import asyncio import functools import inspect import itertools import time from .chatgetter import ChatGetter from ... import helpers, utils, errors # Sometimes the edits arrive very fast (within the same second). # In that case we add a small delta so that the age is older, for # comparision purposes. This value is enough for up to 1000 messages. _EDIT_COLLISION_DELTA = 0.001 def _checks_cancelled(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._cancelled: raise asyncio.CancelledError('The conversation was cancelled before') return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper class Conversation(ChatGetter): """ Represents a conversation inside an specific chat. A conversation keeps track of new messages since it was created until its exit and easily lets you query the current state. If you need a conversation across two or more chats, you should use two conversations and synchronize them as you better see fit. """ _id_counter = 0 _custom_counter = 0 def __init__(self, client, input_chat, *, timeout, total_timeout, max_messages, exclusive, replies_are_responses): # This call resets the client ChatGetter.__init__(self, input_chat=input_chat) self._id = Conversation._id_counter Conversation._id_counter += 1 self._client = client self._timeout = timeout self._total_timeout = total_timeout self._total_due = None self._outgoing = set() self._last_outgoing = 0 self._incoming = [] self._last_incoming = 0 self._max_incoming = max_messages self._last_read = None self._custom = {} self._pending_responses = {} self._pending_replies = {} self._pending_edits = {} self._pending_reads = {} self._exclusive = exclusive self._cancelled = False # The user is able to expect two responses for the same message. # {desired message ID: next incoming index} self._response_indices = {} if replies_are_responses: self._reply_indices = self._response_indices else: self._reply_indices = {} self._edit_dates = {} @_checks_cancelled async def send_message(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a message in the context of this conversation. Shorthand for `telethon.client.messages.MessageMethods.send_message` with ``entity`` already set. """ sent = await self._client.send_message( self._input_chat, *args, **kwargs) # Albums will be lists, so handle that ms = sent if isinstance(sent, list) else (sent,) self._outgoing.update( for m in ms) self._last_outgoing = ms[-1].id return sent @_checks_cancelled async def send_file(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a file in the context of this conversation. Shorthand for `telethon.client.uploads.UploadMethods.send_file` with ``entity`` already set. """ sent = await self._client.send_file( self._input_chat, *args, **kwargs) # Albums will be lists, so handle that ms = sent if isinstance(sent, list) else (sent,) self._outgoing.update( for m in ms) self._last_outgoing = ms[-1].id return sent @_checks_cancelled def mark_read(self, message=None): """ Marks as read the latest received message if ``message is None``. Otherwise, marks as read until the given message (or message ID). This is equivalent to calling `client.send_read_acknowledge `. """ if message is None: if self._incoming: message = self._incoming[-1].id else: message = 0 elif not isinstance(message, int): message = return self._client.send_read_acknowledge( self._input_chat, max_id=message) def get_response(self, message=None, *, timeout=None): """ Gets the next message that responds to a previous one. Args: message (`Message ` | `int`, optional): The message (or the message ID) for which a response is expected. By default this is the last sent message. timeout (`int` | `float`, optional): If present, this `timeout` (in seconds) will override the per-action timeout defined for the conversation. """ return self._get_message( message, self._response_indices, self._pending_responses, timeout, lambda x, y: True ) def get_reply(self, message=None, *, timeout=None): """ Gets the next message that explicitly replies to a previous one. """ return self._get_message( message, self._reply_indices, self._pending_replies, timeout, lambda x, y: x.reply_to_msg_id == y ) def _get_message( self, target_message, indices, pending, timeout, condition): """ Gets the next desired message under the desired condition. Args: target_message (`object`): The target message for which we want to find another response that applies based on `condition`. indices (`dict`): This dictionary remembers the last ID chosen for the input `target_message`. pending (`dict`): This dictionary remembers {msg_id: Future} to be set once `condition` is met. timeout (`int`): The timeout (in seconds) override to use for this operation. condition (`callable`): The condition callable that checks if an incoming message is a valid response. """ start_time = time.time() target_id = self._get_message_id(target_message) # If there is no last-chosen ID, make sure to pick one *after* # the input message, since we don't want responses back in time if target_id not in indices: for i, incoming in enumerate(self._incoming): if > target_id: indices[target_id] = i break else: indices[target_id] = len(self._incoming) # We will always return a future from here, even if the result # can be set immediately. Otherwise, needing to await only # sometimes is an annoying edge case (i.e. we would return # a `Message` but `get_response()` always `await`'s). future = self._client.loop.create_future() # If there are enough responses saved return the next one last_idx = indices[target_id] if last_idx < len(self._incoming): incoming = self._incoming[last_idx] if condition(incoming, target_id): indices[target_id] += 1 future.set_result(incoming) return future # Otherwise the next incoming response will be the one to use # # Note how we fill "pending" before giving control back to the # event loop through "await". We want to register it as soon as # possible, since any other task switch may arrive with the result. pending[target_id] = future return self._get_result(future, start_time, timeout, pending, target_id) def get_edit(self, message=None, *, timeout=None): """ Awaits for an edit after the last message to arrive. The arguments are the same as those for `get_response`. """ start_time = time.time() target_id = self._get_message_id(message) target_date = self._edit_dates.get(target_id, 0) earliest_edit = min( (x for x in self._incoming if x.edit_date and > target_id and x.edit_date.timestamp() > target_date ), key=lambda x: x.edit_date.timestamp(), default=None ) future = self._client.loop.create_future() if earliest_edit and earliest_edit.edit_date.timestamp() > target_date: self._edit_dates[target_id] = earliest_edit.edit_date.timestamp() future.set_result(earliest_edit) return future # we should always return something we can await # Otherwise the next incoming response will be the one to use self._pending_edits[target_id] = future return self._get_result(future, start_time, timeout, self._pending_edits, target_id) def wait_read(self, message=None, *, timeout=None): """ Awaits for the sent message to be marked as read. Note that receiving a response doesn't imply the message was read, and this action will also trigger even without a response. """ start_time = time.time() future = self._client.loop.create_future() target_id = self._get_message_id(message) if self._last_read is None: self._last_read = target_id - 1 if self._last_read >= target_id: return self._pending_reads[target_id] = future return self._get_result(future, start_time, timeout, self._pending_reads, target_id) async def wait_event(self, event, *, timeout=None): """ Waits for a custom event to occur. Timeouts still apply. .. note:: Only use this if there isn't another method available! For example, don't use `wait_event` for new messages, since `get_response` already exists, etc. Unless you're certain that your code will run fast enough, generally you should get a "handle" of this special coroutine before acting. Generally, you should do this: >>> from telethon import TelegramClient, events >>> >>> client = TelegramClient(...) >>> >>> async def main(): >>> async with client.conversation(...) as conv: >>> response = conv.wait_event(events.NewMessage(incoming=True)) >>> await conv.send_message('Hi') >>> response = await response This way your event can be registered before acting, since the response may arrive before your event was registered. It depends on your use case since this also means the event can arrive before you send a previous action. """ start_time = time.time() if isinstance(event, type): event = event() await event.resolve(self._client) counter = Conversation._custom_counter Conversation._custom_counter += 1 future = self._client.loop.create_future() self._custom[counter] = (event, future) return await self._get_result(future, start_time, timeout, self._custom, counter) async def _check_custom(self, built): for key, (ev, fut) in list(self._custom.items()): ev_type = type(ev) inst = built[ev_type] if inst: filter = ev.filter(inst) if inspect.isawaitable(filter): filter = await filter if filter: fut.set_result(inst) del self._custom[key] def _on_new_message(self, response): response = response.message if response.chat_id != self.chat_id or response.out: return if len(self._incoming) == self._max_incoming: self._cancel_all(ValueError('Too many incoming messages')) return self._incoming.append(response) # Most of the time, these dictionaries will contain just one item # TODO In fact, why not make it be that way? Force one item only. # How often will people want to wait for two responses at # the same time? It's impossible, first one will arrive # and then another, so they can do that. for msg_id, future in list(self._pending_responses.items()): self._response_indices[msg_id] = len(self._incoming) future.set_result(response) del self._pending_responses[msg_id] for msg_id, future in list(self._pending_replies.items()): if msg_id == response.reply_to_msg_id: self._reply_indices[msg_id] = len(self._incoming) future.set_result(response) del self._pending_replies[msg_id] def _on_edit(self, message): message = message.message if message.chat_id != self.chat_id or message.out: return # We have to update our incoming messages with the new edit date for i, m in enumerate(self._incoming): if == self._incoming[i] = message break for msg_id, future in list(self._pending_edits.items()): if msg_id < edit_ts = message.edit_date.timestamp() # We compare <= because edit_ts resolution is always to # seconds, but we may have increased _edit_dates before. # Since the dates are ever growing this is not a problem. if edit_ts <= self._edit_dates.get(msg_id, 0): self._edit_dates[msg_id] += _EDIT_COLLISION_DELTA else: self._edit_dates[msg_id] = message.edit_date.timestamp() future.set_result(message) del self._pending_edits[msg_id] def _on_read(self, event): if event.chat_id != self.chat_id or event.inbox: return self._last_read = event.max_id remove_reads = [] for msg_id, pending in list(self._pending_reads.items()): if msg_id >= self._last_read: remove_reads.append(msg_id) pending.set_result(True) del self._pending_reads[msg_id] for to_remove in remove_reads: del self._pending_reads[to_remove] def _get_message_id(self, message): if message is not None: # 0 is valid but false-y, check for None return message if isinstance(message, int) else elif self._last_outgoing: return self._last_outgoing else: raise ValueError('No message was sent previously') @_checks_cancelled def _get_result(self, future, start_time, timeout, pending, target_id): due = self._total_due if timeout is None: timeout = self._timeout if timeout is not None: due = min(due, start_time + timeout) # NOTE: We can't try/finally to pop from pending here because # the event loop needs to get back to us, but it might # dispatch another update before, and in that case a # response could be set twice. So responses must be # cleared when their futures are set to a result. return asyncio.wait_for( future, timeout=None if due == float('inf') else due - time.time(), loop=self._client.loop ) def _cancel_all(self, exception=None): self._cancelled = True for pending in itertools.chain( self._pending_responses.values(), self._pending_replies.values(), self._pending_edits.values()): if exception: pending.set_exception(exception) else: pending.cancel() for _, fut in self._custom.values(): if exception: fut.set_exception(exception) else: fut.cancel() async def __aenter__(self): self._input_chat = \ await self._client.get_input_entity(self._input_chat) self._chat_peer = utils.get_peer(self._input_chat) # Make sure we're the only conversation in this chat if it's exclusive chat_id = utils.get_peer_id(self._chat_peer) conv_set = self._client._conversations[chat_id] if self._exclusive and conv_set: raise errors.AlreadyInConversationError() conv_set.add(self) self._cancelled = False self._last_outgoing = 0 self._last_incoming = 0 for d in ( self._outgoing, self._incoming, self._pending_responses, self._pending_replies, self._pending_edits, self._response_indices, self._reply_indices, self._edit_dates, self._custom): d.clear() if self._total_timeout: self._total_due = time.time() + self._total_timeout else: self._total_due = float('inf') return self def cancel(self): """ Cancels the current conversation. Pending responses and subsequent calls to get a response will raise ``asyncio.CancelledError``. This method is synchronous and should not be awaited. """ self._cancel_all() async def cancel_all(self): """ Calls `cancel` on *all* conversations in this chat. Note that you should ``await`` this method, since it's meant to be used outside of a context manager, and it needs to resolve the chat. """ chat_id = await self._client.get_peer_id(self._input_chat) for conv in self._client._conversations[chat_id]: conv.cancel() async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): chat_id = utils.get_peer_id(self._chat_peer) conv_set = self._client._conversations[chat_id] conv_set.discard(self) if not conv_set: del self._client._conversations[chat_id] self._cancel_all() __enter__ = helpers._sync_enter __exit__ = helpers._sync_exit