import re from import TLObject from import ( User, Chat, Channel, PeerUser, PeerChat, PeerChannel, InputPeerUser, InputPeerChat, InputPeerChannel ) from .. import utils # Keep this line the last to maybe fix #357 class EntityDatabase: def __init__(self, input_list=None, enabled=True, enabled_full=True): """Creates a new entity database with an initial load of "Input" entities, if any. If 'enabled', input entities will be saved. The whole entity will be saved if both 'enabled' and 'enabled_full' are True. """ self.enabled = enabled self.enabled_full = enabled_full self._entities = {} # marked_id: user|chat|channel if input_list: self._input_entities = {k: v for k, v in input_list} else: self._input_entities = {} # marked_id: hash # TODO Allow disabling some extra mappings self._username_id = {} # username: marked_id self._phone_id = {} # phone: marked_id def process(self, tlobject): """Processes all the found entities on the given TLObject, unless .enabled is False. Returns True if new input entities were added. """ if not self.enabled: return False # Save all input entities we know of if not isinstance(tlobject, TLObject) and hasattr(tlobject, '__iter__'): # This may be a list of users already for instance return self.expand(tlobject) entities = [] if hasattr(tlobject, 'chats') and hasattr(tlobject.chats, '__iter__'): entities.extend(tlobject.chats) if hasattr(tlobject, 'users') and hasattr(tlobject.users, '__iter__'): entities.extend(tlobject.users) return self.expand(entities) def expand(self, entities): """Adds new input entities to the local database unconditionally. Unknown types will be ignored. """ if not entities or not self.enabled: return False new = [] # Array of entities (User, Chat, or Channel) new_input = {} # Dictionary of {entity_marked_id: access_hash} for e in entities: if not isinstance(e, TLObject): continue try: p = utils.get_input_peer(e, allow_self=False) new_input[utils.get_peer_id(p, add_mark=True)] = \ getattr(p, 'access_hash', 0) # chats won't have hash if self.enabled_full: if isinstance(e, (User, Chat, Channel)): new.append(e) except ValueError: pass before = len(self._input_entities) self._input_entities.update(new_input) for e in new: self._add_full_entity(e) return len(self._input_entities) != before def _add_full_entity(self, entity): """Adds a "full" entity (User, Chat or Channel, not "Input*"), despite the value of self.enabled and self.enabled_full. Not to be confused with UserFull, ChatFull, or ChannelFull, "full" means simply not "Input*". """ marked_id = utils.get_peer_id( utils.get_input_peer(entity, allow_self=False), add_mark=True ) try: old_entity = self._entities[marked_id] old_entity.__dict__.update(entity.__dict__) # Keep old references # Update must delete old username and phone username = getattr(old_entity, 'username', None) if username: del self._username_id[username.lower()] phone = getattr(old_entity, 'phone', None) if phone: del self._phone_id[phone] except KeyError: # Add new entity self._entities[marked_id] = entity # Always update username or phone if any username = getattr(entity, 'username', None) if username: self._username_id[username.lower()] = marked_id phone = getattr(entity, 'phone', None) if phone: self._username_id[phone] = marked_id def _parse_key(self, key): """Parses the given string, integer or TLObject key into a marked user ID ready for use on self._entities. If a callable key is given, the entity will be passed to the function, and if it returns a true-like value, the marked ID for such entity will be returned. Raises ValueError if it cannot be parsed. """ if isinstance(key, str): phone = EntityDatabase.parse_phone(key) try: if phone: return self._phone_id[phone] else: return self._username_id[key.lstrip('@').lower()] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError() from e if isinstance(key, int): return key # normal IDs are assumed users if isinstance(key, TLObject): return utils.get_peer_id(key, add_mark=True) if callable(key): for k, v in self._entities.items(): if key(v): return k raise ValueError() def __getitem__(self, key): """See the ._parse_key() docstring for possible values of the key""" try: return self._entities[self._parse_key(key)] except (ValueError, KeyError) as e: raise KeyError(key) from e def __delitem__(self, key): try: old = self._entities.pop(self._parse_key(key)) # Try removing the username and phone (if pop didn't fail), # since the entity may have no username or phone, just ignore # errors. It should be there if we popped the entity correctly. try: del self._username_id[getattr(old, 'username', None)] except KeyError: pass try: del self._phone_id[getattr(old, 'phone', None)] except KeyError: pass except (ValueError, KeyError) as e: raise KeyError(key) from e @staticmethod def parse_phone(phone): """Parses the given phone, or returns None if it's invalid""" if isinstance(phone, int): return str(phone) else: phone = re.sub(r'[+()\s-]', '', str(phone)) if phone.isdigit(): return phone def get_input_entity(self, peer): try: i = utils.get_peer_id(peer, add_mark=True) h = self._input_entities[i] # we store the IDs marked i, k = utils.resolve_id(i) # removes the mark and returns kind if k == PeerUser: return InputPeerUser(i, h) elif k == PeerChat: return InputPeerChat(i) elif k == PeerChannel: return InputPeerChannel(i, h) except ValueError as e: raise KeyError(peer) from e raise KeyError(peer) def get_input_list(self): return list(self._input_entities.items()) def clear(self, target=None): if target is None: self._entities.clear() else: del self[target]