========== API Status ========== In an attempt to help everyone who works with the Telegram API, the library will by default report all *Remote Procedure Call* errors to `RPC PWRTelegram `__, a public database anyone can query, made by `Daniil `__. All the information sent is a ``GET`` request with the error code, error message and method used. If you still would like to opt out, you can disable this feature by setting ``client.session.report_errors = False``. However Daniil would really thank you if you helped him (and everyone) by keeping it on! Querying the API status *********************** The API is accessed through ``GET`` requests, which can be made for instance through ``curl``. A JSON response will be returned. **All known errors and their description**: .. code:: bash curl https://rpc.pwrtelegram.xyz/?all **Error codes for a specific request**: .. code:: bash curl https://rpc.pwrtelegram.xyz/?for=messages.sendMessage **Number of** ``RPC_CALL_FAIL``: .. code:: bash curl https://rpc.pwrtelegram.xyz/?rip # last hour curl https://rpc.pwrtelegram.xyz/?rip=$(time()-60) # last minute **Description of errors**: .. code:: bash curl https://rpc.pwrtelegram.xyz/?description_for=SESSION_REVOKED **Code of a specific error**: .. code:: bash curl https://rpc.pwrtelegram.xyz/?code_for=STICKERSET_INVALID