import inspect import itertools import typing import warnings from .. import errors, hints, _tl from .._misc import helpers, utils, requestiter from ..types import _custom _MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 100 if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from .telegramclient import TelegramClient class _MessagesIter(requestiter.RequestIter): """ Common factor for all requests that need to iterate over messages. """ async def _init( self, entity, offset_id, min_id, max_id, from_user, offset_date, add_offset, filter, search, reply_to, scheduled ): # Note that entity being `None` will perform a global search. if entity: self.entity = await self.client.get_input_entity(entity) else: self.entity = None if self.reverse: raise ValueError('Cannot reverse global search') # Telegram doesn't like min_id/max_id. If these IDs are low enough # (starting from last_id - 100), the request will return nothing. # # We can emulate their behaviour locally by setting offset = max_id # and simply stopping once we hit a message with ID <= min_id. if self.reverse: offset_id = max(offset_id, min_id) if offset_id and max_id: if max_id - offset_id <= 1: raise StopAsyncIteration if not max_id: max_id = float('inf') else: offset_id = max(offset_id, max_id) if offset_id and min_id: if offset_id - min_id <= 1: raise StopAsyncIteration if self.reverse: if offset_id: offset_id += 1 elif not offset_date: # offset_id has priority over offset_date, so don't # set offset_id to 1 if we want to offset by date. offset_id = 1 if from_user: from_user = await self.client.get_input_entity(from_user) self.from_id = await self.client.get_peer_id(from_user) else: self.from_id = None # `messages.searchGlobal` only works with text `search` or `filter` queries. # If we want to perform global a search with `from_user` we have to perform # a normal ``, *but* we can make the entity be `inputPeerEmpty`. if not self.entity and from_user: self.entity = _tl.InputPeerEmpty() if filter is None: filter = _tl.InputMessagesFilterEmpty() else: filter = filter() if isinstance(filter, type) else filter if not self.entity: self.request = _tl.fn.messages.SearchGlobal( q=search or '', filter=filter, min_date=None, max_date=offset_date, offset_rate=0, offset_peer=_tl.InputPeerEmpty(), offset_id=offset_id, limit=1 ) elif scheduled: self.request = _tl.fn.messages.GetScheduledHistory( peer=entity, hash=0 ) elif reply_to is not None: self.request = _tl.fn.messages.GetReplies( peer=self.entity, msg_id=reply_to, offset_id=offset_id, offset_date=offset_date, add_offset=add_offset, limit=1, max_id=0, min_id=0, hash=0 ) elif search is not None or not isinstance(filter, _tl.InputMessagesFilterEmpty) or from_user: # Telegram completely ignores `from_id` in private chats ty = helpers._entity_type(self.entity) if ty == helpers._EntityType.USER: # Don't bother sending `from_user` (it's ignored anyway), # but keep `from_id` defined above to check it locally. from_user = None else: # Do send `from_user` to do the filtering server-side, # and set `from_id` to None to avoid checking it locally. self.from_id = None self.request = _tl.fn.messages.Search( peer=self.entity, q=search or '', filter=filter, min_date=None, max_date=offset_date, offset_id=offset_id, add_offset=add_offset, limit=0, # Search actually returns 0 items if we ask it to max_id=0, min_id=0, hash=0, from_id=from_user ) # Workaround issue #1124 until a better solution is found. # Telegram seemingly ignores `max_date` if `filter` (and # nothing else) is specified, so we have to rely on doing # a first request to offset from the ID instead. # # Even better, using `filter` and `from_id` seems to always # trigger `RPC_CALL_FAIL` which is "internal issues"... if not isinstance(filter, _tl.InputMessagesFilterEmpty) \ and offset_date and not search and not offset_id: async for m in self.client.iter_messages( self.entity, 1, offset_date=offset_date): self.request.offset_id = + 1 else: self.request = _tl.fn.messages.GetHistory( peer=self.entity, limit=1, offset_date=offset_date, offset_id=offset_id, min_id=0, max_id=0, add_offset=add_offset, hash=0 ) if self.limit <= 0: # No messages, but we still need to know the total message count result = await self.client(self.request) if isinstance(result, _tl.messages.MessagesNotModified): = result.count else: = getattr(result, 'count', len(result.messages)) raise StopAsyncIteration if self.wait_time is None: self.wait_time = 1 if self.limit > 3000 else 0 # When going in reverse we need an offset of `-limit`, but we # also want to respect what the user passed, so add them together. if self.reverse: self.request.add_offset -= _MAX_CHUNK_SIZE self.add_offset = add_offset self.max_id = max_id self.min_id = min_id self.last_id = 0 if self.reverse else float('inf') async def _load_next_chunk(self): self.request.limit = min(self.left, _MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) if self.reverse and self.request.limit != _MAX_CHUNK_SIZE: # Remember that we need -limit when going in reverse self.request.add_offset = self.add_offset - self.request.limit r = await self.client(self.request) = getattr(r, 'count', len(r.messages)) entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x for x in itertools.chain(r.users, r.chats)} messages = reversed(r.messages) if self.reverse else r.messages for message in messages: if (isinstance(message, _tl.MessageEmpty) or self.from_id and message.sender_id != self.from_id): continue if not self._message_in_range(message): return True # There has been reports that on bad connections this method # was returning duplicated IDs sometimes. Using ``last_id`` # is an attempt to avoid these duplicates, since the message # IDs are returned in descending order (or asc if reverse). self.last_id = self.buffer.append(_custom.Message._new(self.client, message, entities, self.entity)) if len(r.messages) < self.request.limit: return True # Get the last message that's not empty (in some rare cases # it can happen that the last message is :tl:`MessageEmpty`) if self.buffer: self._update_offset(self.buffer[-1], r) else: # There are some cases where all the messages we get start # being empty. This can happen on migrated mega-groups if # the history was cleared, and we're using search. Telegram # acts incredibly weird sometimes. Messages are returned but # only "empty", not their contents. If this is the case we # should just give up since there won't be any new Message. return True def _message_in_range(self, message): """ Determine whether the given message is in the range or it should be ignored (and avoid loading more chunks). """ # No entity means message IDs between chats may vary if self.entity: if self.reverse: if <= self.last_id or >= self.max_id: return False else: if >= self.last_id or <= self.min_id: return False return True def _update_offset(self, last_message, response): """ After making the request, update its offset with the last message. """ self.request.offset_id = if self.reverse: # We want to skip the one we already have self.request.offset_id += 1 if isinstance(self.request, _tl.fn.messages.Search): # Unlike getHistory and searchGlobal that use *offset* date, # this is *max* date. This means that doing a search in reverse # will break it. Since it's not really needed once we're going # (only for the first request), it's safe to just clear it off. self.request.max_date = None else: # getHistory, searchGlobal and getReplies call it offset_date self.request.offset_date = if isinstance(self.request, _tl.fn.messages.SearchGlobal): if last_message.input_chat: self.request.offset_peer = last_message.input_chat else: self.request.offset_peer = _tl.InputPeerEmpty() self.request.offset_rate = getattr(response, 'next_rate', 0) class _IDsIter(requestiter.RequestIter): async def _init(self, entity, ids): = len(ids) self._ids = list(reversed(ids)) if self.reverse else ids self._offset = 0 self._entity = (await self.client.get_input_entity(entity)) if entity else None self._ty = helpers._entity_type(self._entity) if self._entity else None # 30s flood wait every 300 messages (3 requests of 100 each, 30 of 10, etc.) if self.wait_time is None: self.wait_time = 10 if self.limit > 300 else 0 async def _load_next_chunk(self): ids = self._ids[self._offset:self._offset + _MAX_CHUNK_SIZE] if not ids: raise StopAsyncIteration self._offset += _MAX_CHUNK_SIZE from_id = None # By default, no need to validate from_id if self._ty == helpers._EntityType.CHANNEL: try: r = await self.client( _tl.fn.channels.GetMessages(self._entity, ids)) except errors.MessageIdsEmptyError: # All IDs were invalid, use a dummy result r = _tl.messages.MessagesNotModified(len(ids)) else: r = await self.client(_tl.fn.messages.GetMessages(ids)) if self._entity: from_id = await _get_peer(self.client, self._entity) if isinstance(r, _tl.messages.MessagesNotModified): self.buffer.extend(None for _ in ids) return entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x for x in itertools.chain(r.users, r.chats)} # Telegram seems to return the messages in the order in which # we asked them for, so we don't need to check it ourselves, # unless some messages were invalid in which case Telegram # may decide to not send them at all. # # The passed message IDs may not belong to the desired entity # since the user can enter arbitrary numbers which can belong to # arbitrary chats. Validate these unless ``from_id is None``. for message in r.messages: if isinstance(message, _tl.MessageEmpty) or ( from_id and message.peer_id != from_id): self.buffer.append(None) else: self.buffer.append(_custom.Message._new(self.client, message, entities, self._entity)) async def _get_peer(self: 'TelegramClient', input_peer: 'hints.EntityLike'): try: return utils.get_peer(input_peer) except TypeError: # Can only be self by now return _tl.PeerUser(await self.get_peer_id(input_peer)) def get_messages( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntityLike', limit: float = None, *, offset_date: 'hints.DateLike' = None, offset_id: int = 0, max_id: int = 0, min_id: int = 0, add_offset: int = 0, search: str = None, filter: 'typing.Union[_tl.TypeMessagesFilter, typing.Type[_tl.TypeMessagesFilter]]' = None, from_user: 'hints.EntityLike' = None, wait_time: float = None, ids: 'typing.Union[int, typing.Sequence[int]]' = None, reverse: bool = False, reply_to: int = None, scheduled: bool = False ) -> 'typing.Union[_MessagesIter, _IDsIter]': if ids is not None: if not utils.is_list_like(ids): ids = [ids] return _IDsIter( client=self, reverse=reverse, wait_time=wait_time, limit=len(ids), entity=entity, ids=ids ) return _MessagesIter( client=self, reverse=reverse, wait_time=wait_time, limit=limit, entity=entity, offset_id=offset_id, min_id=min_id, max_id=max_id, from_user=from_user, offset_date=offset_date, add_offset=add_offset, filter=filter, search=search, reply_to=reply_to, scheduled=scheduled ) async def _get_comment_data( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntityLike', message: 'typing.Union[int, _tl.Message]' ): r = await self(_tl.fn.messages.GetDiscussionMessage( peer=entity, msg_id=utils.get_message_id(message) )) m = r.messages[0] chat = next(c for c in r.chats if == m.peer_id.channel_id) return utils.get_input_peer(chat), async def send_message( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntityLike', message: 'hints.MessageLike' = '', *, reply_to: 'typing.Union[int, _tl.Message]' = None, attributes: 'typing.Sequence[_tl.TypeDocumentAttribute]' = None, parse_mode: typing.Optional[str] = (), formatting_entities: typing.Optional[typing.List[_tl.TypeMessageEntity]] = None, link_preview: bool = True, file: 'typing.Union[hints.FileLike, typing.Sequence[hints.FileLike]]' = None, thumb: 'hints.FileLike' = None, force_document: bool = False, clear_draft: bool = False, buttons: 'hints.MarkupLike' = None, silent: bool = None, background: bool = None, supports_streaming: bool = False, schedule: 'hints.DateLike' = None, comment_to: 'typing.Union[int, _tl.Message]' = None ) -> '_tl.Message': if file is not None: return await self.send_file( entity, file, caption=message, reply_to=reply_to, attributes=attributes, parse_mode=parse_mode, force_document=force_document, thumb=thumb, buttons=buttons, clear_draft=clear_draft, silent=silent, schedule=schedule, supports_streaming=supports_streaming, formatting_entities=formatting_entities, comment_to=comment_to, background=background ) entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity) if comment_to is not None: entity, reply_to = await _get_comment_data(self, entity, comment_to) if isinstance(message, _tl.Message): if buttons is None: markup = message.reply_markup else: markup = self.build_reply_markup(buttons) if silent is None: silent = message.silent if ( and not isinstance(, _tl.MessageMediaWebPage)): return await self.send_file( entity,, caption=message.message, silent=silent, background=background, reply_to=reply_to, buttons=markup, formatting_entities=message.entities, schedule=schedule ) request = _tl.fn.messages.SendMessage( peer=entity, message=message.message or '', silent=silent, background=background, reply_to_msg_id=utils.get_message_id(reply_to), reply_markup=markup, entities=message.entities, clear_draft=clear_draft, no_webpage=not isinstance(, _tl.MessageMediaWebPage), schedule_date=schedule ) message = message.message else: if formatting_entities is None: message, formatting_entities = await self._parse_message_text(message, parse_mode) if not message: raise ValueError( 'The message cannot be empty unless a file is provided' ) request = _tl.fn.messages.SendMessage( peer=entity, message=message, entities=formatting_entities, no_webpage=not link_preview, reply_to_msg_id=utils.get_message_id(reply_to), clear_draft=clear_draft, silent=silent, background=background, reply_markup=self.build_reply_markup(buttons), schedule_date=schedule ) result = await self(request) if isinstance(result, _tl.UpdateShortSentMessage): return _custom.Message._new(self, _tl.Message(, peer_id=await _get_peer(self, entity), message=message,, out=result.out,, entities=result.entities, reply_markup=request.reply_markup, ttl_period=result.ttl_period ), {}, entity) return self._get_response_message(request, result, entity) async def forward_messages( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntityLike', messages: 'typing.Union[hints.MessageIDLike, typing.Sequence[hints.MessageIDLike]]', from_peer: 'hints.EntityLike' = None, *, background: bool = None, with_my_score: bool = None, silent: bool = None, as_album: bool = None, schedule: 'hints.DateLike' = None ) -> 'typing.Sequence[_tl.Message]': if as_album is not None: warnings.warn('the as_album argument is deprecated and no longer has any effect') single = not utils.is_list_like(messages) if single: messages = (messages,) entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity) if from_peer: from_peer = await self.get_input_entity(from_peer) from_peer_id = await self.get_peer_id(from_peer) else: from_peer_id = None def get_key(m): if isinstance(m, int): if from_peer_id is not None: return from_peer_id raise ValueError('from_peer must be given if integer IDs are used') elif isinstance(m, _tl.Message): return m.chat_id else: raise TypeError('Cannot forward messages of type {}'.format(type(m))) sent = [] for _chat_id, chunk in itertools.groupby(messages, key=get_key): chunk = list(chunk) if isinstance(chunk[0], int): chat = from_peer else: chat = await chunk[0].get_input_chat() chunk = [ for m in chunk] req = _tl.fn.messages.ForwardMessages( from_peer=chat, id=chunk, to_peer=entity, silent=silent, background=background, with_my_score=with_my_score, schedule_date=schedule ) result = await self(req) sent.extend(self._get_response_message(req, result, entity)) return sent[0] if single else sent async def edit_message( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'typing.Union[hints.EntityLike, _tl.Message]', message: 'hints.MessageLike' = None, text: str = None, *, parse_mode: str = (), attributes: 'typing.Sequence[_tl.TypeDocumentAttribute]' = None, formatting_entities: typing.Optional[typing.List[_tl.TypeMessageEntity]] = None, link_preview: bool = True, file: 'hints.FileLike' = None, thumb: 'hints.FileLike' = None, force_document: bool = False, buttons: 'hints.MarkupLike' = None, supports_streaming: bool = False, schedule: 'hints.DateLike' = None ) -> '_tl.Message': if formatting_entities is None: text, formatting_entities = await self._parse_message_text(text, parse_mode) file_handle, media, image = await self._file_to_media(file, supports_streaming=supports_streaming, thumb=thumb, attributes=attributes, force_document=force_document) if isinstance(message, _tl.InputBotInlineMessageID): request = _tl.fn.messages.EditInlineBotMessage( id=message, message=text, no_webpage=not link_preview, entities=formatting_entities, media=media, reply_markup=self.build_reply_markup(buttons) ) # Invoke `messages.editInlineBotMessage` from the right datacenter. # Otherwise, Telegram will error with `MESSAGE_ID_INVALID` and do nothing. # TODO should cache current session state state = await self.session.get_state() exported = state.dc_id != entity.dc_id if exported: try: sender = await self._borrow_exported_sender(entity.dc_id) return await self._call(sender, request) finally: await self._return_exported_sender(sender) else: return await self(request) entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity) request = _tl.fn.messages.EditMessage( peer=entity, id=utils.get_message_id(message), message=text, no_webpage=not link_preview, entities=formatting_entities, media=media, reply_markup=self.build_reply_markup(buttons), schedule_date=schedule ) msg = self._get_response_message(request, await self(request), entity) return msg async def delete_messages( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntityLike', message_ids: 'typing.Union[hints.MessageIDLike, typing.Sequence[hints.MessageIDLike]]', *, revoke: bool = True) -> 'typing.Sequence[_tl.messages.AffectedMessages]': if not utils.is_list_like(message_ids): message_ids = (message_ids,) message_ids = ( if isinstance(m, ( _tl.Message, _tl.MessageService, _tl.MessageEmpty)) else int(m) for m in message_ids ) if entity: entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity) ty = helpers._entity_type(entity) else: # no entity (None), set a value that's not a channel for private delete ty = helpers._EntityType.USER if ty == helpers._EntityType.CHANNEL: res = await self([_tl.fn.channels.DeleteMessages( entity, list(c)) for c in utils.chunks(message_ids)]) else: res = await self([_tl.fn.messages.DeleteMessages( list(c), revoke) for c in utils.chunks(message_ids)]) return sum(r.pts_count for r in res) async def send_read_acknowledge( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntityLike', message: 'typing.Union[hints.MessageIDLike, typing.Sequence[hints.MessageIDLike]]' = None, *, max_id: int = None, clear_mentions: bool = False) -> bool: if max_id is None: if not message: max_id = 0 else: if utils.is_list_like(message): max_id = max( for msg in message) else: max_id = entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity) if clear_mentions: await self(_tl.fn.messages.ReadMentions(entity)) if max_id is None: return True if max_id is not None: if helpers._entity_type(entity) == helpers._EntityType.CHANNEL: return await self(_tl.fn.channels.ReadHistory( utils.get_input_channel(entity), max_id=max_id)) else: return await self(_tl.fn.messages.ReadHistory( entity, max_id=max_id)) return False async def pin_message( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntityLike', message: 'typing.Optional[hints.MessageIDLike]', *, notify: bool = False, pm_oneside: bool = False ): return await _pin(self, entity, message, unpin=False, notify=notify, pm_oneside=pm_oneside) async def unpin_message( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntityLike', message: 'typing.Optional[hints.MessageIDLike]' = None, *, notify: bool = False ): return await _pin(self, entity, message, unpin=True, notify=notify) async def _pin(self, entity, message, *, unpin, notify=False, pm_oneside=False): message = utils.get_message_id(message) or 0 entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity) if message <= 0: # old behaviour accepted negative IDs to unpin await self(_tl.fn.messages.UnpinAllMessages(entity)) return request = _tl.fn.messages.UpdatePinnedMessage( peer=entity, id=message, silent=not notify, unpin=unpin, pm_oneside=pm_oneside ) result = await self(request) # Unpinning does not produce a service message. # Pinning a message that was already pinned also produces no service message. # Pinning a message in your own chat does not produce a service message, # but pinning on a private conversation with someone else does. if unpin or not result.updates: return # Pinning a message that doesn't exist would RPC-error earlier return self._get_response_message(request, result, entity)