================= Objects Reference ================= This is the quick reference for those objects returned by client methods or other useful modules that the library has to offer. They are kept in a separate page to help finding and discovering them. Remember that this page only shows properties and methods, **not attributes**. Make sure to open the full documentation to find out about the attributes. .. contents:: ChatGetter ========== All events base `ChatGetter `, and some of the objects below do too, so it's important to know its methods. .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.chatgetter.ChatGetter .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: chat input_chat chat_id is_private is_group is_channel get_chat get_input_chat SenderGetter ============ Similar to `ChatGetter `, a `SenderGetter ` is the same, but it works for senders instead. .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.sendergetter.SenderGetter .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: sender input_sender sender_id get_sender get_input_sender Message ======= .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.message The `Message` type is very important, mostly because we are working with a library for a *messaging* platform, so messages are widely used: in events, when fetching history, replies, etc. It bases `ChatGetter ` and `SenderGetter `. Properties ---------- .. note:: We document *custom properties* here, not all the attributes of the `Message` (which is the information Telegram actually returns). .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.message.Message .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: text raw_text is_reply forward buttons button_count file photo document web_preview audio voice video video_note gif sticker contact game geo invoice poll venue action_entities via_bot via_input_bot client Methods ------- .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: respond reply forward_to edit delete get_reply_message click pin download_media get_entities_text get_buttons File ==== The `File ` type is a wrapper object returned by `Message.file `, and you can use it to easily access a document's attributes, such as its name, bot-API style file ID, etc. .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.file.File .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: id name width height size duration title performer emoji sticker_set Conversation ============ The `Conversation ` object is returned by the `client.conversation() ` method to easily send and receive responses like a normal conversation. It bases `ChatGetter `. .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.conversation.Conversation .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: send_message send_file mark_read get_response get_reply get_edit wait_read wait_event cancel AdminLogEvent ============= The `AdminLogEvent ` object is returned by the `client.iter_admin_log() ` method to easily iterate over past "events" (deleted messages, edits, title changes, leaving members…) These are all the properties you can find in it: .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.adminlogevent.AdminLogEvent .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: id date user_id action old new changed_about changed_title changed_username changed_photo changed_sticker_set changed_message deleted_message changed_admin changed_restrictions changed_invites joined joined_invite left changed_hide_history changed_signatures changed_pin changed_default_banned_rights stopped_poll Button ====== The `Button ` class is used when you login as a bot account to send messages with reply markup, such as inline buttons or custom keyboards. These are the static methods you can use to create instances of the markup: .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.button.Button .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: inline switch_inline url text request_location request_phone clear force_reply InlineResult ============ The `InlineResult ` object is returned inside a list by the `client.inline_query() ` method to make an inline query to a bot that supports being used in inline mode, such as ``@like``. Note that the list returned is in fact a *subclass* of a list called `InlineResults `, which, in addition of being a list (iterator, indexed access, etc.), has extra attributes and methods. These are the constants for the types, properties and methods you can find the individual results: .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.inlineresult.InlineResult .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: ARTICLE PHOTO GIF VIDEO VIDEO_GIF AUDIO DOCUMENT LOCATION VENUE CONTACT GAME type message title description url photo document click download_media Dialog ====== The `Dialog ` object is returned when you call `client.iter_dialogs() `. .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.dialog.Dialog .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: send_message archive delete Draft ====== The `Draft ` object is returned when you call `client.iter_drafts() `. .. currentmodule:: telethon.tl.custom.draft.Draft .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: entity input_entity get_entity get_input_entity text raw_text is_empty set_message send delete Utils ===== The `telethon.utils` module has plenty of methods that make using the library a lot easier. Only the interesting ones will be listed here. .. currentmodule:: telethon.utils .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: get_display_name get_extension get_inner_text get_peer_id resolve_id pack_bot_file_id resolve_bot_file_id resolve_invite_link