import typing from .. import hints from import types, functions, custom if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from .telegramclient import TelegramClient class BotMethods: async def inline_query( self: 'TelegramClient', bot: 'hints.EntityLike', query: str, *, entity: 'hints.EntityLike' = None, offset: str = None, geo_point: 'types.GeoPoint' = None) -> custom.InlineResults: """ Makes an inline query to the specified bot (``@vote New Poll``). Arguments bot (`entity`): The bot entity to which the inline query should be made. query (`str`): The query that should be made to the bot. entity (`entity`, optional): The entity where the inline query is being made from. Certain bots use this to display different results depending on where it's used, such as private chats, groups or channels. If specified, it will also be the default entity where the message will be sent after clicked. Otherwise, the "empty peer" will be used, which some bots may not handle correctly. offset (`str`, optional): The string offset to use for the bot. geo_point (:tl:`GeoPoint`, optional) The geo point location information to send to the bot for localised results. Available under some bots. Returns A list of `custom.InlineResult `. Example .. code-block:: python # Make an inline query to @like results = await client.inline_query('like', 'Do you like Telethon?') # Send the first result to some chat message = await results[0].click('TelethonOffTopic') """ bot = await self.get_input_entity(bot) if entity: peer = await self.get_input_entity(entity) else: peer = types.InputPeerEmpty() result = await self(functions.messages.GetInlineBotResultsRequest( bot=bot, peer=peer, query=query, offset=offset or '', geo_point=geo_point )) return custom.InlineResults(self, result, entity=peer if entity else None)