from .session import EntityType, Entity _sentinel = object() class EntityCache: def __init__( self, hash_map: dict = _sentinel, self_id: int = None, self_bot: bool = None ): self.hash_map = {} if hash_map is _sentinel else hash_map self.self_id = self_id self.self_bot = self_bot def set_self_user(self, id, bot, hash): self.self_id = id self.self_bot = bot if hash: self.hash_map[id] = (hash, EntityType.BOT if bot else EntityType.USER) def get(self, id): try: hash, ty = self.hash_map[id] return Entity(ty, id, hash) except KeyError: return None def extend(self, users, chats): # See for "issues" with "min constructors". self.hash_map.update( (, ( u.access_hash, EntityType.BOT if else EntityType.USER, )) for u in users if getattr(u, 'access_hash', None) and not u.min ) self.hash_map.update( (, ( c.access_hash, EntityType.MEGAGROUP if c.megagroup else ( EntityType.GIGAGROUP if getattr(c, 'gigagroup', None) else EntityType.CHANNEL ), )) for c in chats if getattr(c, 'access_hash', None) and not getattr(c, 'min', None) ) def get_all_entities(self): return [Entity(ty, id, hash) for id, (hash, ty) in self.hash_map.items()] def put(self, entity): self.hash_map[] = (entity.hash, entity.ty) def retain(self, filter): self.hash_map = {k: v for k, v in self.hash_map.items() if filter(k)} def __len__(self): return len(self.hash_map)