""" This module holds core "special" types, which are more convenient ways to do stuff in a `telethon.network.mtprotosender.MTProtoSender` instance. Only special cases are gzip-packed data, the response message (not a client message), the message container which references these messages and would otherwise conflict with the rest, and finally the RpcResult: rpc_result#f35c6d01 req_msg_id:long result:bytes = RpcResult; Three things to note with this definition: 1. The constructor ID is actually ``42d36c2c``. 2. Those bytes are not read like the rest of bytes (length + payload). They are actually the raw bytes of another object, which can't be read directly because it depends on per-request information (since some can return ``Vector<int>`` and ``Vector<long>``). 3. Those bytes may be gzipped data, which needs to be treated early. """ from .tlmessage import TLMessage from .gzippacked import GzipPacked from .messagecontainer import MessageContainer from .rpcresult import RpcResult core_objects = {x.CONSTRUCTOR_ID: x for x in ( GzipPacked, MessageContainer, RpcResult )}