import hashlib import os # region Multiple utilities def generate_random_long(signed=True): """Generates a random long integer (8 bytes), which is optionally signed""" return int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), signed=signed, byteorder='little') def ensure_parent_dir_exists(file_path): """Ensures that the parent directory exists""" parent = os.path.dirname(file_path) if parent: os.makedirs(parent, exist_ok=True) # endregion # region Cryptographic related utils def calc_key(shared_key, msg_key, client): """Calculate the key based on Telegram guidelines, specifying whether it's the client or not""" x = 0 if client else 8 sha1a = sha1(msg_key + shared_key[x:x + 32]) sha1b = sha1(shared_key[x + 32:x + 48] + msg_key + shared_key[x + 48:x + 64]) sha1c = sha1(shared_key[x + 64:x + 96] + msg_key) sha1d = sha1(msg_key + shared_key[x + 96:x + 128]) key = sha1a[0:8] + sha1b[8:20] + sha1c[4:16] iv = sha1a[8:20] + sha1b[0:8] + sha1c[16:20] + sha1d[0:8] return key, iv def calc_msg_key(data): """Calculates the message key from the given data""" return sha1(data)[4:20] def generate_key_data_from_nonces(server_nonce, new_nonce): """Generates the key data corresponding to the given nonces""" hash1 = sha1(bytes(new_nonce + server_nonce)) hash2 = sha1(bytes(server_nonce + new_nonce)) hash3 = sha1(bytes(new_nonce + new_nonce)) key = hash1 + hash2[:12] iv = hash2[12:20] + hash3 + new_nonce[:4] return key, iv def sha1(data): """Calculates the SHA1 digest for the given data""" sha = hashlib.sha1() sha.update(data) return sha.digest() def sha256(data): """Calculates the SHA256 digest for the given data""" sha = hashlib.sha256() sha.update(data) return sha.digest() def get_password_hash(pw, current_salt): """Gets the password hash for the two-step verification. curent_salt should be the byte array provided by invoking GetPasswordRequest()""" # Passwords are encoded as UTF-8 # data = pw.encode('utf-8') pw_hash = current_salt + data + current_salt return sha256(pw_hash) # endregion