import functools import inspect import typing from .users import UserMethods, _NOT_A_REQUEST from .. import helpers, utils from import functions, TLRequest if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from .telegramclient import TelegramClient # TODO Make use of :tl:`InvokeWithMessagesRange` somehow # For that, we need to use :tl:`GetSplitRanges` first. class _TakeoutClient: """ Proxy object over the client. """ __PROXY_INTERFACE = ('__enter__', '__exit__', '__aenter__', '__aexit__') def __init__(self, finalize, client, request): # We use the name mangling for attributes to make them inaccessible # from within the shadowed client object and to distinguish them from # its own attributes where needed. self.__finalize = finalize self.__client = client self.__request = request self.__success = None @property def success(self): return self.__success @success.setter def success(self, value): self.__success = value async def __aenter__(self): # Enter/Exit behaviour is "overrode", we don't want to call start. client = self.__client if client.session.takeout_id is None: client.session.takeout_id = (await client(self.__request)).id elif self.__request is not None: raise ValueError("Can't send a takeout request while another " "takeout for the current session still not been finished yet.") return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self.__success is None and self.__finalize: self.__success = exc_type is None if self.__success is not None: result = await self(functions.account.FinishTakeoutSessionRequest( self.__success)) if not result: raise ValueError("Failed to finish the takeout.") self._session.takeout_id = None __enter__ = helpers._sync_enter __exit__ = helpers._sync_exit async def __call__(self, request, ordered=False): takeout_id = self.__client.session.takeout_id if takeout_id is None: raise ValueError('Takeout mode has not been initialized ' '(are you calling outside of "with"?)') single = not utils.is_list_like(request) requests = ((request,) if single else request) wrapped = [] for r in requests: if not isinstance(r, TLRequest): raise _NOT_A_REQUEST() await r.resolve(self, utils) wrapped.append(functions.InvokeWithTakeoutRequest(takeout_id, r)) return await self.__client( wrapped[0] if single else wrapped, ordered=ordered) def __getattribute__(self, name): # We access class via type() because __class__ will recurse infinitely. # Also note that since we've name-mangled our own class attributes, # they'll be passed to __getattribute__() as already decorated. For # example, 'self.__client' will be passed as '_TakeoutClient__client'. # if name.startswith('__') and name not in type(self).__PROXY_INTERFACE: raise AttributeError # force call of __getattr__ # Try to access attribute in the proxy object and check for the same # attribute in the shadowed object (through our __getattr__) if failed. return super().__getattribute__(name) def __getattr__(self, name): value = getattr(self.__client, name) if inspect.ismethod(value): # Emulate bound methods behavior by partially applying our proxy # class as the self parameter instead of the client. return functools.partial( getattr(self.__client.__class__, name), self) return value def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name.startswith('_{}__'.format(type(self).__name__.lstrip('_'))): # This is our own name-mangled attribute, keep calm. return super().__setattr__(name, value) return setattr(self.__client, name, value) class AccountMethods(UserMethods): def takeout( self: 'TelegramClient', finalize: bool = True, *, contacts: bool = None, users: bool = None, chats: bool = None, megagroups: bool = None, channels: bool = None, files: bool = None, max_file_size: bool = None) -> 'TelegramClient': """ Returns a :ref:`telethon-client` which calls methods behind a takeout session. It does so by creating a proxy object over the current client through which making requests will use :tl:`InvokeWithTakeoutRequest` to wrap them. In other words, returns the current client modified so that requests are done as a takeout: Some of the calls made through the takeout session will have lower flood limits. This is useful if you want to export the data from conversations or mass-download media, since the rate limits will be lower. Only some requests will be affected, and you will need to adjust the `wait_time` of methods like `client.iter_messages `. By default, all parameters are ``None``, and you need to enable those you plan to use by setting them to either ``True`` or ``False``. You should ``except errors.TakeoutInitDelayError as e``, since this exception will raise depending on the condition of the session. You can then access ``e.seconds`` to know how long you should wait for before calling the method again. There's also a `success` property available in the takeout proxy object, so from the `with` body you can set the boolean result that will be sent back to Telegram. But if it's left ``None`` as by default, then the action is based on the `finalize` parameter. If it's ``True`` then the takeout will be finished, and if no exception occurred during it, then ``True`` will be considered as a result. Otherwise, the takeout will not be finished and its ID will be preserved for future usage as `client.session.takeout_id `. Arguments finalize (`bool`): Whether the takeout session should be finalized upon exit or not. contacts (`bool`): Set to ``True`` if you plan on downloading contacts. users (`bool`): Set to ``True`` if you plan on downloading information from users and their private conversations with you. chats (`bool`): Set to ``True`` if you plan on downloading information from small group chats, such as messages and media. megagroups (`bool`): Set to ``True`` if you plan on downloading information from megagroups (channels), such as messages and media. channels (`bool`): Set to ``True`` if you plan on downloading information from broadcast channels, such as messages and media. files (`bool`): Set to ``True`` if you plan on downloading media and you don't only wish to export messages. max_file_size (`int`): The maximum file size, in bytes, that you plan to download for each message with media. Example .. code-block:: python from telethon import errors try: with client.takeout() as takeout: client.get_messages('me') # normal call takeout.get_messages('me') # wrapped through takeout (less limits) for message in takeout.iter_messages(chat, wait_time=0): ... # Do something with the message except errors.TakeoutInitDelayError as e: print('Must wait', e.seconds, 'before takeout') """ request_kwargs = dict( contacts=contacts, message_users=users, message_chats=chats, message_megagroups=megagroups, message_channels=channels, files=files, file_max_size=max_file_size ) arg_specified = (arg is not None for arg in request_kwargs.values()) if self._session.takeout_id is None or any(arg_specified): request = functions.account.InitTakeoutSessionRequest( **request_kwargs) else: request = None return _TakeoutClient(finalize, self, request) async def end_takeout(self: 'TelegramClient', success: bool) -> bool: """ Finishes the current takeout session. Arguments success (`bool`): Whether the takeout completed successfully or not. Returns ``True`` if the operation was successful, ``False`` otherwise. Example .. code-block:: python client.end_takeout(success=False) """ try: async with _TakeoutClient(True, self, None) as takeout: takeout.success = success except ValueError: return False return True