import re from zlib import crc32 from ..utils import snake_to_camel_case CORE_TYPES = ( 0xbc799737, # boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; 0x997275b5, # boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; 0x3fedd339, # true#3fedd339 = True; 0x1cb5c415, # vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; ) class TLObject: def __init__(self, fullname, object_id, args, result, is_function): """ Initializes a new TLObject, given its properties. :param fullname: The fullname of the TL object ( The namespace can be omitted. :param object_id: The hexadecimal string representing the object ID :param args: The arguments, if any, of the TL object :param result: The result type of the TL object :param is_function: Is the object a function or a type? """ # The name can or not have a namespace self.fullname = fullname if '.' in fullname: self.namespace, = fullname.split('.', maxsplit=1) else: self.namespace, = None, fullname self.args = args self.result = result self.is_function = is_function = None if object_id is None: = self.infer_id() else: = int(object_id, base=16) assert == self.infer_id(),\ 'Invalid inferred ID for ' + repr(self) self.class_name = snake_to_camel_case(, suffix='Request' if self.is_function else '') self.real_args = list(a for a in self.sorted_args() if not (a.flag_indicator or a.generic_definition)) def sorted_args(self): """Returns the arguments properly sorted and ready to plug-in into a Python's method header (i.e., flags and those which can be inferred will go last so they can default =None) """ return sorted(self.args, key=lambda x: x.is_flag or x.can_be_inferred) def __repr__(self, ignore_id=False): if is None or ignore_id: hex_id = '' else: hex_id = '#{:08x}'.format( if self.args: args = ' ' + ' '.join([repr(arg) for arg in self.args]) else: args = '' return '{}{}{} = {}'.format(self.fullname, hex_id, args, self.result) def infer_id(self): representation = self.__repr__(ignore_id=True) representation = representation\ .replace(':bytes ', ':string ')\ .replace('?bytes ', '?string ')\ .replace('<', ' ').replace('>', '')\ .replace('{', '').replace('}', '') representation = re.sub( r' \w+:flags\.\d+\?true', r'', representation ) return crc32(representation.encode('ascii')) class TLArg: def __init__(self, name, arg_type, generic_definition): """ Initializes a new .tl argument :param name: The name of the .tl argument :param arg_type: The type of the .tl argument :param generic_definition: Is the argument a generic definition? (i.e. {X:Type}) """ = 'is_self' if name == 'self' else name # Default values self.is_vector = False self.is_flag = False self.skip_constructor_id = False self.flag_index = -1 # Special case: some types can be inferred, which makes it # less annoying to type. Currently the only type that can # be inferred is if the name is 'random_id', to which a # random ID will be assigned if left as None (the default) self.can_be_inferred = name == 'random_id' # The type can be an indicator that other arguments will be flags if arg_type == '#': self.flag_indicator = True self.type = None self.is_generic = False else: self.flag_indicator = False self.is_generic = arg_type.startswith('!') # Strip the exclamation mark always to have only the name self.type = arg_type.lstrip('!') # The type may be a flag (flags.IDX?REAL_TYPE) # Note that 'flags' is NOT the flags name; this # is determined by a previous argument # However, we assume that the argument will always be called 'flags' flag_match = re.match(r'flags.(\d+)\?([\w<>.]+)', self.type) if flag_match: self.is_flag = True self.flag_index = int( # Update the type to match the exact type, not the "flagged" one self.type = # Then check if the type is a Vector vector_match = re.match(r'[Vv]ector<([\w\d.]+)>', self.type) if vector_match: self.is_vector = True # If the type's first letter is not uppercase, then # it is a constructor and we use (read/write) its ID # as pinpointed on issue #81. self.use_vector_id = self.type[0] == 'V' # Update the type to match the one inside the vector self.type = # See use_vector_id. An example of such case is ipPort in # help.configSpecial if self.type.split('.')[-1][0].islower(): self.skip_constructor_id = True # The name may contain "date" in it, if this is the case and the type is "int", # we can safely assume that this should be treated as a "date" object. # Note that this is not a valid Telegram object, but it's easier to work with if self.type == 'int' and ('(\b|_)date\b', name) or name in ('expires', 'expires_at', 'was_online')): self.type = 'date' self.generic_definition = generic_definition def type_hint(self): type = self.type if '.' in type: type = type.split('.')[1] result = { 'int': 'int', 'long': 'int', 'int128': 'int', 'int256': 'int', 'string': 'str', 'date': 'Optional[datetime]', # None date = 0 timestamp 'bytes': 'bytes', 'true': 'bool', }.get(type, "Type{}".format(type)) if self.is_vector: result = 'List[{}]'.format(result) if self.is_flag and type != 'date': result = 'Optional[{}]'.format(result) return result def __str__(self): # Find the real type representation by updating it as required real_type = self.type if self.flag_indicator: real_type = '#' if self.is_vector: if self.use_vector_id: real_type = 'Vector<{}>'.format(real_type) else: real_type = 'vector<{}>'.format(real_type) if self.is_generic: real_type = '!{}'.format(real_type) if self.is_flag: real_type = 'flags.{}?{}'.format(self.flag_index, real_type) if self.generic_definition: return '{{{}:{}}}'.format(, real_type) else: return '{}:{}'.format(, real_type) def __repr__(self): return str(self).replace(':date', ':int').replace('?date', '?int') def _from_line(line, is_function): match = re.match( r'^([\w.]+)' # 'name' r'(?:#([0-9a-fA-F]+))?' # '#optionalcode' r'(?:\s{?\w+:[\w\d<>#.?!]+}?)*' # '{args:.0?type}' r'\s=\s' # ' = ' r'([\w\d<>#.?]+);$', # ';' line ) if match is None: # Probably "vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t;" raise ValueError('Cannot parse TLObject {}'.format(line)) args_match = re.findall( r'({)?' r'(\w+)' r':' r'([\w\d<>#.?!]+)' r'}?', line ) return TLObject(,,, is_function=is_function, args=[TLArg(name, arg_type, brace != '') for brace, name, arg_type in args_match] ) def parse_tl(file_path, ignore_core=False): """This method yields TLObjects from a given .tl file.""" with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8') as file: is_function = False for line in file: comment_index = line.find('//') if comment_index != -1: line = line[:comment_index] line = line.strip() if not line: continue match = re.match('---(\w+)---', line) if match: following_types = is_function = following_types == 'functions' continue try: result = _from_line(line, is_function) if not ignore_core or not in CORE_TYPES: yield result except ValueError as e: if 'vector#1cb5c415' not in str(e): raise def find_layer(file_path): """Finds the layer used on the specified file.""" layer_regex = re.compile(r'^//\s*LAYER\s*(\d+)$') with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8') as file: for line in file: match = layer_regex.match(line) if match: return int(