#!/usr/bin/env python3 import functools import os import pathlib import re import shutil from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path from ..docswriter import DocsWriter from ..parsers import TLObject, Usability from .._misc.utils import snake_to_camel_case CORE_TYPES = { 'int', 'long', 'int128', 'int256', 'double', 'vector', 'string', 'bool', 'true', 'bytes', 'date' } def _get_file_name(tlobject): """``ClassName -> class_name.html``.""" name = tlobject.name if isinstance(tlobject, TLObject) else tlobject # Courtesy of http://stackoverflow.com/a/1176023/4759433 s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name) result = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower() return '{}.html'.format(result) def get_import_code(tlobject): """``TLObject -> from ... import ...``.""" kind = 'functions' if tlobject.is_function else 'types' ns = '.' + tlobject.namespace if tlobject.namespace else '' return 'from telethon.tl.{}{} import {}'\ .format(kind, ns, tlobject.class_name) def _get_path_for(tlobject): """Returns the path for the given TLObject.""" out_dir = pathlib.Path('methods' if tlobject.is_function else 'constructors') if tlobject.namespace: out_dir /= tlobject.namespace return out_dir / _get_file_name(tlobject) def _get_path_for_type(type_): """Similar to `_get_path_for` but for only type names.""" if type_.lower() in CORE_TYPES: return Path('index.html#%s' % type_.lower()) elif '.' in type_: namespace, name = type_.split('.') return Path('types', namespace, _get_file_name(name)) else: return Path('types', _get_file_name(type_)) def _find_title(html_file): """Finds the for the given HTML file, or (Unknown).""" # TODO Is it necessary to read files like this? with html_file.open() as f: for line in f: if '<title>' in line: # + 7 to skip len('<title>') return line[line.index('<title>') + 7:line.index('')] return '(Unknown)' def _build_menu(docs): """ Builds the menu used for the current ``DocumentWriter``. """ paths = [] current = docs.filename top = pathlib.Path('.') while current != top: current = current.parent paths.append(current) for path in reversed(paths): docs.add_menu(path.stem.title() or 'API', link=path / 'index.html') if docs.filename.stem != 'index': docs.add_menu(docs.title, link=docs.filename) docs.end_menu() def _generate_index(folder, paths, bots_index=False, bots_index_paths=()): """Generates the index file for the specified folder""" # Determine the namespaces listed here (as sub folders) # and the files (.html files) that we should link to namespaces = [] files = [] INDEX = 'index.html' BOT_INDEX = 'botindex.html' for item in (bots_index_paths or folder.iterdir()): if item.is_dir(): namespaces.append(item) elif item.name not in (INDEX, BOT_INDEX): files.append(item) # Now that everything is setup, write the index.html file filename = folder / (BOT_INDEX if bots_index else INDEX) with DocsWriter(filename, _get_path_for_type) as docs: # Title should be the current folder name docs.write_head(str(folder).replace(os.path.sep, '/').title(), css_path=paths['css'], default_css=paths['default_css']) docs.set_menu_separator(paths['arrow']) _build_menu(docs) docs.write_title(str(filename.parent) .replace(os.path.sep, '/').title()) if bots_index: docs.write_text('These are the methods that you may be able to ' 'use as a bot. Click here to ' 'view them all.'.format(INDEX)) else: docs.write_text('Click here to view the methods ' 'that you can use as a bot.'.format(BOT_INDEX)) if namespaces: docs.write_title('Namespaces', level=3) docs.begin_table(4) namespaces.sort() for namespace in namespaces: # For every namespace, also write the index of it namespace_paths = [] if bots_index: for item in bots_index_paths: if item.parent == namespace: namespace_paths.append(item) _generate_index(namespace, paths, bots_index, namespace_paths) docs.add_row( namespace.stem.title(), link=namespace / (BOT_INDEX if bots_index else INDEX)) docs.end_table() docs.write_title('Available items') docs.begin_table(2) files = [(f, _find_title(f)) for f in files] files.sort(key=lambda t: t[1]) for file, title in files: docs.add_row(title, link=file) docs.end_table() docs.end_body() def _get_description(arg): """Generates a proper description for the given argument.""" desc = [] otherwise = False if arg.can_be_inferred: desc.append('If left unspecified, it will be inferred automatically.') otherwise = True elif arg.is_flag: desc.append('This argument defaults to ' 'None and can be omitted.') otherwise = True if arg.type in {'InputPeer', 'InputUser', 'InputChannel', 'InputNotifyPeer', 'InputDialogPeer'}: desc.append( 'Anything entity-like will work if the library can find its ' 'Input version (e.g., usernames, Peer, ' 'User or Channel objects, etc.).' ) if arg.is_vector: if arg.is_generic: desc.append('A list of other Requests must be supplied.') else: desc.append('A list must be supplied.') elif arg.is_generic: desc.append('A different Request must be supplied for this argument.') else: otherwise = False # Always reset to false if no other text is added if otherwise: desc.insert(1, 'Otherwise,') desc[-1] = desc[-1][:1].lower() + desc[-1][1:] return ' '.join(desc).replace( 'list', 'list' ) def _copy_replace(src, dst, replacements): """Copies the src file into dst applying the replacements dict""" with src.open() as infile, dst.open('w') as outfile: outfile.write(re.sub( '|'.join(re.escape(k) for k in replacements), lambda m: str(replacements[m.group(0)]), infile.read() )) def _write_html_pages(tlobjects, methods, layer, input_res): """ Generates the documentation HTML files from from ``scheme.tl`` to ``/methods`` and ``/constructors``, etc. """ # Save 'Type: [Constructors]' for use in both: # * Seeing the return type or constructors belonging to the same type. # * Generating the types documentation, showing available constructors. paths = {k: pathlib.Path(v) for k, v in ( ('css', 'css'), ('arrow', 'img/arrow.svg'), ('search.js', 'js/search.js'), ('404', '404.html'), ('index_all', 'index.html'), ('bot_index', 'botindex.html'), ('index_types', 'types/index.html'), ('index_methods', 'methods/index.html'), ('index_constructors', 'constructors/index.html') )} paths['default_css'] = 'light' # docs..css, local path type_to_constructors = defaultdict(list) type_to_functions = defaultdict(list) for tlobject in tlobjects: d = type_to_functions if tlobject.is_function else type_to_constructors d[tlobject.innermost_result].append(tlobject) for t, cs in type_to_constructors.items(): type_to_constructors[t] = list(sorted(cs, key=lambda c: c.name)) methods = {m.name: m for m in methods} bot_docs_paths = [] for tlobject in tlobjects: filename = _get_path_for(tlobject) with DocsWriter(filename, _get_path_for_type) as docs: docs.write_head(title=tlobject.class_name, css_path=paths['css'], default_css=paths['default_css']) # Create the menu (path to the current TLObject) docs.set_menu_separator(paths['arrow']) _build_menu(docs) # Create the page title docs.write_title(tlobject.class_name) if tlobject.is_function: if tlobject.usability == Usability.USER: start = 'Only users can' elif tlobject.usability == Usability.BOT: bot_docs_paths.append(filename) start = 'Only bots can' elif tlobject.usability == Usability.BOTH: bot_docs_paths.append(filename) start = 'Both users and bots can' else: bot_docs_paths.append(filename) start = \ 'Both users and bots may be able to' docs.write_text('{} use this method. ' 'See code examples.'.format(start)) # Write the code definition for this TLObject docs.write_code(tlobject) docs.write_copy_button('Copy import to the clipboard', get_import_code(tlobject)) # Write the return type (or constructors belonging to the same type) docs.write_title('Returns' if tlobject.is_function else 'Belongs to', level=3) generic_arg = next((arg.name for arg in tlobject.args if arg.generic_definition), None) if tlobject.result == generic_arg: # We assume it's a function returning a generic type generic_arg = next((arg.name for arg in tlobject.args if arg.is_generic)) docs.write_text('This function returns the result of whatever ' 'the result from invoking the request passed ' 'through {} is.'.format(generic_arg)) else: if re.search('^vector<', tlobject.result, re.IGNORECASE): docs.write_text('A list of the following type is returned.') inner = tlobject.innermost_result else: inner = tlobject.result docs.begin_table(column_count=1) docs.add_row(inner, link=_get_path_for_type(inner)) docs.end_table() cs = type_to_constructors.get(inner, []) if not cs: docs.write_text('This type has no instances available.') elif len(cs) == 1: docs.write_text('This type can only be an instance of:') else: docs.write_text('This type can be an instance of either:') docs.begin_table(column_count=2) for constructor in cs: link = _get_path_for(constructor) docs.add_row(constructor.class_name, link=link) docs.end_table() # Return (or similar types) written. Now parameters/members docs.write_title( 'Parameters' if tlobject.is_function else 'Members', level=3 ) # Sort the arguments in the same way they're sorted # on the generated code (flags go last) args = [ a for a in tlobject.sorted_args() if not a.flag_indicator and not a.generic_definition ] if args: # Writing parameters docs.begin_table(column_count=3) for arg in args: # Name row docs.add_row(arg.name, bold=True) # Type row friendly_type = 'flag' if arg.type == 'true' else arg.type if arg.is_generic: docs.add_row('!' + friendly_type, align='center') else: docs.add_row( friendly_type, align='center', link=_get_path_for_type(arg.type) ) # Add a description for this argument docs.add_row(_get_description(arg)) docs.end_table() else: if tlobject.is_function: docs.write_text('This request takes no input parameters.') else: docs.write_text('This type has no members.') if tlobject.is_function: docs.write_title('Known RPC errors') method_info = methods.get(tlobject.fullname) errors = method_info and method_info.errors if not errors: docs.write_text("This request can't cause any RPC error " "as far as we know.") else: docs.write_text( 'This request can cause {} known error{}:'.format( len(errors), '' if len(errors) == 1 else 's' )) docs.begin_table(column_count=2) for error in errors: docs.add_row('{}'.format(error.name)) docs.add_row('{}.'.format(error.description)) docs.end_table() docs.write_text('You can import these from ' 'telethon.errors.') docs.write_title('Example', id='examples') if tlobject.friendly: ns, friendly = tlobject.friendly docs.write_text( 'Please refer to the documentation of client.{1}() ' 'to learn about the parameters and see several code ' 'examples on how to use it.' .format(ns, friendly) ) docs.write_text( 'The method above is the recommended way to do it. ' 'If you need more control over the parameters or want ' 'to learn how it is implemented, open the details by ' 'clicking on the "Details" text.' ) docs.write('
') docs.write('''
from telethon import TelegramClient
from telethon import functions, types

with TelegramClient(name, api_id, api_hash) as client:
    result = client(''')
                tlobject.as_example(docs, indent=1)
                if tlobject.result.startswith('Vector'):
    for x in result:
                    docs.write('    print(result')
                    if tlobject.result != 'Bool' \
                            and not tlobject.result.startswith('Vector'):

') if tlobject.friendly: docs.write('
') depth = '../' * (2 if tlobject.namespace else 1) docs.add_script(src='prependPath = "{}";'.format(depth)) docs.add_script(path=paths['search.js']) docs.end_body() # Find all the available types (which are not the same as the constructors) # Each type has a list of constructors associated to it, hence is a map for t, cs in type_to_constructors.items(): filename = _get_path_for_type(t) out_dir = filename.parent if out_dir: out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Since we don't have access to the full TLObject, split the type if '.' in t: namespace, name = t.split('.') else: namespace, name = None, t with DocsWriter(filename, _get_path_for_type) as docs: docs.write_head(title=snake_to_camel_case(name), css_path=paths['css'], default_css=paths['default_css']) docs.set_menu_separator(paths['arrow']) _build_menu(docs) # Main file title docs.write_title(snake_to_camel_case(name)) # List available constructors for this type docs.write_title('Available constructors', level=3) if not cs: docs.write_text('This type has no constructors available.') elif len(cs) == 1: docs.write_text('This type has one constructor available.') else: docs.write_text('This type has %d constructors available.' % len(cs)) docs.begin_table(2) for constructor in cs: # Constructor full name link = _get_path_for(constructor) docs.add_row(constructor.class_name, link=link) docs.end_table() # List all the methods which return this type docs.write_title('Methods returning this type', level=3) functions = type_to_functions.get(t, []) if not functions: docs.write_text('No method returns this type.') elif len(functions) == 1: docs.write_text('Only the following method returns this type.') else: docs.write_text( 'The following %d methods return this type as a result.' % len(functions) ) docs.begin_table(2) for func in functions: link = _get_path_for(func) docs.add_row(func.class_name, link=link) docs.end_table() # List all the methods which take this type as input docs.write_title('Methods accepting this type as input', level=3) other_methods = sorted( (u for u in tlobjects if any(a.type == t for a in u.args) and u.is_function), key=lambda u: u.name ) if not other_methods: docs.write_text( 'No methods accept this type as an input parameter.') elif len(other_methods) == 1: docs.write_text( 'Only this method has a parameter with this type.') else: docs.write_text( 'The following %d methods accept this type as an input ' 'parameter.' % len(other_methods)) docs.begin_table(2) for ot in other_methods: link = _get_path_for(ot) docs.add_row(ot.class_name, link=link) docs.end_table() # List every other type which has this type as a member docs.write_title('Other types containing this type', level=3) other_types = sorted( (u for u in tlobjects if any(a.type == t for a in u.args) and not u.is_function), key=lambda u: u.name ) if not other_types: docs.write_text( 'No other types have a member of this type.') elif len(other_types) == 1: docs.write_text( 'You can find this type as a member of this other type.') else: docs.write_text( 'You can find this type as a member of any of ' 'the following %d types.' % len(other_types)) docs.begin_table(2) for ot in other_types: link = _get_path_for(ot) docs.add_row(ot.class_name, link=link) docs.end_table() docs.end_body() # After everything's been written, generate an index.html per folder. # This will be done automatically and not taking into account any extra # information that we have available, simply a file listing all the others # accessible by clicking on their title for folder in ['types', 'methods', 'constructors']: _generate_index(pathlib.Path(folder), paths) _generate_index(pathlib.Path('methods'), paths, True, bot_docs_paths) # Write the final core index, the main index for the rest of files types = set() methods = [] cs = [] for tlobject in tlobjects: if tlobject.is_function: methods.append(tlobject) else: cs.append(tlobject) if not tlobject.result.lower() in CORE_TYPES: if re.search('^vector<', tlobject.result, re.IGNORECASE): types.add(tlobject.innermost_result) else: types.add(tlobject.result) types = sorted(types) methods = sorted(methods, key=lambda m: m.name) cs = sorted(cs, key=lambda c: c.name) shutil.copy(str(input_res / '404.html'), str(paths['404'])) _copy_replace(input_res / 'core.html', paths['index_all'], { '{type_count}': len(types), '{method_count}': len(methods), '{constructor_count}': len(tlobjects) - len(methods), '{layer}': layer, }) def fmt(xs): zs = {} # create a dict to hold those which have duplicated keys for x in xs: zs[x.class_name] = x.class_name in zs return ', '.join( '"{}.{}"'.format(x.namespace, x.class_name) if zs[x.class_name] and x.namespace else '"{}"'.format(x.class_name) for x in xs ) request_names = fmt(methods) constructor_names = fmt(cs) def fmt(xs, formatter): return ', '.join('"{}"'.format( formatter(x)).replace(os.path.sep, '/') for x in xs) type_names = fmt(types, formatter=lambda x: x) request_urls = fmt(methods, _get_path_for) type_urls = fmt(types, _get_path_for_type) constructor_urls = fmt(cs, _get_path_for) paths['search.js'].parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) _copy_replace(input_res / 'js/search.js', paths['search.js'], { '{request_names}': request_names, '{type_names}': type_names, '{constructor_names}': constructor_names, '{request_urls}': request_urls, '{type_urls}': type_urls, '{constructor_urls}': constructor_urls }) def _copy_resources(res_dir): for dirname, files in [('css', ['docs.light.css', 'docs.dark.css']), ('img', ['arrow.svg'])]: dirpath = pathlib.Path(dirname) dirpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for file in files: shutil.copy(str(res_dir / dirname / file), str(dirpath)) def _create_structure(tlobjects): """ Pre-create the required directory structure. """ types_ns = set() method_ns = set() for obj in tlobjects: if obj.namespace: if obj.is_function: method_ns.add(obj.namespace) else: types_ns.add(obj.namespace) output_dir = pathlib.Path('.') type_dir = output_dir / 'types' type_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) cons_dir = output_dir / 'constructors' cons_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) for ns in types_ns: (type_dir / ns).mkdir(exist_ok=True) (cons_dir / ns).mkdir(exist_ok=True) meth_dir = output_dir / 'methods' meth_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) for ns in types_ns: (meth_dir / ns).mkdir(exist_ok=True) def generate_docs(tlobjects, methods_info, layer, input_res): _create_structure(tlobjects) _write_html_pages(tlobjects, methods_info, layer, input_res) _copy_resources(input_res)