mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 03:51:05 +03:00
Complete all methods under MTProtoSender and document them
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ with Telegram's servers and the protocol used (TCP full, abridged, etc.).
from .mtproto_plain_sender import MtProtoPlainSender
from .authenticator import do_authentication
from .mtproto_sender import MtProtoSender
from .mtprotosender import MTProtoSender
from .connection import (
ConnectionTcpFull, ConnectionTcpAbridged, ConnectionTcpObfuscated,
@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
This module contains the class used to communicate with Telegram's servers
encrypting every packet, and relies on a valid AuthKey in the used Session.
import logging
from threading import Lock
from .. import helpers, utils
from ..errors import (
BadMessageError, InvalidChecksumError, BrokenAuthKeyError,
from ..extensions import BinaryReader
from ..tl import TLMessage, MessageContainer, GzipPacked
from ..tl.all_tlobjects import tlobjects
from ..tl.functions import InvokeAfterMsgRequest
from ..tl.functions.auth import LogOutRequest
from ..tl.types import (
MsgsAck, Pong, BadServerSalt, BadMsgNotification, FutureSalts,
MsgNewDetailedInfo, NewSessionCreated, MsgDetailedInfo
__log__ = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MtProtoSender:
MTProto Mobile Protocol sender
Note that this class is not thread-safe, and calling send/receive
from two or more threads at the same time is undefined behaviour.
a new connection should be spawned to send/receive requests
in parallel, so thread-safety (hence locking) isn't needed.
def __init__(self, session, connection):
Initializes a new MTProto sender.
:param session:
the Session to be used with this sender. Must contain the IP and
port of the server, salt, ID, and AuthKey,
:param connection:
the Connection to be used.
self.session = session
self.connection = connection
# Message IDs that need confirmation
self._need_confirmation = set()
# Requests (as msg_id: Message) sent waiting to be received
self._pending_receive = {}
# Multithreading
self._send_lock = Lock()
# If we're invoking something from an update thread but we're also
# receiving other request from the main thread (e.g. an update arrives
# and we need to process it) we must ensure that only one is calling
# receive at a given moment, since the receive step is fragile.
self._recv_lock = Lock()
def connect(self):
"""Connects to the server."""
self.connection.connect(self.session.server_address, self.session.port)
def is_connected(self):
Determines whether the sender is connected or not.
:return: true if the sender is connected.
return self.connection.is_connected()
def disconnect(self):
"""Disconnects from the server."""
__log__.info('Disconnecting MtProtoSender...')
# region Send and receive
def send(self, requests, ordered=False):
Sends the specified TLObject(s) (which must be requests),
and acknowledging any message which needed confirmation.
:param requests: the requests to be sent.
:param ordered: whether the requests should be invoked in the
order in which they appear or they can be executed
in arbitrary order in the server.
if not utils.is_list_like(requests):
requests = (requests,)
if ordered:
requests = iter(requests)
messages = [TLMessage(self.session, next(requests))]
for r in requests:
messages.append(TLMessage(self.session, r,
messages = [TLMessage(self.session, r) for r in requests]
self._pending_receive.update({m.msg_id: m for m in messages})
__log__.debug('Sending requests with IDs: %s', ', '.join(
'{}: {}'.format(m.request.__class__.__name__, m.msg_id)
for m in messages
# Pack everything in the same container if we need to send AckRequests
if self._need_confirmation:
TLMessage(self.session, MsgsAck(list(self._need_confirmation)))
if len(messages) == 1:
message = messages[0]
message = TLMessage(self.session, MessageContainer(messages))
# On bad_msg_salt errors, Telegram will reply with the ID of
# the container and not the requests it contains, so in case
# this happens we need to know to which container they belong.
for m in messages:
m.container_msg_id = message.msg_id
def _send_acknowledge(self, msg_id):
"""Sends a message acknowledge for the given msg_id."""
self._send_message(TLMessage(self.session, MsgsAck([msg_id])))
def receive(self, update_state):
Receives a single message from the connected endpoint.
This method returns nothing, and will only affect other parts
of the MtProtoSender such as the updates callback being fired
or a pending request being confirmed.
Any unhandled object (likely updates) will be passed to
:param update_state:
the UpdateState that will process all the received
Update and Updates objects.
if self._recv_lock.locked():
with self._recv_lock:
# Don't busy wait, acquire it but return because there's
# already a receive running and we don't want another one.
# It would lock until Telegram sent another update even if
# the current receive already received the expected response.
with self._recv_lock:
body = self.connection.recv()
except (BufferError, InvalidChecksumError):
# TODO BufferError, we should spot the cause...
# "No more bytes left"; something wrong happened, clear
# everything to be on the safe side, or:
# "This packet should be skipped"; since this may have
# been a result for a request, invalidate every request
# and just re-invoke them to avoid problems
__log__.exception('Error while receiving server response. '
'%d pending request(s) will be ignored',
message, remote_msg_id, remote_seq = self._decode_msg(body)
with BinaryReader(message) as reader:
self._process_msg(remote_msg_id, remote_seq, reader, update_state)
# endregion
# region Low level processing
def _send_message(self, message):
Sends the given encrypted through the network.
:param message: the TLMessage to be sent.
with self._send_lock:
self.connection.send(helpers.pack_message(self.session, message))
def _decode_msg(self, body):
Decodes the body of the payload received from the network.
:param body: the body to be decoded.
:return: a tuple of (decoded message, remote message id, remote seq).
if len(body) < 8:
if body == b'l\xfe\xff\xff':
raise BrokenAuthKeyError()
raise BufferError("Can't decode packet ({})".format(body))
with BinaryReader(body) as reader:
return helpers.unpack_message(self.session, reader)
def _process_msg(self, msg_id, sequence, reader, state):
Processes the message read from the network inside reader.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message.
:param sequence: the sequence of the message.
:param reader: the BinaryReader that contains the message.
:param state: the current UpdateState.
:return: true if the message was handled correctly, false otherwise.
# TODO Check salt, session_id and sequence_number
code = reader.read_int(signed=False)
# These are a bit of special case, not yet generated by the code gen
if code == 0xf35c6d01: # rpc_result, (response of an RPC call)
__log__.debug('Processing Remote Procedure Call result')
return self._handle_rpc_result(msg_id, sequence, reader)
if code == MessageContainer.CONSTRUCTOR_ID:
__log__.debug('Processing container result')
return self._handle_container(msg_id, sequence, reader, state)
if code == GzipPacked.CONSTRUCTOR_ID:
__log__.debug('Processing gzipped result')
return self._handle_gzip_packed(msg_id, sequence, reader, state)
if code not in tlobjects:
'Unknown message with ID %d, data left in the buffer %s',
hex(code), repr(reader.get_bytes()[reader.tell_position():])
return False
obj = reader.tgread_object()
__log__.debug('Processing %s result', type(obj).__name__)
if isinstance(obj, Pong):
return self._handle_pong(msg_id, sequence, obj)
if isinstance(obj, BadServerSalt):
return self._handle_bad_server_salt(msg_id, sequence, obj)
if isinstance(obj, BadMsgNotification):
return self._handle_bad_msg_notification(msg_id, sequence, obj)
if isinstance(obj, MsgDetailedInfo):
return self._handle_msg_detailed_info(msg_id, sequence, obj)
if isinstance(obj, MsgNewDetailedInfo):
return self._handle_msg_new_detailed_info(msg_id, sequence, obj)
if isinstance(obj, NewSessionCreated):
return self._handle_new_session_created(msg_id, sequence, obj)
if isinstance(obj, MsgsAck): # may handle the request we wanted
# Ignore every ack request *unless* when logging out, when it's
# when it seems to only make sense. We also need to set a non-None
# result since Telegram doesn't send the response for these.
for msg_id in obj.msg_ids:
r = self._pop_request_of_type(msg_id, LogOutRequest)
if r:
r.result = True # Telegram won't send this value
__log__.debug('Confirmed %s through ack', type(r).__name__)
return True
if isinstance(obj, FutureSalts):
r = self._pop_request(obj.req_msg_id)
if r:
r.result = obj
__log__.debug('Confirmed %s through salt', type(r).__name__)
# If the object isn't any of the above, then it should be an Update.
if state:
return True
# endregion
# region Message handling
def _pop_request(self, msg_id):
Pops a pending **request** from self._pending_receive.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message that belongs to the request.
:return: the request, or None if it wasn't found.
message = self._pending_receive.pop(msg_id, None)
if message:
return message.request
def _pop_request_of_type(self, msg_id, t):
Pops a pending **request** from self._pending_receive.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message that belongs to the request.
:param t: the type of the desired request.
:return: the request matching the type t, or None if it wasn't found.
message = self._pending_receive.get(msg_id, None)
if message and isinstance(message.request, t):
return self._pending_receive.pop(msg_id).request
def _pop_requests_of_container(self, container_msg_id):
Pops pending **requests** from self._pending_receive.
:param container_msg_id: the ID of the container.
:return: the requests that belong to the given container. May be empty.
msgs = [msg for msg in self._pending_receive.values()
if msg.container_msg_id == container_msg_id]
requests = [msg.request for msg in msgs]
for msg in msgs:
self._pending_receive.pop(msg.msg_id, None)
return requests
def _clear_all_pending(self):
Clears all pending requests, and flags them all as received.
for r in self._pending_receive.values():
__log__.info('Abruptly confirming %s', type(r).__name__)
def _resend_request(self, msg_id):
Re-sends the request that belongs to a certain msg_id. This may
also be the msg_id of a container if they were sent in one.
:param msg_id: the ID of the request to be resent.
request = self._pop_request(msg_id)
if request:
return self.send(request)
requests = self._pop_requests_of_container(msg_id)
if requests:
return self.send(*requests)
def _handle_pong(self, msg_id, sequence, pong):
Handles a Pong response.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message.
:param sequence: the sequence of the message.
:param reader: the reader containing the Pong.
:return: true, as it always succeeds.
request = self._pop_request(pong.msg_id)
if request:
request.result = pong
__log__.debug('Confirmed %s through pong', type(request).__name__)
return True
def _handle_container(self, msg_id, sequence, reader, state):
Handles a MessageContainer response.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message.
:param sequence: the sequence of the message.
:param reader: the reader containing the MessageContainer.
:return: true, as it always succeeds.
for inner_msg_id, _, inner_len in MessageContainer.iter_read(reader):
begin_position = reader.tell_position()
# Note that this code is IMPORTANT for skipping RPC results of
# lost requests (i.e., ones from the previous connection session)
if not self._process_msg(inner_msg_id, sequence, reader, state):
reader.set_position(begin_position + inner_len)
# If any error is raised, something went wrong; skip the packet
reader.set_position(begin_position + inner_len)
return True
def _handle_bad_server_salt(self, msg_id, sequence, bad_salt):
Handles a BadServerSalt response.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message.
:param sequence: the sequence of the message.
:param reader: the reader containing the BadServerSalt.
:return: true, as it always succeeds.
self.session.salt = bad_salt.new_server_salt
# "the bad_server_salt response is received with the
# correct salt, and the message is to be re-sent with it"
return True
def _handle_bad_msg_notification(self, msg_id, sequence, bad_msg):
Handles a BadMessageError response.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message.
:param sequence: the sequence of the message.
:param reader: the reader containing the BadMessageError.
:return: true, as it always succeeds.
error = BadMessageError(bad_msg.error_code)
__log__.warning('Read bad msg notification %s: %s', bad_msg, error)
if bad_msg.error_code in (16, 17):
# sent msg_id too low or too high (respectively).
# Use the current msg_id to determine the right time offset.
__log__.info('Attempting to use the correct time offset')
return True
elif bad_msg.error_code == 32:
# msg_seqno too low, so just pump it up by some "large" amount
# TODO A better fix would be to start with a new fresh session ID
self.session.sequence += 64
__log__.info('Attempting to set the right higher sequence')
return True
elif bad_msg.error_code == 33:
# msg_seqno too high never seems to happen but just in case
self.session.sequence -= 16
__log__.info('Attempting to set the right lower sequence')
return True
raise error
def _handle_msg_detailed_info(self, msg_id, sequence, msg_new):
Handles a MsgDetailedInfo response.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message.
:param sequence: the sequence of the message.
:param reader: the reader containing the MsgDetailedInfo.
:return: true, as it always succeeds.
# TODO For now, simply ack msg_new.answer_msg_id
# Relevant tdesktop source code: https://goo.gl/VvpCC6
return True
def _handle_msg_new_detailed_info(self, msg_id, sequence, msg_new):
Handles a MsgNewDetailedInfo response.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message.
:param sequence: the sequence of the message.
:param reader: the reader containing the MsgNewDetailedInfo.
:return: true, as it always succeeds.
# TODO For now, simply ack msg_new.answer_msg_id
# Relevant tdesktop source code: https://goo.gl/G7DPsR
return True
def _handle_new_session_created(self, msg_id, sequence, new_session):
Handles a NewSessionCreated response.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message.
:param sequence: the sequence of the message.
:param reader: the reader containing the NewSessionCreated.
:return: true, as it always succeeds.
self.session.salt = new_session.server_salt
# TODO https://goo.gl/LMyN7A
return True
def _handle_rpc_result(self, msg_id, sequence, reader):
Handles a RPCResult response.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message.
:param sequence: the sequence of the message.
:param reader: the reader containing the RPCResult.
:return: true if the request ID to which this result belongs is found,
false otherwise (meaning nothing was read).
reader.read_int(signed=False) # code
request_id = reader.read_long()
inner_code = reader.read_int(signed=False)
__log__.debug('Received response for request with ID %d', request_id)
request = self._pop_request(request_id)
if inner_code == 0x2144ca19: # RPC Error
if self.session.report_errors and request:
error = rpc_message_to_error(
reader.read_int(), reader.tgread_string(),
error = rpc_message_to_error(
reader.read_int(), reader.tgread_string()
# Acknowledge that we received the error
if request:
request.rpc_error = error
__log__.debug('Confirmed %s through error %s',
type(request).__name__, error)
# else TODO Where should this error be reported?
# Read may be async. Can an error not-belong to a request?
return True # All contents were read okay
elif request:
if inner_code == GzipPacked.CONSTRUCTOR_ID:
with BinaryReader(GzipPacked.read(reader)) as compressed_reader:
'Confirmed %s through normal result %s',
type(request).__name__, type(request.result).__name__
return True
# If it's really a result for RPC from previous connection
# session, it will be skipped by the handle_container().
# For some reason this also seems to happen when downloading
# photos, where the server responds with FileJpeg().
def _try_read(r):
return r.tgread_object()
except Exception as e:
return '(failed to read: {})'.format(e)
if inner_code == GzipPacked.CONSTRUCTOR_ID:
with BinaryReader(GzipPacked.read(reader)) as compressed_reader:
obj = _try_read(compressed_reader)
obj = _try_read(reader)
'Lost request (ID %d) with code %s will be skipped, contents: %s',
request_id, hex(inner_code), obj
return False
def _handle_gzip_packed(self, msg_id, sequence, reader, state):
Handles a GzipPacked response.
:param msg_id: the ID of the message.
:param sequence: the sequence of the message.
:param reader: the reader containing the GzipPacked.
:return: the result of processing the packed message.
with BinaryReader(GzipPacked.read(reader)) as compressed_reader:
# We are reentering process_msg, which seemingly the same msg_id
# to the self._need_confirmation set. Remove it from there first
# to avoid any future conflicts (i.e. if we "ignore" messages
# that we are already aware of, see 1a91c02 and old 63dfb1e)
self._need_confirmation -= {msg_id}
return self._process_msg(msg_id, sequence, compressed_reader, state)
# endregion
@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ import logging
from .connection import ConnectionTcpFull
from .. import helpers
from ..errors import rpc_message_to_error
from ..errors import BadMessageError, rpc_message_to_error
from ..extensions import BinaryReader
from ..tl import TLMessage, MessageContainer, GzipPacked
from ..tl.functions.auth import LogOutRequest
from ..tl.types import (
MsgsAck, Pong, BadServerSalt, BadMsgNotification, FutureSalts,
MsgNewDetailedInfo, NewSessionCreated, MsgDetailedInfo
@ -20,9 +21,30 @@ __log__ = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# loss? Should we try reconnecting forever? A certain amount of times?
# A timeout? What about recoverable errors, like connection reset?
class MTProtoSender:
MTProto Mobile Protocol sender
This class is responsible for wrapping requests into `TLMessage`'s,
sending them over the network and receiving them in a safe manner.
Automatic reconnection due to temporary network issues is a concern
for this class as well, including retry of messages that could not
be sent successfully.
A new authorization key will be generated on connection if no other
key exists yet.
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
self._connection = ConnectionTcpFull()
# Whether the user has explicitly connected or disconnected.
# If a disconnection happens for any other reason and it
# was *not* user action then the pending messages won't
# be cleared but on explicit user disconnection all the
# pending futures should be cancelled.
self._user_connected = False
# Send and receive calls must be atomic
@ -61,6 +83,15 @@ class MTProtoSender:
# Public API
async def connect(self, ip, port):
Connects to the specified ``ip:port``, and generates a new
authorization key for the `MTProtoSender.session` if it does
not exist yet.
if self._user_connected:
# TODO Generate auth_key if needed
async with self._send_lock:
await self._connection.connect(ip, port)
self._user_connected = True
@ -68,6 +99,13 @@ class MTProtoSender:
self._recv_loop_handle = asyncio.ensure_future(self._recv_loop())
async def disconnect(self):
Cleanly disconnects the instance from the network, cancels
all pending requests, and closes the send and receive loops.
if not self._user_connected:
self._user_connected = False
async with self._send_lock:
@ -75,6 +113,10 @@ class MTProtoSender:
__log__.exception('Ignoring exception upon disconnection')
for message in self._pending_messages.values():
@ -111,6 +153,12 @@ class MTProtoSender:
# Loops
async def _send_loop(self):
This loop is responsible for popping items off the send
queue, encrypting them, and sending them over the network.
Besides `connect`, only this method ever sends data.
while self._user_connected:
# TODO If there's more than one item, send them all at once
body = helpers.pack_message(
@ -121,6 +169,12 @@ class MTProtoSender:
await self._connection.send(body)
async def _recv_loop(self):
This loop is responsible for reading all incoming responses
from the network, decrypting and handling or dispatching them.
Besides `connect`, only this method ever receives data.
while self._user_connected:
# TODO Handle exceptions
async with self._recv_lock:
@ -136,6 +190,12 @@ class MTProtoSender:
# Response Handlers
async def _process_message(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
Adds the given message to the list of messages that must be
acknowledged and dispatches control to different ``_handle_*``
method based on its type.
# TODO Send pending ack
code = reader.read_int(signed=False)
@ -146,7 +206,14 @@ class MTProtoSender:
pass # TODO Process updates and their entities
async def _handle_rpc_result(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
# TODO Don't make this a special case
Handles the result for Remote Procedure Calls:
rpc_result#f35c6d01 req_msg_id:long result:bytes = RpcResult;
This is where the future results for sent requests are set.
# TODO Don't make this a special cased object
reader.read_int(signed=False) # code
message_id = reader.read_long()
inner_code = reader.read_int(signed=False)
@ -186,49 +253,137 @@ class MTProtoSender:
# TODO Try reading an object
async def _handle_container(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
Processes the inner messages of a container with many of them:
msg_container#73f1f8dc messages:vector<%Message> = MessageContainer;
for inner_msg_id, _, inner_len in MessageContainer.iter_read(reader):
next_position = reader.tell_position() + inner_len
await self._process_message(inner_msg_id, seq, reader)
reader.set_position(next_position) # Ensure reading correctly
async def _handle_gzip_packed(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
raise NotImplementedError
Unpacks the data from a gzipped object and processes it:
gzip_packed#3072cfa1 packed_data:bytes = Object;
with BinaryReader(GzipPacked.read(reader)) as compressed_reader:
await self._process_message(msg_id, seq, compressed_reader)
async def _handle_pong(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
raise NotImplementedError
Handles pong results, which don't come inside a ``rpc_result``
but are still sent through a request:
pong#347773c5 msg_id:long ping_id:long = Pong;
pong = reader.tgread_object()
message = self._pending_messages.pop(pong.msg_id, None)
if message:
async def _handle_bad_server_salt(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
Corrects the currently used server salt to use the right value
before enqueuing the rejected message to be re-sent:
bad_server_salt#edab447b bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int
error_code:int new_server_salt:long = BadMsgNotification;
bad_salt = reader.tgread_object()
self.session.salt = bad_salt.new_server_salt
# "the bad_server_salt response is received with the
# correct salt, and the message is to be re-sent with it"
# TODO Will this work properly for containers?
await self._send_queue.put(self._pending_messages[bad_salt.bad_msg_id])
async def _handle_bad_notification(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
raise NotImplementedError
Adjusts the current state to be correct based on the
received bad message notification whenever possible:
bad_msg_notification#a7eff811 bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int
error_code:int = BadMsgNotification;
bad_msg = reader.tgread_object()
if bad_msg.error_code in (16, 17):
# Sent msg_id too low or too high (respectively).
# Use the current msg_id to determine the right time offset.
elif bad_msg.error_code == 32:
# msg_seqno too low, so just pump it up by some "large" amount
# TODO A better fix would be to start with a new fresh session ID
self.session.sequence += 64
elif bad_msg.error_code == 33:
# msg_seqno too high never seems to happen but just in case
self.session.sequence -= 16
msg = self._pending_messages.pop(bad_msg.bad_msg_id, None)
if msg:
# Messages are to be re-sent once we've corrected the issue
await self._send_queue.put(self._pending_messages[bad_msg.bad_msg_id])
async def _handle_detailed_info(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
raise NotImplementedError
Updates the current status with the received detailed information:
msg_detailed_info#276d3ec6 msg_id:long answer_msg_id:long
bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo;
# TODO https://goo.gl/VvpCC6
async def _handle_new_detailed_info(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
raise NotImplementedError
Updates the current status with the received detailed information:
msg_new_detailed_info#809db6df answer_msg_id:long
bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo;
# TODO https://goo.gl/G7DPsR
async def _handle_new_session_created(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
Updates the current status with the received session information:
new_session_created#9ec20908 first_msg_id:long unique_id:long
server_salt:long = NewSession;
# TODO https://goo.gl/LMyN7A
new_session = reader.tgread_object()
self.session.salt = new_session.server_salt
self.session.salt = reader.tgread_object().server_salt
async def _handle_ack(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
# Ignore every ack request *unless* when logging out, when it's
# when it seems to only make sense. We also need to set a non-None
# result since Telegram doesn't send the response for these.
for msg_id in reader.tgread_object().msg_ids:
# TODO pop msg_id if of type LogOutRequest, and confirm it
Handles a server acknowledge about our messages. Normally
these can be ignored except in the case of ``auth.logOut``:
return True
auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool;
Telegram doesn't seem to send its result so we need to confirm
it manually. No other request is known to have this behaviour.
for msg_id in reader.tgread_object().msg_ids:
msg = self._pending_messages.get(msg_id, None)
if msg and isinstance(msg.request, LogOutRequest):
del self._pending_messages[msg_id]
async def _handle_future_salts(self, msg_id, seq, reader):
raise NotImplementedError
Handles future salt results, which don't come inside a
``rpc_result`` but are still sent through a request:
future_salts#ae500895 req_msg_id:long now:int
salts:vector<future_salt> = FutureSalts;
# TODO save these salts and automatically adjust to the
# correct one whenever the salt in use expires.
salts = reader.tgread_object()
msg = self._pending_messages.pop(msg_id, None)
if msg:
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from .errors import (
PhoneMigrateError, NetworkMigrateError, UserMigrateError, AuthKeyError,
from .network import authenticator, MtProtoSender, ConnectionTcpFull
from .network import authenticator, MTProtoSender, ConnectionTcpFull
from .sessions import Session, SQLiteSession
from .tl import TLObject
from .tl.all_tlobjects import LAYER
Reference in New Issue
Block a user