mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 06:45:57 +03:00
Remove the (out of date) .nix files from the repo
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,7 +106,3 @@ ENV/
# Rope project settings
# Rope project settings
# Nix build results
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
# A NUR-compatible package specification.
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, useRelease ? true }:
rec {
# The `lib`, `modules`, and `overlay` names are special
lib = ({ pkgs }: { }) { inherit pkgs; }; # functions
modules = { }; # NixOS modules
overlays = { }; # nixpkgs overlays
# # development
# ## development.python-modules
# use in a shell like
# ```nix
# ((pkgs.python3.override {
# packageOverrides = pythonPackageOverrides;
# }).withPackages (ps: [ ps.telethon ])).env
# ```
pythonPackageOverrides = self: super: let
defaultTelethonArgs = { inherit useRelease; };
telethonPkg = v: args: self.callPackage (./nix/telethon + "/${v}.nix")
(defaultTelethonArgs // args);
in rec {
telethon = telethon_1;
telethon-devel = self.callPackage ./nix/telethon/devel.nix { };
telethon_1 = telethon_1_10;
telethon_1_10 = telethon_1_10_1;
telethon_1_10_1 = telethonPkg "1.10" { version = "1.10.1"; };
telethon_1_10_0 = telethonPkg "1.10" { version = "1.10.0"; };
telethon_1_9 = telethon_1_9_0;
telethon_1_9_0 = telethonPkg "1.9" { version = "1.9.0"; };
telethon_1_8 = telethon_1_8_0;
telethon_1_8_0 = telethonPkg "1.8" { version = "1.8.0"; };
telethon_1_7 = telethon_1_7_7;
telethon_1_7_7 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.7"; };
telethon_1_7_6 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.6"; };
telethon_1_7_5 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.5"; };
telethon_1_7_4 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.4"; };
telethon_1_7_3 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.3"; };
telethon_1_7_2 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.2"; };
telethon_1_7_1 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.1"; };
telethon_1_7_0 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.0"; };
telethon_1_6 = telethon_1_6_2;
telethon_1_6_2 = telethonPkg "1.6" { version = "1.6.2"; };
# 1.6.1.post1: hotpatch that fixed Telethon.egg-info dir perms
telethon_1_6_1 = telethonPkg "1.6" { version = "1.6.1"; };
telethon_1_6_0 = telethonPkg "1.6" { version = "1.6.0"; };
telethon_1_5 = telethon_1_5_5;
telethon_1_5_5 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.5"; };
telethon_1_5_4 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.4"; };
telethon_1_5_3 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.3"; };
telethon_1_5_2 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.2"; };
telethon_1_5_1 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.1"; };
telethon_1_5_0 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.0"; };
telethon_1_4 = telethon_1_4_3;
telethon_1_4_3 = telethonPkg "1.4" { version = "1.4.3"; };
telethon_1_4_2 = telethonPkg "1.4" { version = "1.4.2"; };
telethon_1_4_1 = telethonPkg "1.4" { version = "1.4.1"; };
telethon_1_4_0 = telethonPkg "1.4" { version = "1.4.0"; };
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# This file provides all the buildable and cacheable packages and
# package outputs in you package set. These are what gets built by CI,
# so if you correctly mark packages as
# - broken (using `meta.broken`),
# - unfree (using `meta.license.free`), and
# - locally built (using `preferLocalBuild`)
# then your CI will be able to build and cache only those packages for
# which this is possible.
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, enableEnvs ? false }:
with builtins;
isReserved = n: n == "lib" || n == "overlays" || n == "modules";
isDerivation = p: isAttrs p && p ? type && p.type == "derivation";
isBuildable = p: !(p.meta.broken or false) && p.meta.license.free or true;
isCacheable = p: !(p.preferLocalBuild or false);
shouldRecurseForDerivations = p:
isAttrs p && p.recurseForDerivations or false;
nameValuePair = n: v: { name = n; value = v; };
concatMap = builtins.concatMap or (f: xs: concatLists (map f xs));
flattenPkgs = s:
f = p:
if shouldRecurseForDerivations p then flattenPkgs p
else if isDerivation p then [p]
else [];
concatMap f (attrValues s);
outputsOf = p: map (o: p.${o}) p.outputs;
# build & test packages across Python versions
# (withPackages "distributions" are also generated for testing)
nurAttrs = import ./extended.nix { inherit pkgs enableEnvs; };
nurPkgs =
(map (n: nameValuePair n nurAttrs.${n})
(filter (n: !isReserved n)
(attrNames nurAttrs))));
rec {
buildPkgs = filter isBuildable nurPkgs;
cachePkgs = filter isCacheable buildPkgs;
buildOutputs = concatMap outputsOf buildPkgs;
cacheOutputs = concatMap outputsOf cachePkgs;
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, enableEnvs ? true, useRelease ? true }:
# packages built against all Python versions (along with withPackages
# environments for testing)
# to use for testing, you'll probably want a variant of:
# ```sh
# nix-shell nix/extended.nix -A telethon-devel-python37 --run "python"
# ```
inherit (pkgs.lib) attrNames attrValues concatMap head listToAttrs
mapAttrsToList optional optionals tail;
nurAttrs = import ../default.nix { inherit pkgs useRelease; };
pyVersions = concatMap (n: optional (pkgs ? ${n}) n) [
# "pypy3"
# "pypy35"
# "pypy36"
# "pypy37"
pyPkgEnvs = [
[ "telethon" "telethon" ]
[ "telethon-devel" "telethon-devel" ]
[ "telethon_1" "telethon_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_10" "telethon_1_10" ]
[ "telethon_1_10_1" "telethon_1_10_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_10_0" "telethon_1_10_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_9" "telethon_1_9" ]
[ "telethon_1_9_0" "telethon_1_9_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_8" "telethon_1_8" ]
[ "telethon_1_8_0" "telethon_1_8_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_7" "telethon_1_7" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_7" "telethon_1_7_7" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_6" "telethon_1_7_6" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_5" "telethon_1_7_5" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_4" "telethon_1_7_4" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_3" "telethon_1_7_3" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_2" "telethon_1_7_2" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_1" "telethon_1_7_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_0" "telethon_1_7_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_6" "telethon_1_6" ]
[ "telethon_1_6_2" "telethon_1_6_2" ]
[ "telethon_1_6_1" "telethon_1_6_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_6_0" "telethon_1_6_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_5" "telethon_1_5" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_5" "telethon_1_5_5" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_4" "telethon_1_5_4" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_3" "telethon_1_5_3" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_2" "telethon_1_5_2" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_1" "telethon_1_5_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_0" "telethon_1_5_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_4" "telethon_1_4" ]
[ "telethon_1_4_3" "telethon_1_4_3" ]
# [ "telethon_1_4_2" "telethon_1_4_2" ]
# [ "telethon_1_4_1" "telethon_1_4_1" ]
# [ "telethon_1_4_0" "telethon_1_4_0" ]
getPkgPair = pkgs: n: let p = pkgs.${n}; in { name = n; value = p; };
getPkgPairs = pkgs: map (getPkgPair pkgs);
pyPkgPairs = py:
concatMap (d: map (getPkgPair py.pkgs) (tail d)) pyPkgEnvs;
pyPkgEnvPair = pyNm: py: envNm: env: {
name = "${envNm}-env-${pyNm}";
value = (py.withPackages (ps: map (pn: ps.${pn}) env)).overrideAttrs (o: {
name = "${envNm}-${py.name}-env";
preferLocalBuild = true;
pyNurPairs = pyNm: py:
map ({ name, value }: { name = "${name}-${pyNm}"; inherit value; })
(pyPkgPairs py) ++
optionals enableEnvs
(map (d: pyPkgEnvPair pyNm py (head d) (tail d)) pyPkgEnvs);
in nurAttrs // (listToAttrs (concatMap (py: let
python = pkgs.${py}.override {
packageOverrides = nurAttrs.pythonPackageOverrides;
}; in
pyNurPairs py python) pyVersions))
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# You can use this file as a nixpkgs overlay. This is useful in the
# case where you don't want to add the whole NUR namespace to your
# configuration.
self: super:
isReserved = n: n == "lib" || n == "overlays" || n == "modules";
nameValuePair = n: v: { name = n; value = v; };
nurAttrs = import ./default.nix { pkgs = super; };
(map (n: nameValuePair n nurAttrs.${n})
(builtins.filter (n: !isReserved n)
(builtins.attrNames nurAttrs)))
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, pythonOlder
, fetchFromGitHub ? null, fetchPypi ? null, fetchpatch ? null
, pyaes, rsa
, version
, useRelease ? true
assert useRelease -> fetchPypi != null;
assert !useRelease -> fetchFromGitHub != null;
common = import ./common.nix {
inherit lib fetchFromGitHub fetchPypi fetchpatch;
versions = {
"1.10.1" = {
pypiSha256 = "1ql8ai01c6v3l13lh3csh37jjkrb33gj50jyvdfi3qjn60qs2rfl";
sourceSha256 = "1skckq4lai51p476r3shgld89x5yg5snrcrzjfxxxai00lm65cbv";
"1.10.0" = {
pypiSha256 = "1n2g2r5w44nlhn229r8kamhwjxggv16gl3jxq25bpg5y4qgrxzd8";
sourceSha256 = "1rvrc63j6i7yr887g2csciv4zyy407yhdn4n8q2q00dkildh64qw";
in buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "telethon";
inherit version;
src = common.fetchTelethon {
inherit useRelease version;
versionData = versions.${version};
propagatedBuildInputs = [ rsa pyaes ];
doCheck = false; # No tests available
disabled = pythonOlder "3.5";
meta = common.meta;
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, pythonOlder
, fetchFromGitHub ? null, fetchPypi ? null, fetchpatch ? null
, async_generator, pyaes, rsa
, version
, useRelease ? true
assert useRelease -> fetchPypi != null;
assert !useRelease -> fetchFromGitHub != null && fetchpatch != null;
common = import ./common.nix {
inherit lib fetchFromGitHub fetchPypi fetchpatch;
versions = {
"1.4.3" = {
pypiSha256 = "1igslvhd743qy9p4kfs7lg09s8d5vhn9jhzngpv12797569p4lcj";
sourceSha256 = "19vz0ppk7lq1dmqzf47n6h023i08pqvcwnixvm28vrijykq0z315";
"1.4.2" = {
pypiSha256 = "1f4ncyfzqj4b6zib0417r01pgnd0hb1p4aiinhlkxkmk7vy5fqfy";
sourceSha256 = "0rsbz5kqp0d10gasadir3mgalc9aqq4fcv8xa1p7fg263f43rjl4";
"1.4.1" = {
pypiSha256 = "1n0jhdqflinyamzy5krnww7hc0s7pw9yfck1p7816pdbgir74qsw";
sourceSha256 = "07q48gw4ry3wf9yzi6kf8lw3b23a0dvk9r8sabpxwrlqy7gnksxx";
"1.4.0" = {
version = "1.4";
pypiSha256 = "1g7rznwmj87n9k86zby9i75h570hm84izrv0srhsmxi52pjan1ml";
sourceSha256 = "14nv86yrj01wmlj5cfg6iq5w03ssl67av1arfy9mq1935mly5nly";
in buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "telethon";
inherit version;
src = common.fetchTelethon {
inherit useRelease version;
versionData = versions.${version};
patches = lib.optionals (!useRelease) [
(if (lib.versionOlder version "1.4.3") then
propagatedBuildInputs = [ async_generator rsa pyaes ];
doCheck = false; # No tests available
disabled = pythonOlder "3.5";
meta = common.meta;
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, pythonOlder
, fetchFromGitHub ? null, fetchPypi ? null, fetchpatch ? null
, async_generator, pyaes, rsa
, version
, useRelease ? true
assert useRelease -> fetchPypi != null;
assert !useRelease -> fetchFromGitHub != null && fetchpatch != null;
common = import ./common.nix {
inherit lib fetchFromGitHub fetchPypi fetchpatch;
versions = {
"1.5.5" = {
pypiSha256 = "1qpc4vc3lidhlp1c7521nxizjr6y5c3l9x41knqv02x8n3l9knxa";
sourceSha256 = "1x5niscjbrg5a0cg261z6awln57v3nn8si5j58vhsnckws2c48a5";
"1.5.4" = {
pypiSha256 = "1kjqi3wy4hswsf3vmrjg7z5c3f9wpdfk4wz1yfsqmj9ppwllkjsj";
sourceSha256 = "0rmp9zk7a354nb39c01mjcrhi2j6v9im40xmdcvmizx990vlv476";
"1.5.3" = {
pypiSha256 = "11xd5ni0chzsfny0vwwqyh37mvmrwrk2bmkhwp1ipbxyis8jjjia";
sourceSha256 = "1l3i6wx3fgcy3vmr75qdbv5fvc5qnk0j47hv7jszsqq9rvqvz2xs";
"1.5.2" = {
pypiSha256 = "0ymv6l9xn41sgpkilqkivwbjna89m43i0a728lak2cppp7i1i1h7";
sourceSha256 = "0gnqvlhh3qyvibl7icn6774rshlx1nnhb5f78609da44743lyv17";
"1.5.1" = {
pypiSha256 = "1ypxpsfj814gzln4fl7z17l1l6q0bzd5p1ivas85yim3a992ixww";
sourceSha256 = "15w5nshvmj8hgqdcbpw0fjcf1cspaci8dldm9ml1pmijw7zgmpdg";
"1.5.0" = {
version = "1.5";
pypiSha256 = "1kzkzcxyz7adjzvm2ml9faz2c5yx469j211yvi5xfvjwp58ic2jc";
sourceSha256 = "12232d3xfv0bbykk9xaxpxsr3656ywjx4ra1q5q99rpp6wv438n1";
in buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "telethon";
inherit version;
src = common.fetchTelethon {
inherit useRelease version;
versionData = versions.${version};
patches = lib.optionals (!useRelease) ([
] ++ lib.optional (lib.versionOlder version "1.5.3")
propagatedBuildInputs = [ async_generator rsa pyaes ];
doCheck = false; # No tests available
disabled = pythonOlder "3.5";
meta = common.meta;
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, pythonOlder
, fetchFromGitHub ? null, fetchPypi ? null, fetchpatch ? null
, pyaes, rsa
, version
, useRelease ? true
assert useRelease -> fetchPypi != null;
assert !useRelease -> fetchFromGitHub != null && fetchpatch != null;
common = import ./common.nix {
inherit lib fetchFromGitHub fetchPypi fetchpatch;
versions = {
"1.6.2" = {
pypiSha256 = "074h5gj0c330rb1nxzpqm31fp1vw7calh1cdkapbjx90j769iz18";
sourceSha256 = "1daqlb4sva5qkljzbjr8xvjfgp7bdcrl2li1i4434za6a0isgd3j";
"1.6.1" = {
# hotpatch with missing .pyc files and fixed Telethon.egg-info perms
pypiVersion = "1.6.1.post1";
pypiSha256 = "17s1qp69bbj6jniam9wbcpaj60ah56sjw0q3kr8ca28y17s88si7";
# pypiVersion = "1.6.1";
# pypiSha256 = "036lhr1jr79np74c6ih51c4pjy828r3lvwcq07q5wynyjprm1qbz";
sourceSha256 = "1hk1bpnk51rpsifb67s31c2qph5hmw28i2vgh97i4i56vynx2yxz";
"1.6.0" = {
version = "1.6";
pypiSha256 = "06prmld9068zcm9rfmq3rpq1szw72c6dkxl62b035i9w8wdpvg0m";
sourceSha256 = "0qk14mrnvv9a043ik0y2w6q97l83abvbvn441zn2jl00w4ykfqrh";
in buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "telethon";
inherit version;
src = common.fetchTelethon {
inherit useRelease version;
versionData = versions.${version};
patches = lib.optional (!useRelease)
propagatedBuildInputs = [ rsa pyaes ];
doCheck = false; # No tests available
disabled = pythonOlder "3.5";
meta = common.meta;
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, pythonOlder
, fetchFromGitHub ? null, fetchPypi ? null, fetchpatch ? null
, pyaes, rsa
, version
, useRelease ? true
assert useRelease -> fetchPypi != null;
assert !useRelease -> fetchFromGitHub != null;
common = import ./common.nix {
inherit lib fetchFromGitHub fetchPypi fetchpatch;
versions = {
"1.7.7" = {
pypiSha256 = "0mgpihjc7g4gfrq57srripdavxbsgivn4qsjanv3yds5drskciv0";
sourceSha256 = "08c3iakd7fyacc79pg8hyzpa6zx3gbp7xivi10af34zj775lp2pi";
"1.7.6" = {
pypiSha256 = "192xda98685s3hmz7ircxpsn7yq913y0r1kmqrsav90m4g4djn4j";
sourceSha256 = "1ss2pfpd3hby25g9ighbr7ccp66awfzda4srsnvr9s6i28har6ag";
"1.7.5" = {
pypiSha256 = "0i5s7ahicw5k0s1i7pi26vc6rp6ppr1gr848sa61yh3qqa4c0qnr";
sourceSha256 = "1rssh0l466h9y6v0z095c9aa63nz9im7gg5771jjj5w70mkpm5w6";
"1.7.4" = {
pypiSha256 = "1qpc9f1y559zdwz59qqz4hbf1mrynjjbcg357nzaa2x5a2q4lz0s";
sourceSha256 = "1q43lwfp67q4skfcrb6sdlnjw4ajrpizf08fd9wjrw521kkd8g4y";
"1.7.3" = {
pypiSha256 = "0s8qmsarlfgpb0k3w50siv354hpa7b1dnrjjd0iqz7vc5bc7ni84";
sourceSha256 = "0c393smp1qm8kk39r0k31p74p89qzvjdjxq4bxq75h07a1yqbs8x";
"1.7.2" = {
pypiSha256 = "0465dwikhpbka2sj1g952rac03jkixq497gbmmyx2i9xb594db27";
sourceSha256 = "1gw09zbaqvn074skwjhmm4yp8p75rw9njwjbkcfvqb4gr6dg8wpq";
"1.7.1" = {
pypiSha256 = "186z6imf7zqy8vf4yv2w2kxpd7lxmfppa1qi8nxjdgq8rz7wbglf";
sourceSha256 = "05mpqfj4w5qxyl1ai5p0f31pkagz55xxh8060r8y9i3d44j9bn1c";
"1.7.0" = {
version = "1.7";
pypiSha256 = "06cqb121k2y0h3x7gvckyvbsn97wc1a25pghinxz2vb7vg8wwxvw";
sourceSha256 = "0myx32hqax71ijfw6ksxvk27cb6x06kbz8jb7ib9d1cayr2viir6";
in buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "telethon";
inherit version;
src = common.fetchTelethon {
inherit useRelease version;
versionData = versions.${version};
patches = lib.optional (!useRelease && lib.versionOlder version "1.7.1")
propagatedBuildInputs = [ rsa pyaes ];
doCheck = false; # No tests available
disabled = pythonOlder "3.5";
meta = common.meta;
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, pythonOlder
, fetchFromGitHub ? null, fetchPypi ? null, fetchpatch ? null
, pyaes, rsa
, version
, useRelease ? true
assert useRelease -> fetchPypi != null;
assert !useRelease -> fetchFromGitHub != null;
common = import ./common.nix {
inherit lib fetchFromGitHub fetchPypi fetchpatch;
versions = {
"1.8.0" = {
pypiSha256 = "099br8ldjrfzwipv7g202lnjghmqj79j6gicgx11s0vawb5mb3vf";
sourceSha256 = "1q5mcijmjw2m2v3ilw28xnavmcdck5md0k98kwnz0kyx4iqckcv0";
in buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "telethon";
inherit version;
src = common.fetchTelethon {
inherit useRelease version;
versionData = versions.${version};
propagatedBuildInputs = [ rsa pyaes ];
doCheck = false; # No tests available
disabled = pythonOlder "3.5";
meta = common.meta;
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, pythonOlder
, fetchFromGitHub ? null, fetchPypi ? null, fetchpatch ? null
, pyaes, rsa
, version
, useRelease ? true
assert useRelease -> fetchPypi != null;
assert !useRelease -> fetchFromGitHub != null;
common = import ./common.nix {
inherit lib fetchFromGitHub fetchPypi fetchpatch;
versions = {
"1.9.0" = {
pypiSha256 = "1p4y4qd1ndzi1lg4fhnvq1rqz7611yrwnwwvzh63aazfpzaplyd8";
sourceSha256 = "1g6khxc7mvm3q8rqksw9dwn4l2w8wzvr3zb74n2lb7g5ilpxsadd";
in buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "telethon";
inherit version;
src = common.fetchTelethon {
inherit useRelease version;
versionData = versions.${version};
propagatedBuildInputs = [ rsa pyaes ];
doCheck = false; # No tests available
disabled = pythonOlder "3.5";
meta = common.meta;
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
{ lib, fetchFromGitHub ? null, fetchPypi ? null, fetchpatch ? null }:
rec {
fetchTelethon = { useRelease, version, versionData }:
if useRelease then assert versionData.pypiSha256 != null; fetchPypi {
pname = "Telethon";
version = versionData.pypiVersion or (versionData.version or version);
sha256 = versionData.pypiSha256;
} else assert versionData.sourceSha256 != null; fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "LonamiWebs";
repo = "Telethon";
rev = versionData.rev or "v${versionData.version or version}";
sha256 = versionData.sourceSha256;
fetchpatchTelethon = { rev, ... } @ args:
fetchpatch ({
url = "https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/commit/${rev}.patch";
} // (builtins.removeAttrs args [ "rev" ]));
# sorted by name, then by logical version range
patches = rec {
generator-use-pathlib-to-1_4_3 = ./generator-use-pathlib-to-1_4_3.patch;
generator-use-pathlib-from-1_4_3-to-1_5_0 = [
(fetchpatchTelethon {
rev = "e71c556ca71aec11166dc66f949a05e700aeb24f";
sha256 = "058phfaggf22j0cjpy9j17y63zgd9m8j4qf7ldsg0jqm1vrym76w";
(fetchpatchTelethon {
rev = "8224e5aabf18bb31c6af8c460c38ced11756f080";
sha256 = "0x3xfkld4d2kc0a1a8ldxy85pi57zaipq3b401b16r6rzbi4sh1j";
(fetchpatchTelethon {
rev = "aefa429236d28ae68bec4e4ef9f12d13f647dfe6";
sha256 = "043hks8hg5sli1amfv5453h831nwy4dgyw8xr4xxfaxh74754icx";
generator-use-pathlib-open-to-1_5_3 = fetchpatchTelethon {
rev = "b57e3e3e0a752903fe7d539fb87787ec6712a3d9";
sha256 = "1rl3lkwfi3h62ppzglrmz13zfai8i8cchzqgbjccr4l7nzh1n6nq";
sort-generated-tlobjects-to-1_7_1 = fetchpatchTelethon {
rev = "08f8aa3c526c043c107ec1b489b89c011555722f";
sha256 = "1lkvvjzhm9jfrxpm4hbvvysz5f3qi0v4f7vqnfmrzawl73s8qk80";
meta = let inherit (lib) licenses maintainers; in {
description = "Full-featured Telegram client library for Python 3";
fullDescription = ''
Telegram is a popular messaging application. This library is meant to
make it easy for you to write Python programs that can interact with
Telegram. Think of it as a wrapper that has already done the heavy job
for you, so you can focus on developing an application.
homepage = https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon;
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = [ maintainers.bb010g maintainers.nyanloutre ];
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, nix-gitignore, pythonOlder
, async_generator, pyaes, rsa
common = import ./common.nix { inherit lib; };
in buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "telethon";
# If pinning to a specific commit, use the following output instead:
# ```sh
# TZ=UTC git show -s --format=format:%cd --date=short-local
# ```
version = "HEAD";
src = nix-gitignore.gitignoreSource ''
'' ../..;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ async_generator rsa pyaes ];
doCheck = false; # No tests available
disabled = pythonOlder "3.5";
meta = common.meta;
@ -1,819 +0,0 @@
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@
import itertools
import json
-import os
import re
import shutil
-from codecs import open
+from os import chdir
+from pathlib import Path
+from subprocess import run
from sys import argv
from setuptools import find_packages, setup
@@ -29,30 +30,29 @@
self.original = None
def __enter__(self):
- self.original = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
+ self.original = Path('.')
+ chdir(str(Path(__file__).parent))
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
- os.chdir(self.original)
+ chdir(str(self.original))
-GENERATOR_DIR = 'telethon_generator'
-LIBRARY_DIR = 'telethon'
+GENERATOR_DIR = Path('telethon_generator')
+LIBRARY_DIR = Path('telethon')
-ERRORS_IN_JSON = os.path.join(GENERATOR_DIR, 'data', 'errors.json')
-ERRORS_IN_DESC = os.path.join(GENERATOR_DIR, 'data', 'error_descriptions')
-ERRORS_OUT = os.path.join(LIBRARY_DIR, 'errors', 'rpcerrorlist.py')
+ERRORS_IN_JSON = GENERATOR_DIR / 'data/errors.json'
+ERRORS_IN_DESC = GENERATOR_DIR / 'data/error_descriptions'
+ERRORS_OUT = LIBRARY_DIR / 'errors/rpcerrorlist.py'
-INVALID_BM_IN = os.path.join(GENERATOR_DIR, 'data', 'invalid_bot_methods.json')
+INVALID_BM_IN = GENERATOR_DIR / 'data/invalid_bot_methods.json'
-TLOBJECT_IN_CORE_TL = os.path.join(GENERATOR_DIR, 'data', 'mtproto_api.tl')
-TLOBJECT_IN_TL = os.path.join(GENERATOR_DIR, 'data', 'telegram_api.tl')
-TLOBJECT_OUT = os.path.join(LIBRARY_DIR, 'tl')
+TLOBJECT_IN_TLS = [Path(x) for x in GENERATOR_DIR.glob('data/*.tl')]
-DOCS_IN_RES = os.path.join(GENERATOR_DIR, 'data', 'html')
-DOCS_OUT = 'docs'
+DOCS_IN_RES = GENERATOR_DIR / 'data/html'
+DOCS_OUT = Path('docs')
def generate(which):
@@ -60,15 +60,12 @@
from telethon_generator.generators import\
generate_errors, generate_tlobjects, generate_docs, clean_tlobjects
- # Older Python versions open the file as bytes instead (3.4.2)
- with open(INVALID_BM_IN, 'r') as f:
+ with INVALID_BM_IN.open('r') as f:
invalid_bot_methods = set(json.load(f))
- layer = find_layer(TLOBJECT_IN_TL)
+ layer = next(filter(None, map(find_layer, TLOBJECT_IN_TLS)))
errors = list(parse_errors(ERRORS_IN_JSON, ERRORS_IN_DESC))
- tlobjects = list(itertools.chain(
- parse_tl(TLOBJECT_IN_CORE_TL, layer, invalid_bot_methods),
- parse_tl(TLOBJECT_IN_TL, layer, invalid_bot_methods)))
+ tlobjects = list(itertools.chain(*(
+ parse_tl(file, layer, invalid_bot_methods) for file in TLOBJECT_IN_TLS)))
if not which:
which.extend(('tl', 'errors'))
@@ -96,30 +93,29 @@
print(action, 'RPCErrors...')
if clean:
- if os.path.isfile(ERRORS_OUT):
- os.remove(ERRORS_OUT)
+ if ERRORS_OUT.is_file():
+ ERRORS_OUT.unlink()
- with open(ERRORS_OUT, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
+ with ERRORS_OUT.open('w') as file:
generate_errors(errors, file)
if 'docs' in which:
print(action, 'documentation...')
if clean:
- if os.path.isdir(DOCS_OUT):
- shutil.rmtree(DOCS_OUT)
+ if DOCS_OUT.is_dir():
+ shutil.rmtree(str(DOCS_OUT))
generate_docs(tlobjects, methods, layer, DOCS_IN_RES, DOCS_OUT)
if 'json' in which:
print(action, 'JSON schema...')
- mtproto = 'mtproto_api.json'
- telegram = 'telegram_api.json'
+ json_files = [x.with_suffix('.json') for x in TLOBJECT_IN_TLS]
if clean:
- for x in (mtproto, telegram):
- if os.path.isfile(x):
- os.remove(x)
+ for file in json_files:
+ if file.is_file():
+ file.unlink()
def gen_json(fin, fout):
methods = []
@@ -131,8 +130,8 @@
with open(fout, 'w') as f:
json.dump(what, f, indent=2)
- gen_json(TLOBJECT_IN_CORE_TL, mtproto)
- gen_json(TLOBJECT_IN_TL, telegram)
+ for fin, fout in zip(TLOBJECT_IN_TLS, json_files):
+ gen_json(fin, fout)
if which:
print('The following items were not understood:', which)
@@ -156,22 +155,17 @@
print('Packaging for PyPi aborted, importing the module failed.')
- # Need python3.5 or higher, but Telethon is supposed to support 3.x
- # Place it here since noone should be running ./setup.py pypi anyway
- from subprocess import run
- from shutil import rmtree
for x in ('build', 'dist', 'Telethon.egg-info'):
- rmtree(x, ignore_errors=True)
+ shutil.rmtree(x, ignore_errors=True)
run('python3 setup.py sdist', shell=True)
run('python3 setup.py bdist_wheel', shell=True)
run('twine upload dist/*', shell=True)
for x in ('build', 'dist', 'Telethon.egg-info'):
- rmtree(x, ignore_errors=True)
+ shutil.rmtree(x, ignore_errors=True)
# e.g. install from GitHub
- if os.path.isdir(GENERATOR_DIR):
+ if GENERATOR_DIR.is_dir():
generate(['tl', 'errors'])
# Get the long description from the README file
--- a/telethon_generator/docswriter.py
+++ b/telethon_generator/docswriter.py
@@ -2,0 +2,0 @@
class DocsWriter:
- """Utility class used to write the HTML files used on the documentation"""
- def __init__(self, filename, type_to_path):
- """Initializes the writer to the specified output file,
- creating the parent directories when used if required.
- 'type_to_path_function' should be a function which, given a type
- name and a named argument relative_to, returns the file path for
- the specified type, relative to the given filename
+ """
+ Utility class used to write the HTML files used on the documentation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, root, filename, type_to_path):
+ Initializes the writer to the specified output file,
+ creating the parent directories when used if required.
+ """
+ self.root = root
self.filename = filename
+ self._parent = str(self.filename.parent)
self.handle = None
+ self.title = ''
# Should be set before calling adding items to the menu
self.menu_separator_tag = None
- # Utility functions TODO There must be a better way
- self.type_to_path = lambda t: type_to_path(
- t, relative_to=self.filename
- )
+ # Utility functions
+ self.type_to_path = lambda t: self._rel(type_to_path(t))
# Control signals
self.menu_began = False
@@ -30,11 +30,20 @@
self.write_copy_script = False
self._script = ''
+ def _rel(self, path):
+ """
+ Get the relative path for the given path from the current
+ file by working around https://bugs.python.org/issue20012.
+ """
+ return os.path.relpath(str(path), self._parent)
# High level writing
- def write_head(self, title, relative_css_path, default_css):
+ def write_head(self, title, css_path, default_css):
"""Writes the head part for the generated document,
with the given title and CSS
+ #
+ self.title = title
'''<!DOCTYPE html>
@@ -54,17 +63,17 @@
<div id="main_div">''',
- rel_css=relative_css_path.rstrip('/'),
+ rel_css=self._rel(css_path),
- def set_menu_separator(self, relative_image_path):
+ def set_menu_separator(self, img):
"""Sets the menu separator.
Must be called before adding entries to the menu
- if relative_image_path:
- self.menu_separator_tag = \
- '<img src="{}" alt="/" />'.format(relative_image_path)
+ if img:
+ self.menu_separator_tag = '<img src="{}" alt="/" />'.format(
+ self._rel(img))
self.menu_separator_tag = None
@@ -80,7 +89,7 @@
if link:
- self.write('<a href="{}">', link)
+ self.write('<a href="{}">', self._rel(link))
# Write the real menu entry text
@@ -210,7 +219,7 @@
if bold:
if link:
- self.write('<a href="{}">', link)
+ self.write('<a href="{}">', self._rel(link))
# Finally write the real table data, the given text
@@ -278,10 +287,7 @@
# With block
def __enter__(self):
# Sanity check
- parent = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
- if parent:
- os.makedirs(parent, exist_ok=True)
+ self.filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.handle = open(self.filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
return self
--- a/telethon_generator/generators/docs.py
+++ b/telethon_generator/generators/docs.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import csv
import functools
-import os
import re
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict
+from pathlib import Path
from ..docswriter import DocsWriter
from ..parsers import TLObject, Usability
@@ -35,41 +34,33 @@
def _get_create_path_for(root, tlobject, make=True):
"""Creates and returns the path for the given TLObject at root."""
- out_dir = 'methods' if tlobject.is_function else 'constructors'
+ # TODO Can we pre-create all required directories?
+ out_dir = root / ('methods' if tlobject.is_function else 'constructors')
if tlobject.namespace:
- out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, tlobject.namespace)
+ out_dir /= tlobject.namespace
- out_dir = os.path.join(root, out_dir)
if make:
- os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
- return os.path.join(out_dir, _get_file_name(tlobject))
+ out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ return out_dir / _get_file_name(tlobject)
-def _get_path_for_type(root, type_, relative_to='.'):
+def _get_path_for_type(type_):
"""Similar to `_get_create_path_for` but for only type names."""
if type_.lower() in CORE_TYPES:
- path = 'index.html#%s' % type_.lower()
+ return Path('index.html#%s' % type_.lower())
elif '.' in type_:
namespace, name = type_.split('.')
- path = 'types/%s/%s' % (namespace, _get_file_name(name))
+ return Path('types', namespace, _get_file_name(name))
- path = 'types/%s' % _get_file_name(type_)
- return _get_relative_path(os.path.join(root, path), relative_to)
-def _get_relative_path(destination, relative_to, folder=False):
- """Return the relative path to destination from relative_to."""
- if not folder:
- relative_to = os.path.dirname(relative_to)
- return os.path.relpath(destination, start=relative_to)
+ return Path('types', _get_file_name(type_))
def _find_title(html_file):
"""Finds the <title> for the given HTML file, or (Unknown)."""
- with open(html_file, 'r') as fp:
- for line in fp:
+ # TODO Is it necessary to read files like this?
+ with html_file.open() as f:
+ for line in f:
if '<title>' in line:
# + 7 to skip len('<title>')
return line[line.index('<title>') + 7:line.index('</title>')]
@@ -77,25 +68,27 @@
return '(Unknown)'
-def _build_menu(docs, filename, root, relative_main_index):
- """Builds the menu using the given DocumentWriter up to 'filename',
- which must be a file (it cannot be a directory)"""
- filename = _get_relative_path(filename, root)
- docs.add_menu('API', relative_main_index)
- items = filename.split('/')
- for i in range(len(items) - 1):
- item = items[i]
- link = '../' * (len(items) - (i + 2))
- link += 'index.html'
- docs.add_menu(item.title(), link=link)
+def _build_menu(docs):
+ """
+ Builds the menu used for the current ``DocumentWriter``.
+ """
+ paths = []
+ current = docs.filename
+ while current != docs.root:
+ current = current.parent
+ paths.append(current)
+ for path in reversed(paths):
+ docs.add_menu(path.stem.title(), link=path / 'index.html')
+ if docs.filename.stem != 'index':
+ docs.add_menu(docs.title, link=docs.filename)
- if items[-1] != 'index.html':
- docs.add_menu(os.path.splitext(items[-1])[0])
-def _generate_index(folder, original_paths, root,
+def _generate_index(root, folder, paths,
bots_index=False, bots_index_paths=()):
"""Generates the index file for the specified folder"""
# Determine the namespaces listed here (as sub folders)
@@ -105,38 +98,24 @@
INDEX = 'index.html'
BOT_INDEX = 'botindex.html'
- if not bots_index:
- for item in os.listdir(folder):
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, item)):
- namespaces.append(item)
- elif item not in (INDEX, BOT_INDEX):
- files.append(item)
- else:
- # bots_index_paths should be a list of "namespace/method.html"
- # or "method.html"
- for item in bots_index_paths:
- dirname = os.path.dirname(item)
- if dirname and dirname not in namespaces:
- namespaces.append(dirname)
- elif not dirname and item not in (INDEX, BOT_INDEX):
- files.append(item)
- paths = {k: _get_relative_path(v, folder, folder=True)
- for k, v in original_paths.items()}
+ for item in (bots_index_paths or folder.iterdir()):
+ if item.is_dir():
+ namespaces.append(item)
+ elif item.name not in (INDEX, BOT_INDEX):
+ files.append(item)
# Now that everything is setup, write the index.html file
- filename = os.path.join(folder, BOT_INDEX if bots_index else INDEX)
- with DocsWriter(filename, type_to_path=_get_path_for_type) as docs:
+ filename = folder / (BOT_INDEX if bots_index else INDEX)
+ with DocsWriter(root, filename, _get_path_for_type) as docs:
# Title should be the current folder name
- docs.write_head(folder.title(),
- relative_css_path=paths['css'],
- default_css=original_paths['default_css'])
+ docs.write_head(str(folder).title(),
+ css_path=paths['css'],
+ default_css=paths['default_css'])
- _build_menu(docs, filename, root,
- relative_main_index=paths['index_all'])
+ _build_menu(docs)
+ docs.write_title(str(filename.parent.relative_to(root)).title())
- docs.write_title(_get_relative_path(folder, root, folder=True).title())
if bots_index:
docs.write_text('These are the methods that you may be able to '
'use as a bot. Click <a href="{}">here</a> to '
@@ -153,24 +132,22 @@
namespace_paths = []
if bots_index:
for item in bots_index_paths:
- if os.path.dirname(item) == namespace:
- namespace_paths.append(os.path.basename(item))
- _generate_index(os.path.join(folder, namespace),
- original_paths, root,
+ if item.parent == namespace:
+ namespace_paths.append(item)
+ _generate_index(root, namespace, paths,
bots_index, namespace_paths)
- if bots_index:
- docs.add_row(namespace.title(),
- link=os.path.join(namespace, BOT_INDEX))
- else:
- docs.add_row(namespace.title(),
- link=os.path.join(namespace, INDEX))
+ docs.add_row(
+ namespace.stem.title(),
+ link=namespace / (BOT_INDEX if bots_index else INDEX))
docs.write_title('Available items')
- files = [(f, _find_title(os.path.join(folder, f))) for f in files]
+ files = [(f, _find_title(f)) for f in files]
files.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])
for file, title in files:
@@ -231,7 +208,7 @@
-def _write_html_pages(tlobjects, methods, layer, input_res, output_dir):
+def _write_html_pages(root, tlobjects, methods, layer, input_res):
Generates the documentation HTML files from from ``scheme.tl``
to ``/methods`` and ``/constructors``, etc.
@@ -239,21 +216,18 @@
# Save 'Type: [Constructors]' for use in both:
# * Seeing the return type or constructors belonging to the same type.
# * Generating the types documentation, showing available constructors.
- original_paths = {
- 'css': 'css',
- 'arrow': 'img/arrow.svg',
- 'search.js': 'js/search.js',
- '404': '404.html',
- 'index_all': 'index.html',
- 'bot_index': 'botindex.html',
- 'index_types': 'types/index.html',
- 'index_methods': 'methods/index.html',
- 'index_constructors': 'constructors/index.html'
- }
- original_paths = {k: os.path.join(output_dir, v)
- for k, v in original_paths.items()}
- original_paths['default_css'] = 'light' # docs.<name>.css, local path
+ paths = {k: root / v for k, v in (
+ ('css', 'css'),
+ ('arrow', 'img/arrow.svg'),
+ ('search.js', 'js/search.js'),
+ ('404', '404.html'),
+ ('index_all', 'index.html'),
+ ('bot_index', 'botindex.html'),
+ ('index_types', 'types/index.html'),
+ ('index_methods', 'methods/index.html'),
+ ('index_constructors', 'constructors/index.html')
+ )}
+ paths['default_css'] = 'light' # docs.<name>.css, local path
type_to_constructors = defaultdict(list)
type_to_functions = defaultdict(list)
for tlobject in tlobjects:
@@ -266,24 +240,20 @@
methods = {m.name: m for m in methods}
# Since the output directory is needed everywhere partially apply it now
- create_path_for = functools.partial(_get_create_path_for, output_dir)
- path_for_type = functools.partial(_get_path_for_type, output_dir)
+ create_path_for = functools.partial(_get_create_path_for, root)
+ path_for_type = lambda t: root / _get_path_for_type(t)
bot_docs_paths = []
for tlobject in tlobjects:
filename = create_path_for(tlobject)
- paths = {k: _get_relative_path(v, filename)
- for k, v in original_paths.items()}
- with DocsWriter(filename, type_to_path=path_for_type) as docs:
+ with DocsWriter(root, filename, path_for_type) as docs:
- relative_css_path=paths['css'],
- default_css=original_paths['default_css'])
+ css_path=paths['css'],
+ default_css=paths['default_css'])
# Create the menu (path to the current TLObject)
- _build_menu(docs, filename, output_dir,
- relative_main_index=paths['index_all'])
+ _build_menu(docs)
# Create the page title
@@ -333,9 +303,7 @@
inner = tlobject.result
- docs.add_row(inner, link=path_for_type(
- inner, relative_to=filename
- ))
+ docs.add_row(inner, link=path_for_type(inner))
cs = type_to_constructors.get(inner, [])
@@ -349,7 +317,6 @@
for constructor in cs:
link = create_path_for(constructor)
- link = _get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename)
docs.add_row(constructor.class_name, link=link)
@@ -380,8 +347,8 @@
docs.add_row('!' + friendly_type, align='center')
- friendly_type, align='center', link=
- path_for_type(arg.type, relative_to=filename)
+ friendly_type, align='center',
+ link=path_for_type(arg.type)
# Add a description for this argument
@@ -441,18 +408,13 @@
- temp = []
- for item in bot_docs_paths:
- temp.append(os.path.sep.join(item.split(os.path.sep)[2:]))
- bot_docs_paths = temp
# Find all the available types (which are not the same as the constructors)
# Each type has a list of constructors associated to it, hence is a map
for t, cs in type_to_constructors.items():
filename = path_for_type(t)
- out_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ out_dir = filename.parent
if out_dir:
- os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Since we don't have access to the full TLObject, split the type
if '.' in t:
@@ -460,17 +422,13 @@
namespace, name = None, t
- paths = {k: _get_relative_path(v, out_dir, folder=True)
- for k, v in original_paths.items()}
- with DocsWriter(filename, type_to_path=path_for_type) as docs:
+ with DocsWriter(root, filename, path_for_type) as docs:
- relative_css_path=paths['css'],
- default_css=original_paths['default_css'])
+ css_path=paths['css'],
+ default_css=paths['default_css'])
- _build_menu(docs, filename, output_dir,
- relative_main_index=paths['index_all'])
+ _build_menu(docs)
# Main file title
@@ -489,7 +447,6 @@
for constructor in cs:
# Constructor full name
link = create_path_for(constructor)
- link = _get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename)
docs.add_row(constructor.class_name, link=link)
@@ -509,7 +466,6 @@
for func in functions:
link = create_path_for(func)
- link = _get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename)
docs.add_row(func.class_name, link=link)
@@ -534,7 +490,6 @@
for ot in other_methods:
link = create_path_for(ot)
- link = _get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename)
docs.add_row(ot.class_name, link=link)
@@ -560,7 +515,6 @@
for ot in other_types:
link = create_path_for(ot)
- link = _get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename)
docs.add_row(ot.class_name, link=link)
@@ -570,11 +524,10 @@
# information that we have available, simply a file listing all the others
# accessible by clicking on their title
for folder in ['types', 'methods', 'constructors']:
- _generate_index(os.path.join(output_dir, folder), original_paths,
- output_dir)
+ _generate_index(root, root / folder, paths)
- _generate_index(os.path.join(output_dir, 'methods'), original_paths,
- output_dir, True, bot_docs_paths)
+ _generate_index(root, root / 'methods', paths, True,
+ bot_docs_paths)
# Write the final core index, the main index for the rest of files
types = set()
@@ -596,9 +549,8 @@
methods = sorted(methods, key=lambda m: m.name)
cs = sorted(cs, key=lambda c: c.name)
- shutil.copy(os.path.join(input_res, '404.html'), original_paths['404'])
- _copy_replace(os.path.join(input_res, 'core.html'),
- original_paths['index_all'], {
+ shutil.copy(str(input_res / '404.html'), str(paths['404']))
+ _copy_replace(input_res / 'core.html', paths['index_all'], {
'{type_count}': len(types),
'{method_count}': len(methods),
'{constructor_count}': len(tlobjects) - len(methods),
@@ -624,17 +576,15 @@
type_names = fmt(types, formatter=lambda x: x)
# Local URLs shouldn't rely on the output's root, so set empty root
- create_path_for = functools.partial(_get_create_path_for, '', make=False)
- path_for_type = functools.partial(_get_path_for_type, '')
+ create_path_for = functools.partial(
+ _get_create_path_for, Path(), make=False)
request_urls = fmt(methods, create_path_for)
- type_urls = fmt(types, path_for_type)
+ type_urls = fmt(types, _get_path_for_type)
constructor_urls = fmt(cs, create_path_for)
- os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
- original_paths['search.js'], os.path.pardir
- )), exist_ok=True)
- _copy_replace(os.path.join(input_res, 'js', 'search.js'),
- original_paths['search.js'], {
+ paths['search.js'].parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ _copy_replace(input_res / 'js/search.js', paths['search.js'], {
'{request_names}': request_names,
'{type_names}': type_names,
'{constructor_names}': constructor_names,
@@ -649,11 +599,11 @@
('img', ['arrow.svg'])]:
- dirpath = os.path.join(out_dir, dirname)
- os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True)
+ dirpath = out_dir / dirname
+ dirpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for file in files:
- shutil.copy(os.path.join(res_dir, dirname, file), dirpath)
+ shutil.copy(str(res_dir / dirname / file), str(dirpath))
def generate_docs(tlobjects, methods, layer, input_res, output_dir):
- os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
- _write_html_pages(tlobjects, methods, layer, input_res, output_dir)
+ output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ _write_html_pages(output_dir, tlobjects, methods, layer, input_res)
_copy_resources(input_res, output_dir)
--- a/telethon_generator/generators/tlobject.py
+++ b/telethon_generator/generators/tlobject.py
@@ -48,9 +48,8 @@
def _write_modules(
out_dir, depth, kind, namespace_tlobjects, type_constructors):
# namespace_tlobjects: {'namespace', [TLObject]}
- os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for ns, tlobjects in namespace_tlobjects.items():
- file = os.path.join(out_dir, '{}.py'.format(ns or '__init__'))
- with open(file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f,\
- SourceBuilder(f) as builder:
+ file = out_dir / '{}.py'.format(ns or '__init__')
+ with file.open('w') as f, SourceBuilder(f) as builder:
builder.writeln('from {}.tl.tlobject import TLObject', '.' * depth)
@@ -635,11 +634,10 @@
def _write_patched(out_dir, namespace_tlobjects):
- os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for ns, tlobjects in namespace_tlobjects.items():
- file = os.path.join(out_dir, '{}.py'.format(ns or '__init__'))
- with open(file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f,\
- SourceBuilder(f) as builder:
+ file = out_dir / '{}.py'.format(ns or '__init__')
+ with file.open('w') as f, SourceBuilder(f) as builder:
builder.writeln('import struct')
@@ -715,26 +713,24 @@
if tlobject.fullname in PATCHED_TYPES:
- get_file = functools.partial(os.path.join, output_dir)
- _write_modules(get_file('functions'), import_depth, 'TLRequest',
+ _write_modules(output_dir / 'functions', import_depth, 'TLRequest',
namespace_functions, type_constructors)
- _write_modules(get_file('types'), import_depth, 'TLObject',
+ _write_modules(output_dir / 'types', import_depth, 'TLObject',
namespace_types, type_constructors)
- _write_patched(get_file('patched'), namespace_patched)
+ _write_patched(output_dir / 'patched', namespace_patched)
- filename = os.path.join(get_file('alltlobjects.py'))
- with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
+ filename = output_dir / 'alltlobjects.py'
+ with filename.open('w') as file:
with SourceBuilder(file) as builder:
_write_all_tlobjects(tlobjects, layer, builder)
def clean_tlobjects(output_dir):
- get_file = functools.partial(os.path.join, output_dir)
for d in ('functions', 'types'):
- d = get_file(d)
- if os.path.isdir(d):
- shutil.rmtree(d)
+ d = output_dir / d
+ if d.is_dir():
+ shutil.rmtree(str(d))
- tl = get_file('alltlobjects.py')
- if os.path.isfile(tl):
- os.remove(tl)
+ tl = output_dir / 'alltlobjects.py'
+ if tl.is_file():
+ tl.unlink()
--- a/telethon_generator/parsers/errors.py
+++ b/telethon_generator/parsers/errors.py
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Parses the input CSV file with columns (name, error codes, description)
and yields `Error` instances as a result.
- with open(csv_file, newline='') as f:
+ with csv_file.open(newline='') as f:
f = csv.reader(f)
next(f, None) # header
for line, (name, codes, description) in enumerate(f, start=2):
--- a/telethon_generator/parsers/methods.py
+++ b/telethon_generator/parsers/methods.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
Parses the input CSV file with columns (method, usability, errors)
and yields `MethodInfo` instances as a result.
- with open(csv_file, newline='') as f:
+ with csv_file.open(newline='') as f:
f = csv.reader(f)
next(f, None) # header
for line, (method, usability, errors) in enumerate(f, start=2):
--- a/telethon_generator/parsers/tlobject/parser.py
+++ b/telethon_generator/parsers/tlobject/parser.py
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
obj_all = []
obj_by_name = {}
obj_by_type = collections.defaultdict(list)
- with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
+ with file_path.open() as file:
is_function = False
for line in file:
comment_index = line.find('//')
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