diff --git a/telethon_generator/generators/docs.py b/telethon_generator/generators/docs.py
index 2d2546f3..54d5eec2 100755
--- a/telethon_generator/generators/docs.py
+++ b/telethon_generator/generators/docs.py
@@ -96,23 +96,37 @@ def _build_menu(docs, filename, root, relative_main_index):
-def _generate_index(folder, original_paths, root):
+def _generate_index(folder, original_paths, root,
+ bots_index=False, bots_index_paths=()):
"""Generates the index file for the specified folder"""
# Determine the namespaces listed here (as sub folders)
# and the files (.html files) that we should link to
namespaces = []
files = []
- for item in os.listdir(folder):
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, item)):
- namespaces.append(item)
- elif item != 'index.html':
- files.append(item)
+ INDEX = 'index.html'
+ BOT_INDEX = 'botindex.html'
+ if not bots_index:
+ for item in os.listdir(folder):
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, item)):
+ namespaces.append(item)
+ elif item not in (INDEX, BOT_INDEX):
+ files.append(item)
+ else:
+ # bots_index_paths should be a list of "namespace/method.html"
+ # or "method.html"
+ for item in bots_index_paths:
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(item)
+ if dirname and dirname not in namespaces:
+ namespaces.append(dirname)
+ elif not dirname and item not in (INDEX, BOT_INDEX):
+ files.append(item)
paths = {k: _get_relative_path(v, folder, folder=True)
for k, v in original_paths.items()}
# Now that everything is setup, write the index.html file
- filename = os.path.join(folder, 'index.html')
+ filename = os.path.join(folder, BOT_INDEX if bots_index else INDEX)
with DocsWriter(filename, type_to_path=_get_path_for_type) as docs:
# Title should be the current folder name
@@ -124,16 +138,33 @@ def _generate_index(folder, original_paths, root):
docs.write_title(_get_relative_path(folder, root, folder=True).title())
+ if bots_index:
+ docs.write_text('These are the methods that you can use as a bot. '
+ 'Click here to '
+ 'view them all.'.format(INDEX))
+ else:
+ docs.write_text('Click here to view the methods '
+ 'that you can use as a bot.'.format(BOT_INDEX))
if namespaces:
docs.write_title('Namespaces', level=3)
for namespace in namespaces:
# For every namespace, also write the index of it
+ namespace_paths = []
+ if bots_index:
+ for item in bots_index_paths:
+ if os.path.dirname(item) == namespace:
+ namespace_paths.append(os.path.basename(item))
_generate_index(os.path.join(folder, namespace),
- original_paths, root)
- docs.add_row(namespace.title(),
- link=os.path.join(namespace, 'index.html'))
+ original_paths, root,
+ bots_index, namespace_paths)
+ if bots_index:
+ docs.add_row(namespace.title(),
+ link=os.path.join(namespace, BOT_INDEX)
+ else:
+ docs.add_row(namespace.title(),
+ link=os.path.join(namespace, INDEX))
@@ -214,6 +245,7 @@ def _write_html_pages(tlobjects, errors, layer, input_res, output_dir):
'search.js': 'js/search.js',
'404': '404.html',
'index_all': 'index.html',
+ 'bot_index': 'botindex.html',
'index_types': 'types/index.html',
'index_methods': 'methods/index.html',
'index_constructors': 'constructors/index.html'
@@ -247,6 +279,7 @@ def _write_html_pages(tlobjects, errors, layer, input_res, output_dir):
# Since the output directory is needed everywhere partially apply it now
create_path_for = functools.partial(_get_create_path_for, output_dir)
path_for_type = functools.partial(_get_path_for_type, output_dir)
+ bot_docs_paths = []
for tlobject in tlobjects:
filename = create_path_for(tlobject)
@@ -269,6 +302,8 @@ def _write_html_pages(tlobjects, errors, layer, input_res, output_dir):
if tlobject.is_function:
docs.write_text('Bots can{} use this method.'
.format("" if tlobject.bot_usable else "'t"))
+ if tlobject.is_function and tlobject.bot_usable:
+ bot_docs_paths.append(filename)
# Write the code definition for this TLObject
@@ -383,6 +418,11 @@ def _write_html_pages(tlobjects, errors, layer, input_res, output_dir):
+ temp = []
+ for item in bot_docs_paths:
+ temp.append(os.path.sep.join(item.split(os.path.sep)[2:]))
+ bot_docs_paths = temp
# Find all the available types (which are not the same as the constructors)
# Each type has a list of constructors associated to it, hence is a map
for t, cs in type_to_constructors.items():
@@ -510,6 +550,9 @@ def _write_html_pages(tlobjects, errors, layer, input_res, output_dir):
_generate_index(os.path.join(output_dir, folder), original_paths,
+ _generate_index(os.path.join(output_dir, 'methods'), original_paths,
+ output_dir, True, bot_docs_paths)
# Write the final core index, the main index for the rest of files
types = set()
methods = []