#!/usr/bin/env python3 import functools import os import re import shutil from collections import defaultdict from ..docs_writer import DocsWriter from ..parsers import TLObject from ..utils import snake_to_camel_case CORE_TYPES = { 'int', 'long', 'int128', 'int256', 'double', 'vector', 'string', 'bool', 'true', 'bytes', 'date' } def _get_file_name(tlobject): """``ClassName -> class_name.html``.""" name = tlobject.name if isinstance(tlobject, TLObject) else tlobject # Courtesy of http://stackoverflow.com/a/1176023/4759433 s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name) result = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower() return '{}.html'.format(result) def get_import_code(tlobject): """``TLObject -> from ... import ...``.""" kind = 'functions' if tlobject.is_function else 'types' ns = '.' + tlobject.namespace if tlobject.namespace else '' return 'from telethon.tl.{}{} import {}'\ .format(kind, ns, tlobject.class_name) def _get_create_path_for(root, tlobject, make=True): """Creates and returns the path for the given TLObject at root.""" out_dir = 'methods' if tlobject.is_function else 'constructors' if tlobject.namespace: out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, tlobject.namespace) out_dir = os.path.join(root, out_dir) if make: os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) return os.path.join(out_dir, _get_file_name(tlobject)) def _get_path_for_type(root, type_, relative_to='.'): """Similar to `_get_create_path_for` but for only type names.""" if type_.lower() in CORE_TYPES: path = 'index.html#%s' % type_.lower() elif '.' in type_: namespace, name = type_.split('.') path = 'types/%s/%s' % (namespace, _get_file_name(name)) else: path = 'types/%s' % _get_file_name(type_) return _get_relative_path(os.path.join(root, path), relative_to) def _get_relative_path(destination, relative_to, folder=False): """Return the relative path to destination from relative_to.""" if not folder: relative_to = os.path.dirname(relative_to) return os.path.relpath(destination, start=relative_to) def _find_title(html_file): """Finds the for the given HTML file, or (Unknown).""" with open(html_file) as fp: for line in fp: if '<title>' in line: # + 7 to skip len('<title>') return line[line.index('<title>') + 7:line.index('')] return '(Unknown)' def _build_menu(docs, filename, root, relative_main_index): """Builds the menu using the given DocumentWriter up to 'filename', which must be a file (it cannot be a directory)""" filename = _get_relative_path(filename, root) docs.add_menu('API', relative_main_index) items = filename.split('/') for i in range(len(items) - 1): item = items[i] link = '../' * (len(items) - (i + 2)) link += 'index.html' docs.add_menu(item.title(), link=link) if items[-1] != 'index.html': docs.add_menu(os.path.splitext(items[-1])[0]) docs.end_menu() def _generate_index(folder, original_paths, root, bots_index=False, bots_index_paths=()): """Generates the index file for the specified folder""" # Determine the namespaces listed here (as sub folders) # and the files (.html files) that we should link to namespaces = [] files = [] INDEX = 'index.html' BOT_INDEX = 'botindex.html' if not bots_index: for item in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, item)): namespaces.append(item) elif item not in (INDEX, BOT_INDEX): files.append(item) else: # bots_index_paths should be a list of "namespace/method.html" # or "method.html" for item in bots_index_paths: dirname = os.path.dirname(item) if dirname and dirname not in namespaces: namespaces.append(dirname) elif not dirname and item not in (INDEX, BOT_INDEX): files.append(item) paths = {k: _get_relative_path(v, folder, folder=True) for k, v in original_paths.items()} # Now that everything is setup, write the index.html file filename = os.path.join(folder, BOT_INDEX if bots_index else INDEX) with DocsWriter(filename, type_to_path=_get_path_for_type) as docs: # Title should be the current folder name docs.write_head(folder.title(), relative_css_path=paths['css'], default_css=original_paths['default_css']) docs.set_menu_separator(paths['arrow']) _build_menu(docs, filename, root, relative_main_index=paths['index_all']) docs.write_title(_get_relative_path(folder, root, folder=True).title()) if bots_index: docs.write_text('These are the methods that you can use as a bot. ' 'Click here to ' 'view them all.'.format(INDEX)) else: docs.write_text('Click here to view the methods ' 'that you can use as a bot.'.format(BOT_INDEX)) if namespaces: docs.write_title('Namespaces', level=3) docs.begin_table(4) namespaces.sort() for namespace in namespaces: # For every namespace, also write the index of it namespace_paths = [] if bots_index: for item in bots_index_paths: if os.path.dirname(item) == namespace: namespace_paths.append(os.path.basename(item)) _generate_index(os.path.join(folder, namespace), original_paths, root, bots_index, namespace_paths) if bots_index: docs.add_row(namespace.title(), link=os.path.join(namespace, BOT_INDEX)) else: docs.add_row(namespace.title(), link=os.path.join(namespace, INDEX)) docs.end_table() docs.write_title('Available items') docs.begin_table(2) files = [(f, _find_title(os.path.join(folder, f))) for f in files] files.sort(key=lambda t: t[1]) for file, title in files: docs.add_row(title, link=file) docs.end_table() docs.end_body() def _get_description(arg): """Generates a proper description for the given argument.""" desc = [] otherwise = False if arg.can_be_inferred: desc.append('If left unspecified, it will be inferred automatically.') otherwise = True elif arg.is_flag: desc.append('This argument can be omitted.') otherwise = True if arg.type in {'InputPeer', 'InputUser', 'InputChannel'}: desc.append( 'Anything entity-like will work if the library can find its ' 'Input version (e.g., usernames, Peer, ' 'User or Channel objects, etc.).' ) if arg.is_vector: if arg.is_generic: desc.append('A list of other Requests must be supplied.') else: desc.append('A list must be supplied.') elif arg.is_generic: desc.append('A different Request must be supplied for this argument.') else: otherwise = False # Always reset to false if no other text is added if otherwise: desc.insert(1, 'Otherwise,') desc[-1] = desc[-1][:1].lower() + desc[-1][1:] return ' '.join(desc).replace( 'list', 'list' ) def _copy_replace(src, dst, replacements): """Copies the src file into dst applying the replacements dict""" with open(src) as infile, open(dst, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(re.sub( '|'.join(re.escape(k) for k in replacements), lambda m: str(replacements[m.group(0)]), infile.read() )) def _write_html_pages(tlobjects, errors, layer, input_res, output_dir): """ Generates the documentation HTML files from from ``scheme.tl`` to ``/methods`` and ``/constructors``, etc. """ # Save 'Type: [Constructors]' for use in both: # * Seeing the return type or constructors belonging to the same type. # * Generating the types documentation, showing available constructors. original_paths = { 'css': 'css', 'arrow': 'img/arrow.svg', 'search.js': 'js/search.js', '404': '404.html', 'index_all': 'index.html', 'bot_index': 'botindex.html', 'index_types': 'types/index.html', 'index_methods': 'methods/index.html', 'index_constructors': 'constructors/index.html' } original_paths = {k: os.path.join(output_dir, v) for k, v in original_paths.items()} original_paths['default_css'] = 'light' # docs..css, local path type_to_constructors = defaultdict(list) type_to_functions = defaultdict(list) for tlobject in tlobjects: d = type_to_functions if tlobject.is_function else type_to_constructors d[tlobject.result].append(tlobject) for t, cs in type_to_constructors.items(): type_to_constructors[t] = list(sorted(cs, key=lambda c: c.name)) # Telegram may send errors with the same str_code but different int_code. # They are all imported on telethon.errors anyway so makes no difference. errors = list(sorted({e.str_code: e for e in errors}.values(), key=lambda e: e.name)) method_causes_errors = defaultdict(list) for error in errors: for method in error.caused_by: method_causes_errors[method].append(error) # Since the output directory is needed everywhere partially apply it now create_path_for = functools.partial(_get_create_path_for, output_dir) path_for_type = functools.partial(_get_path_for_type, output_dir) bot_docs_paths = [] for tlobject in tlobjects: filename = create_path_for(tlobject) paths = {k: _get_relative_path(v, filename) for k, v in original_paths.items()} with DocsWriter(filename, type_to_path=path_for_type) as docs: docs.write_head(title=tlobject.class_name, relative_css_path=paths['css'], default_css=original_paths['default_css']) # Create the menu (path to the current TLObject) docs.set_menu_separator(paths['arrow']) _build_menu(docs, filename, output_dir, relative_main_index=paths['index_all']) # Create the page title docs.write_title(tlobject.class_name) if tlobject.is_function: docs.write_text('Bots can{} use this method.' .format("" if tlobject.bot_usable else "'t")) if tlobject.is_function and tlobject.bot_usable: bot_docs_paths.append(filename) # Write the code definition for this TLObject docs.write_code(tlobject) docs.write_copy_button('Copy import to the clipboard', get_import_code(tlobject)) # Write the return type (or constructors belonging to the same type) docs.write_title('Returns' if tlobject.is_function else 'Belongs to', level=3) generic_arg = next((arg.name for arg in tlobject.args if arg.generic_definition), None) if tlobject.result == generic_arg: # We assume it's a function returning a generic type generic_arg = next((arg.name for arg in tlobject.args if arg.is_generic)) docs.write_text('This function returns the result of whatever ' 'the result from invoking the request passed ' 'through {} is.'.format(generic_arg)) else: if re.search('^vector<', tlobject.result, re.IGNORECASE): docs.write_text('A list of the following type is returned.') _, inner = tlobject.result.split('<') inner = inner.strip('>') else: inner = tlobject.result docs.begin_table(column_count=1) docs.add_row(inner, link=path_for_type( inner, relative_to=filename )) docs.end_table() cs = type_to_constructors.get(inner, []) if not cs: docs.write_text('This type has no instances available.') elif len(cs) == 1: docs.write_text('This type can only be an instance of:') else: docs.write_text('This type can be an instance of either:') docs.begin_table(column_count=2) for constructor in cs: link = create_path_for(constructor) link = _get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename) docs.add_row(constructor.class_name, link=link) docs.end_table() # Return (or similar types) written. Now parameters/members docs.write_title( 'Parameters' if tlobject.is_function else 'Members', level=3 ) # Sort the arguments in the same way they're sorted # on the generated code (flags go last) args = [ a for a in tlobject.sorted_args() if not a.flag_indicator and not a.generic_definition ] if args: # Writing parameters docs.begin_table(column_count=3) for arg in args: # Name row docs.add_row(arg.name, bold=True) # Type row if arg.is_generic: docs.add_row('!' + arg.type, align='center') else: docs.add_row( arg.type, align='center', link= path_for_type(arg.type, relative_to=filename) ) # Add a description for this argument docs.add_row(_get_description(arg)) docs.end_table() else: if tlobject.is_function: docs.write_text('This request takes no input parameters.') else: docs.write_text('This type has no members.') if tlobject.is_function: docs.write_title('Known RPC errors') errors = method_causes_errors[tlobject.fullname] if not errors: docs.write_text("This request can't cause any RPC error " "as far as we know.") else: docs.write_text( 'This request can cause {} known error{}:'.format( len(errors), '' if len(errors) == 1 else 's' )) docs.begin_table(column_count=2) for error in errors: docs.add_row('{}'.format(error.name)) docs.add_row('{}.'.format(error.description)) docs.end_table() docs.write_text('You can import these from ' 'telethon.errors.') depth = '../' * (2 if tlobject.namespace else 1) docs.add_script(src='prependPath = "{}";'.format(depth)) docs.add_script(relative_src=paths['search.js']) docs.end_body() temp = [] for item in bot_docs_paths: temp.append(os.path.sep.join(item.split(os.path.sep)[2:])) bot_docs_paths = temp # Find all the available types (which are not the same as the constructors) # Each type has a list of constructors associated to it, hence is a map for t, cs in type_to_constructors.items(): filename = path_for_type(t) out_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if out_dir: os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) # Since we don't have access to the full TLObject, split the type if '.' in t: namespace, name = t.split('.') else: namespace, name = None, t paths = {k: _get_relative_path(v, out_dir, folder=True) for k, v in original_paths.items()} with DocsWriter(filename, type_to_path=path_for_type) as docs: docs.write_head(title=snake_to_camel_case(name), relative_css_path=paths['css'], default_css=original_paths['default_css']) docs.set_menu_separator(paths['arrow']) _build_menu(docs, filename, output_dir, relative_main_index=paths['index_all']) # Main file title docs.write_title(snake_to_camel_case(name)) # List available constructors for this type docs.write_title('Available constructors', level=3) if not cs: docs.write_text('This type has no constructors available.') elif len(cs) == 1: docs.write_text('This type has one constructor available.') else: docs.write_text('This type has %d constructors available.' % len(cs)) docs.begin_table(2) for constructor in cs: # Constructor full name link = create_path_for(constructor) link = _get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename) docs.add_row(constructor.class_name, link=link) docs.end_table() # List all the methods which return this type docs.write_title('Methods returning this type', level=3) functions = type_to_functions.get(t, []) if not functions: docs.write_text('No method returns this type.') elif len(functions) == 1: docs.write_text('Only the following method returns this type.') else: docs.write_text( 'The following %d methods return this type as a result.' % len(functions) ) docs.begin_table(2) for func in functions: link = create_path_for(func) link = _get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename) docs.add_row(func.class_name, link=link) docs.end_table() # List all the methods which take this type as input docs.write_title('Methods accepting this type as input', level=3) other_methods = sorted( (u for u in tlobjects if any(a.type == t for a in u.args) and u.is_function), key=lambda u: u.name ) if not other_methods: docs.write_text( 'No methods accept this type as an input parameter.') elif len(other_methods) == 1: docs.write_text( 'Only this method has a parameter with this type.') else: docs.write_text( 'The following %d methods accept this type as an input ' 'parameter.' % len(other_methods)) docs.begin_table(2) for ot in other_methods: link = create_path_for(ot) link = _get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename) docs.add_row(ot.class_name, link=link) docs.end_table() # List every other type which has this type as a member docs.write_title('Other types containing this type', level=3) other_types = sorted( (u for u in tlobjects if any(a.type == t for a in u.args) and not u.is_function), key=lambda u: u.name ) if not other_types: docs.write_text( 'No other types have a member of this type.') elif len(other_types) == 1: docs.write_text( 'You can find this type as a member of this other type.') else: docs.write_text( 'You can find this type as a member of any of ' 'the following %d types.' % len(other_types)) docs.begin_table(2) for ot in other_types: link = create_path_for(ot) link = _get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename) docs.add_row(ot.class_name, link=link) docs.end_table() docs.end_body() # After everything's been written, generate an index.html per folder. # This will be done automatically and not taking into account any extra # information that we have available, simply a file listing all the others # accessible by clicking on their title for folder in ['types', 'methods', 'constructors']: _generate_index(os.path.join(output_dir, folder), original_paths, output_dir) _generate_index(os.path.join(output_dir, 'methods'), original_paths, output_dir, True, bot_docs_paths) # Write the final core index, the main index for the rest of files types = set() methods = [] cs = [] for tlobject in tlobjects: if tlobject.is_function: methods.append(tlobject) else: cs.append(tlobject) if not tlobject.result.lower() in CORE_TYPES: if re.search('^vector<', tlobject.result, re.IGNORECASE): types.add(tlobject.result.split('<')[1].strip('>')) else: types.add(tlobject.result) types = sorted(types) methods = sorted(methods, key=lambda m: m.name) cs = sorted(cs, key=lambda c: c.name) shutil.copy(os.path.join(input_res, '404.html'), original_paths['404']) _copy_replace(os.path.join(input_res, 'core.html'), original_paths['index_all'], { '{type_count}': len(types), '{method_count}': len(methods), '{constructor_count}': len(tlobjects) - len(methods), '{layer}': layer, }) def fmt(xs): zs = {} # create a dict to hold those which have duplicated keys for x in xs: zs[x.class_name] = x.class_name in zs return ', '.join( '"{}.{}"'.format(x.namespace, x.class_name) if zs[x.class_name] and x.namespace else '"{}"'.format(x.class_name) for x in xs ) request_names = fmt(methods) constructor_names = fmt(cs) def fmt(xs, formatter): return ', '.join('"{}"'.format(formatter(x)) for x in xs) type_names = fmt(types, formatter=lambda x: x) # Local URLs shouldn't rely on the output's root, so set empty root create_path_for = functools.partial(_get_create_path_for, '', make=False) path_for_type = functools.partial(_get_path_for_type, '') request_urls = fmt(methods, create_path_for) type_urls = fmt(types, path_for_type) constructor_urls = fmt(cs, create_path_for) os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.join( original_paths['search.js'], os.path.pardir )), exist_ok=True) _copy_replace(os.path.join(input_res, 'js', 'search.js'), original_paths['search.js'], { '{request_names}': request_names, '{type_names}': type_names, '{constructor_names}': constructor_names, '{request_urls}': request_urls, '{type_urls}': type_urls, '{constructor_urls}': constructor_urls }) def _copy_resources(res_dir, out_dir): for dirname, files in [('css', ['docs.light.css', 'docs.dark.css']), ('img', ['arrow.svg'])]: dirpath = os.path.join(out_dir, dirname) os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True) for file in files: shutil.copy(os.path.join(res_dir, dirname, file), dirpath) def generate_docs(tlobjects, errors, layer, input_res, output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) _write_html_pages(tlobjects, errors, layer, input_res, output_dir) _copy_resources(input_res, output_dir)