset=len(message), length=len(token.content)))
message += token.content
elif token.type in ('em_close', 'em_open'):
elif token.type == 'fence':
entities.append(_tl.MessageEntityPre(offset=len(message), length=len(token.content), language=token.info))
message += token.content[:-1] # remove a single trailing newline
elif token.type == 'hardbreak':
message += '\n'
elif token.type in ('heading_close', 'heading_open'):
elif token.type == 'hr':
message += '\u2015\n\n'
elif token.type in ('link_close', 'link_open'):
if token.markup != 'autolink': # telegram already picks up on these automatically
push(_tl.MessageEntityTextUrl, url=token.attrs.get('href'))
elif token.type in ('s_close', 's_open'):
elif token.type == 'softbreak':
message += ' '
elif token.type in ('strong_close', 'strong_open'):
elif token.type == 'text':
message += token.content
# Cannot use a for loop because we need to skip some indices
i = 0
result = []
# Work on byte level with the utf-16le encoding to get the offsets right.
# The offset will just be half the index we're at.
message = add_surrogate(message)
while i < len(message):
m = delim_re.match(message, pos=i)
# Did we find some delimiter here at `i`?
if m:
delim = next(filter(None, m.groups()))
# +1 to avoid matching right after (e.g. "****")
end = message.find(delim, i + len(delim) + 1)
# Did we find the earliest closing tag?
if end != -1:
# Remove the delimiter from the string
message = ''.join((
message[i + len(delim):end],
message[end + len(delim):]
# Check other affected entities
for ent in result:
# If the end is after our start, it is affected
if ent.offset + ent.length > i:
# If the old start is also before ours, it is fully enclosed
if ent.offset <= i:
ent.length -= len(delim) * 2
ent.length -= len(delim)
# Append the found entity
ent = delimiters[delim]
if ent == _tl.MessageEntityPre:
result.append(ent(i, end - i - len(delim), '')) # has 'lang'
result.append(ent(i, end - i - len(delim)))
# No nested entities inside code blocks
if ent in (_tl.MessageEntityCode, _tl.MessageEntityPre):
i = end - len(delim)
elif url_re:
m = url_re.match(message, pos=i)
if m:
# Replace the whole match with only the inline URL text.
message = ''.join((
delim_size = m.end() - m.start() - len(m.group())
for ent in result:
# If the end is after our start, it is affected
if ent.offset + ent.length > m.start():
ent.length -= delim_size
offset=m.start(), length=len(m.group(1)),
i += len(m.group(1))
i += 1
message = strip_text(message, result)
return del_surrogate(message), result
return del_surrogate(message), entities
def unparse(text, entities, delimiters=None, url_fmt=None):
def unparse(text, entities):
Performs the reverse operation to .parse(), effectively returning
markdown-like syntax given a normal text and its _tl.MessageEntity's.
:param text: the text to be reconverted into markdown.
:param entities: the _tl.MessageEntity's applied to the text.
:return: a markdown-like text representing the combination of both inputs.
Because there are many possible ways for markdown to produce a certain
output, this function cannot invert .parse() perfectly.
if not text or not entities:
return text
if not delimiters:
if delimiters is not None:
return text
if url_fmt is not None:
warnings.warn('url_fmt is deprecated') # since it complicates everything *a lot*
if isinstance(entities, tlobject.TLObject):
entities = (entities,)
text = add_surrogate(text)
delimiters = {v: k for k, v in delimiters.items()}
insert_at = []
for entity in entities:
s = entity.offset
e = entity.offset + entity.length
delimiter = delimiters.get(type(entity), None)
delimiter = DELIMITERS.get(type(entity), None)
if delimiter:
insert_at.append((s, delimiter))
insert_at.append((e, delimiter))
url = None
if isinstance(entity, _tl.MessageEntityTextUrl):
url = entity.url
elif isinstance(entity, _tl.MessageEntityMentionName):
url = 'tg://user?id={}'.format(entity.user_id)
if url:
insert_at.append((s, '['))
insert_at.append((e, ']({})'.format(url)))
insert_at.append((s, delimiter[0]))
insert_at.append((e, delimiter[1]))
elif isinstance(entity, _tl.MessageEntityPre):
insert_at.append((s, f'```{entity.language}\n'))
insert_at.append((e, '```\n'))
elif isinstance(entity, _tl.MessageEntityTextUrl):
insert_at.append((s, '['))
insert_at.append((e, f']({entity.url})'))
elif isinstance(entity, _tl.MessageEntityMentionName):
insert_at.append((s, '['))
insert_at.append((e, f'](tg://user?id={entity.user_id})'))
insert_at.sort(key=lambda t: t[0])
while insert_at:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user