"""Various helpers not related to the Telegram API itself""" import asyncio import enum import os import struct from hashlib import sha1 class _EntityType(enum.Enum): USER = 0 CHAT = 1 CHANNEL = 2 # region Multiple utilities def generate_random_long(signed=True): """Generates a random long integer (8 bytes), which is optionally signed""" return int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), signed=signed, byteorder='little') def ensure_parent_dir_exists(file_path): """Ensures that the parent directory exists""" parent = os.path.dirname(file_path) if parent: os.makedirs(parent, exist_ok=True) def add_surrogate(text): return ''.join( # SMP -> Surrogate Pairs (Telegram offsets are calculated with these). # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plane_(Unicode)#Overview for more. ''.join(chr(y) for y in struct.unpack('