Uploading and sending media are different things.
Once you have uploaded a media file, you can send
it to many users without uploading it again, since
you have a handle to the uploaded file.
Other fixes include not showing additional data
on error messages and not generating correct
code for sending bytes
The code generator now handles okay the flags using True type
Also, double checking for the flag is now avoided in cases where the
flag was a Vector type
Some fixes include, in more detail:
- Using little over big endianess in some parts
- Flagging all the constructor numbers as unsigned
- Fixed bugs with factorizer
- Implemented TLSharp's RSA
The code generated by the generator now also writes the files
on_response(...) method. Also, all the generated files are
saved in a dictionary containing `constructorId: class`
The initial release contains the most basic implementation of TLSharp core.
This is also fully untested, since no test can be done until more work is done.