============ Test Servers ============ To run Telethon on a test server, use the following code: .. code-block:: python client = TelegramClient(None, api_id, api_hash) client.session.server_address = '' client.connect() You can check your ``'test ip'`` on https://my.telegram.org. You should set ``None`` session so to ensure you're generating a new authorization key for it (it would fail if you used a session where you had previously connected to another data center). Once you're connected, you'll likely need to ``.sign_up()``. Remember `anyone can access the phone you choose `__, so don't store sensitive data here: .. code-block:: python from random import randint dc_id = '2' # Change this to the DC id of the test server you chose phone = '99966' + dc_id + str(randint(9999)).zfill(4) client.send_code_request(phone) client.sign_up(dc_id * 5, 'Some', 'Name')