import hashlib from .. import functions, types from ... import utils class InlineBuilder: """ Helper class to allow defining inline queries ``results``. Common arguments to all methods are explained here to avoid repetition: text (`str`, optional): If present, the user will send a text message with this text upon being clicked. link_preview (`bool`, optional): Whether to show a link preview in the sent text message or not. geo (:tl:`InputGeoPoint`, :tl:`GeoPoint`, :tl:`InputMediaVenue`, :tl:`MessageMediaVenue`, optional): If present, it may either be a geo point or a venue. period (int, optional): The period in seconds to be used for geo points. contact (:tl:`InputMediaContact`, :tl:`MessageMediaContact`, optional): If present, it must be the contact information to send. game (`bool`, optional): May be ``True`` to indicate that the game will be sent. buttons (`list`, `custom.Button `, :tl:`KeyboardButton`, optional): Same as ``buttons`` for `client.send_message `. parse_mode (`str`, optional): Same as ``parse_mode`` for `client.send_message `. id (`str`, optional): The string ID to use for this result. If not present, it will be the SHA256 hexadecimal digest of converting the request with empty ID to ``bytes()``, so that the ID will be deterministic for the same input. """ def __init__(self, client): self._client = client async def article( self, title, description=None, *, url=None, thumb=None, content=None, id=None, text=None, parse_mode=utils.Default, link_preview=True, geo=None, period=60, contact=None, game=False, buttons=None, ): """ Creates new inline result of article type. Args: title (`str`): The title to be shown for this result. description (`str`, optional): Further explanation of what this result means. url (`str`, optional): The URL to be shown for this result. thumb (:tl:`InputWebDocument`, optional): The thumbnail to be shown for this result. For now it has to be a :tl:`InputWebDocument` if present. content (:tl:`InputWebDocument`, optional): The content to be shown for this result. For now it has to be a :tl:`InputWebDocument` if present. """ # TODO Does 'article' work always? # article, photo, gif, mpeg4_gif, video, audio, # voice, document, location, venue, contact, game result = types.InputBotInlineResult( id=id or '', type='article', send_message=await self._message( text=text, parse_mode=parse_mode, link_preview=link_preview, geo=geo, period=period, contact=contact, game=game, buttons=buttons ), title=title, description=description, url=url, thumb=thumb, content=content ) if id is None: = hashlib.sha256(bytes(result)).hexdigest() return result async def photo( self, file, *, id=None, text=None, parse_mode=utils.Default, link_preview=True, geo=None, period=60, contact=None, game=False, buttons=None ): """ Creates a new inline result of photo type. Args: file (`obj`, optional): Same as ``file`` for `client.send_file `. """ fh = self._client.upload_file(file, use_cache=types.InputPhoto) if not isinstance(fh, types.InputPhoto): r = await self._client(functions.messages.UploadMediaRequest( types.InputPeerEmpty(), media=types.InputMediaUploadedPhoto(fh) )) fh = utils.get_input_photo( result = types.InputBotInlineResultPhoto( id=id or '', type='photo', photo=fh, send_message=await self._message( text=text, parse_mode=parse_mode, link_preview=link_preview, geo=geo, period=period, contact=contact, game=game, buttons=buttons ) ) if id is None: = hashlib.sha256(bytes(result)).hexdigest() return result async def document( self, file, title=None, *, description=None, type=None, mime_type=None, attributes=None, force_document=False, voice_note=False, video_note=False, use_cache=True, id=None, text=None, parse_mode=utils.Default, link_preview=True, geo=None, period=60, contact=None, game=False, buttons=None ): """ Creates a new inline result of document type. `use_cache`, `mime_type`, `attributes`, `force_document`, `voice_note` and `video_note` are described in `client.send_file `. Args: file (`obj`): Same as ``file`` for ` telethon.client.uploads.UploadMethods.send_file`. title (`str`, optional): The title to be shown for this result. description (`str`, optional): Further explanation of what this result means. type (`str`, optional): The type of the document. May be one of: photo, gif, mpeg4_gif, video, audio, voice, document, sticker. See "Type of the result" in """ if type is None: if voice_note: type = 'voice' else: type = 'document' use_cache = types.InputDocument if use_cache else None fh = self._client.upload_file(file, use_cache=use_cache) if not isinstance(fh, types.InputDocument): attributes, mime_type = utils.get_attributes( file, mime_type=mime_type, attributes=attributes, force_document=force_document, voice_note=voice_note, video_note=video_note ) r = await self._client(functions.messages.UploadMediaRequest( types.InputPeerEmpty(), media=types.InputMediaUploadedDocument( fh, mime_type=mime_type, attributes=attributes, nosound_video=None, thumb=None ))) fh = utils.get_input_document(r.document) result = types.InputBotInlineResultDocument( id=id or '', type=type, document=fh, send_message=await self._message( text=text, parse_mode=parse_mode, link_preview=link_preview, geo=geo, period=period, contact=contact, game=game, buttons=buttons ), title=title, description=description ) if id is None: = hashlib.sha256(bytes(result)).hexdigest() return result async def game( self, short_name, *, id=None, text=None, parse_mode=utils.Default, link_preview=True, geo=None, period=60, contact=None, game=False, buttons=None ): """ Creates a new inline result of game type. Args: short_name (`str`): The short name of the game to use. """ result = types.InputBotInlineResultGame( id=id or '', short_name=short_name, send_message=await self._message( text=text, parse_mode=parse_mode, link_preview=link_preview, geo=geo, period=period, contact=contact, game=game, buttons=buttons ) ) if id is None: = hashlib.sha256(bytes(result)).hexdigest() return result async def _message( self, *, text=None, parse_mode=utils.Default, link_preview=True, geo=None, period=60, contact=None, game=False, buttons=None ): if sum(1 for x in (text, geo, contact, game) if x) != 1: raise ValueError('Can only use one of text, geo, contact or game') markup = self._client.build_reply_markup(buttons, inline_only=True) if text: text, msg_entities = await self._client._parse_message_text( text, parse_mode ) return types.InputBotInlineMessageText( message=text, no_webpage=not link_preview, entities=msg_entities, reply_markup=markup ) elif isinstance(geo, (types.InputGeoPoint, types.GeoPoint)): return types.InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo( geo_point=utils.get_input_geo(geo), period=period, reply_markup=markup ) elif isinstance(geo, (types.InputMediaVenue, types.MessageMediaVenue)): if isinstance(geo, types.InputMediaVenue): geo_point = geo.geo_point else: geo_point = geo.geo return types.InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue( geo_point=geo_point, title=geo.title, address=geo.address, provider=geo.provider, venue_id=geo.venue_id, venue_type=geo.venue_type, reply_markup=markup ) elif isinstance(contact, ( types.InputMediaContact, types.MessageMediaContact)): return types.InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact( phone_number=contact.phone_number, first_name=contact.first_name, last_name=contact.last_name, vcard=contact.vcard, reply_markup=markup ) elif game: return types.InputBotInlineMessageGame( reply_markup=markup ) else: raise ValueError('No text, game or valid geo or contact given')