======================= Projects using Telethon ======================= This page lists some real world examples showcasing what can be built with the library. .. note:: Do you have a project that uses the library or know of any that's not listed here? Feel free to leave a comment at `issue 744 `_ so it can be included in the next revision of the documentation! .. _projects-telegram-export: telethon_examples/ ****************** `Link `_ / `Author's website `_ This documentation is not the only place where you can find useful code snippets using the library. The main repository also has a folder with some cool examples (even a Tkinter GUI!) which you can download, edit and run to learn and play with them. telegram-export *************** `Link `_ / `Author's website `_ A tool to download Telegram data (users, chats, messages, and media) into a database (and display the saved data). .. _projects-mautrix-telegram: mautrix-telegram **************** `Link `_ / `Author's website `_ A Matrix-Telegram hybrid puppeting/relaybot bridge. .. _projects-telegramtui: TelegramTUI *********** `Link `_ / `Author's website `_ A Telegram client on your terminal. spotify_telegram_bio_updater **************************** `Link `_ / `Author's website `_ Small project that updates the biography of a telegram user according to their current Spotify playback, or revert it if no playback is active.