# This file is based on TLSharp # https://github.com/sochix/TLSharp/blob/master/TLSharp.Core/MTProto/Crypto/AES.cs import pyaes class AES: @staticmethod def decrypt_ige(cipher_text, key, iv): """Decrypts the given text in 16-bytes blocks by using the given key and 32-bytes initialization vector""" iv1 = iv[:len(iv)//2] iv2 = iv[len(iv)//2:] aes = pyaes.AES(key) plain_text = [0] * len(cipher_text) blocks_count = len(cipher_text) // 16 cipher_text_block = [0] * 16 for block_index in range(blocks_count): for i in range(16): cipher_text_block[i] = cipher_text[block_index * 16 + i] ^ iv2[i] plain_text_block = aes.decrypt(cipher_text_block) for i in range(16): plain_text_block[i] ^= iv1[i] iv1 = cipher_text[block_index * 16:block_index * 16 + 16] iv2 = plain_text_block[0:16] plain_text[block_index * 16:block_index * 16 + 16] = plain_text_block[:16] return bytes(plain_text) @staticmethod def encrypt_ige(plain_text, key, iv): """Encrypts the given text in 16-bytes blocks by using the given key and 32-bytes initialization vector""" # TODO: Random padding? if len(plain_text) % 16 != 0: # Add padding if and only if it's not evenly divisible by 16 already padding = bytes(16 - len(plain_text) % 16) plain_text += padding iv1 = iv[:len(iv)//2] iv2 = iv[len(iv)//2:] aes = pyaes.AES(key) blocks_count = len(plain_text) // 16 cipher_text = [0] * len(plain_text) for block_index in range(blocks_count): plain_text_block = list(plain_text[block_index * 16:block_index * 16 + 16]) for i in range(16): plain_text_block[i] ^= iv1[i] cipher_text_block = aes.encrypt(plain_text_block) for i in range(16): cipher_text_block[i] ^= iv2[i] iv1 = cipher_text_block[0:16] iv2 = plain_text[block_index * 16:block_index * 16 + 16] cipher_text[block_index * 16:block_index * 16 + 16] = cipher_text_block[:16] return bytes(cipher_text)