""" Utilities for working with the Telegram API itself (such as handy methods to convert between an entity like a User, Chat, etc. into its Input version) """ import base64 import binascii import inspect import io import itertools import logging import math import mimetypes import os import pathlib import re import struct from collections import namedtuple from mimetypes import guess_extension from types import GeneratorType from .extensions import markdown, html from .helpers import add_surrogate, del_surrogate, strip_text from .tl import types try: import hachoir import hachoir.metadata import hachoir.parser except ImportError: hachoir = None # Register some of the most common mime-types to avoid any issues. # See https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/issues/1096. mimetypes.add_type('image/png', '.png') mimetypes.add_type('image/jpeg', '.jpeg') mimetypes.add_type('image/webp', '.webp') mimetypes.add_type('image/gif', '.gif') mimetypes.add_type('image/bmp', '.bmp') mimetypes.add_type('image/x-tga', '.tga') mimetypes.add_type('image/tiff', '.tiff') mimetypes.add_type('image/vnd.adobe.photoshop', '.psd') mimetypes.add_type('video/mp4', '.mp4') mimetypes.add_type('video/quicktime', '.mov') mimetypes.add_type('video/avi', '.avi') mimetypes.add_type('audio/mpeg', '.mp3') mimetypes.add_type('audio/m4a', '.m4a') mimetypes.add_type('audio/aac', '.aac') mimetypes.add_type('audio/ogg', '.ogg') mimetypes.add_type('audio/flac', '.flac') mimetypes.add_type('application/x-tgsticker', '.tgs') USERNAME_RE = re.compile( r'@|(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?(?:telegram\.(?:me|dog)|t\.me)/(@|\+|joinchat/)?' ) TG_JOIN_RE = re.compile( r'tg://(join)\?invite=' ) VALID_USERNAME_RE = re.compile( r'^[a-z](?:(?!__)\w){1,30}[a-z\d]$', re.IGNORECASE ) _FileInfo = namedtuple('FileInfo', 'dc_id location size') _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def chunks(iterable, size=100): """ Turns the given iterable into chunks of the specified size, which is 100 by default since that's what Telegram uses the most. """ it = iter(iterable) size -= 1 for head in it: yield itertools.chain([head], itertools.islice(it, size)) def get_display_name(entity): """ Gets the display name for the given :tl:`User`, :tl:`Chat` or :tl:`Channel`. Returns an empty string otherwise. """ if isinstance(entity, types.User): if entity.last_name and entity.first_name: return '{} {}'.format(entity.first_name, entity.last_name) elif entity.first_name: return entity.first_name elif entity.last_name: return entity.last_name else: return '' elif isinstance(entity, (types.Chat, types.ChatForbidden, types.Channel)): return entity.title return '' def get_extension(media): """Gets the corresponding extension for any Telegram media.""" # Photos are always compressed as .jpg by Telegram try: get_input_photo(media) return '.jpg' except TypeError: # These cases are not handled by input photo because it can't if isinstance(media, (types.UserProfilePhoto, types.ChatPhoto)): return '.jpg' # Documents will come with a mime type if isinstance(media, types.MessageMediaDocument): media = media.document if isinstance(media, ( types.Document, types.WebDocument, types.WebDocumentNoProxy)): if media.mime_type == 'application/octet-stream': # Octet stream are just bytes, which have no default extension return '' else: return guess_extension(media.mime_type) or '' return '' def _raise_cast_fail(entity, target): raise TypeError('Cannot cast {} to any kind of {}.'.format( type(entity).__name__, target)) def get_input_peer(entity, allow_self=True, check_hash=True): """ Gets the input peer for the given "entity" (user, chat or channel). A ``TypeError`` is raised if the given entity isn't a supported type or if ``check_hash is True`` but the entity's ``access_hash is None`` *or* the entity contains ``min`` information. In this case, the hash cannot be used for general purposes, and thus is not returned to avoid any issues which can derive from invalid access hashes. Note that ``check_hash`` **is ignored** if an input peer is already passed since in that case we assume the user knows what they're doing. This is key to getting entities by explicitly passing ``hash = 0``. """ # NOTE: It is important that this method validates the access hashes, # because it is used when we *require* a valid general-purpose # access hash. This includes caching, which relies on this method. # Further, when resolving raw methods, they do e.g., # utils.get_input_channel(client.get_input_peer(...)) # # ...which means that the client's method verifies the hashes. # # Excerpt from a conversation with official developers (slightly edited): # > We send new access_hash for Channel with min flag since layer 102. # > Previously, we omitted it. # > That one works just to download the profile picture. # # < So, min hashes only work for getting files, # < but the non-min hash is required for any other operation? # # > Yes. # # More information: https://core.telegram.org/api/min try: if entity.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xc91c90b6: # crc32(b'InputPeer') return entity except AttributeError: # e.g. custom.Dialog (can't cyclic import). if allow_self and hasattr(entity, 'input_entity'): return entity.input_entity elif hasattr(entity, 'entity'): return get_input_peer(entity.entity) else: _raise_cast_fail(entity, 'InputPeer') if isinstance(entity, types.User): if entity.is_self and allow_self: return types.InputPeerSelf() elif (entity.access_hash is not None and not entity.min) or not check_hash: return types.InputPeerUser(entity.id, entity.access_hash) else: raise TypeError('User without access_hash or min info cannot be input') if isinstance(entity, (types.Chat, types.ChatEmpty, types.ChatForbidden)): return types.InputPeerChat(entity.id) if isinstance(entity, types.Channel): if (entity.access_hash is not None and not entity.min) or not check_hash: return types.InputPeerChannel(entity.id, entity.access_hash) else: raise TypeError('Channel without access_hash or min info cannot be input') if isinstance(entity, types.ChannelForbidden): # "channelForbidden are never min", and since their hash is # also not optional, we assume that this truly is the case. return types.InputPeerChannel(entity.id, entity.access_hash) if isinstance(entity, types.InputUser): return types.InputPeerUser(entity.user_id, entity.access_hash) if isinstance(entity, types.InputChannel): return types.InputPeerChannel(entity.channel_id, entity.access_hash) if isinstance(entity, types.InputUserSelf): return types.InputPeerSelf() if isinstance(entity, types.InputUserFromMessage): return types.InputPeerUserFromMessage(entity.peer, entity.msg_id, entity.user_id) if isinstance(entity, types.InputChannelFromMessage): return types.InputPeerChannelFromMessage(entity.peer, entity.msg_id, entity.channel_id) if isinstance(entity, types.UserEmpty): return types.InputPeerEmpty() if isinstance(entity, types.UserFull): return get_input_peer(entity.user) if isinstance(entity, types.ChatFull): return types.InputPeerChat(entity.id) if isinstance(entity, types.PeerChat): return types.InputPeerChat(entity.chat_id) _raise_cast_fail(entity, 'InputPeer') def get_input_channel(entity): """ Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for :tl:`InputChannel`'s alone. .. important:: This method does not validate for invalid general-purpose access hashes, unlike `get_input_peer`. Consider using instead: ``get_input_channel(get_input_peer(channel))``. """ try: if entity.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x40f202fd: # crc32(b'InputChannel') return entity except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(entity, 'InputChannel') if isinstance(entity, (types.Channel, types.ChannelForbidden)): return types.InputChannel(entity.id, entity.access_hash or 0) if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerChannel): return types.InputChannel(entity.channel_id, entity.access_hash) if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerChannelFromMessage): return types.InputChannelFromMessage(entity.peer, entity.msg_id, entity.channel_id) _raise_cast_fail(entity, 'InputChannel') def get_input_user(entity): """ Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for :tl:`InputUser`'s alone. .. important:: This method does not validate for invalid general-purpose access hashes, unlike `get_input_peer`. Consider using instead: ``get_input_channel(get_input_peer(channel))``. """ try: if entity.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xe669bf46: # crc32(b'InputUser'): return entity except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(entity, 'InputUser') if isinstance(entity, types.User): if entity.is_self: return types.InputUserSelf() else: return types.InputUser(entity.id, entity.access_hash or 0) if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerSelf): return types.InputUserSelf() if isinstance(entity, (types.UserEmpty, types.InputPeerEmpty)): return types.InputUserEmpty() if isinstance(entity, types.UserFull): return get_input_user(entity.user) if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerUser): return types.InputUser(entity.user_id, entity.access_hash) if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerUserFromMessage): return types.InputUserFromMessage(entity.peer, entity.msg_id, entity.user_id) _raise_cast_fail(entity, 'InputUser') def get_input_dialog(dialog): """Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for dialogs""" try: if dialog.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xa21c9795: # crc32(b'InputDialogPeer') return dialog if dialog.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xc91c90b6: # crc32(b'InputPeer') return types.InputDialogPeer(dialog) except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(dialog, 'InputDialogPeer') try: return types.InputDialogPeer(get_input_peer(dialog)) except TypeError: pass _raise_cast_fail(dialog, 'InputDialogPeer') def get_input_document(document): """Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for documents""" try: if document.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xf33fdb68: # crc32(b'InputDocument'): return document except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(document, 'InputDocument') if isinstance(document, types.Document): return types.InputDocument( id=document.id, access_hash=document.access_hash, file_reference=document.file_reference) if isinstance(document, types.DocumentEmpty): return types.InputDocumentEmpty() if isinstance(document, types.MessageMediaDocument): return get_input_document(document.document) if isinstance(document, types.Message): return get_input_document(document.media) _raise_cast_fail(document, 'InputDocument') def get_input_photo(photo): """Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for photos""" try: if photo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x846363e0: # crc32(b'InputPhoto'): return photo except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(photo, 'InputPhoto') if isinstance(photo, types.Message): photo = photo.media if isinstance(photo, (types.photos.Photo, types.MessageMediaPhoto)): photo = photo.photo if isinstance(photo, types.Photo): return types.InputPhoto(id=photo.id, access_hash=photo.access_hash, file_reference=photo.file_reference) if isinstance(photo, types.PhotoEmpty): return types.InputPhotoEmpty() if isinstance(photo, types.messages.ChatFull): photo = photo.full_chat if isinstance(photo, types.ChannelFull): return get_input_photo(photo.chat_photo) elif isinstance(photo, types.UserFull): return get_input_photo(photo.profile_photo) elif isinstance(photo, (types.Channel, types.Chat, types.User)): return get_input_photo(photo.photo) if isinstance(photo, (types.UserEmpty, types.ChatEmpty, types.ChatForbidden, types.ChannelForbidden)): return types.InputPhotoEmpty() _raise_cast_fail(photo, 'InputPhoto') def get_input_chat_photo(photo): """Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for chat photos""" try: if photo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xd4eb2d74: # crc32(b'InputChatPhoto') return photo elif photo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xe7655f1f: # crc32(b'InputFile'): return types.InputChatUploadedPhoto(photo) except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(photo, 'InputChatPhoto') photo = get_input_photo(photo) if isinstance(photo, types.InputPhoto): return types.InputChatPhoto(photo) elif isinstance(photo, types.InputPhotoEmpty): return types.InputChatPhotoEmpty() _raise_cast_fail(photo, 'InputChatPhoto') def get_input_geo(geo): """Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for geo points""" try: if geo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x430d225: # crc32(b'InputGeoPoint'): return geo except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(geo, 'InputGeoPoint') if isinstance(geo, types.GeoPoint): return types.InputGeoPoint(lat=geo.lat, long=geo.long) if isinstance(geo, types.GeoPointEmpty): return types.InputGeoPointEmpty() if isinstance(geo, types.MessageMediaGeo): return get_input_geo(geo.geo) if isinstance(geo, types.Message): return get_input_geo(geo.media) _raise_cast_fail(geo, 'InputGeoPoint') def get_input_media( media, *, is_photo=False, attributes=None, force_document=False, voice_note=False, video_note=False, supports_streaming=False, ttl=None ): """ Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for media. If the media is :tl:`InputFile` and ``is_photo`` is known to be `True`, it will be treated as an :tl:`InputMediaUploadedPhoto`. Else, the rest of parameters will indicate how to treat it. """ try: if media.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xfaf846f4: # crc32(b'InputMedia') return media elif media.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x846363e0: # crc32(b'InputPhoto') return types.InputMediaPhoto(media, ttl_seconds=ttl) elif media.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xf33fdb68: # crc32(b'InputDocument') return types.InputMediaDocument(media, ttl_seconds=ttl) except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(media, 'InputMedia') if isinstance(media, types.MessageMediaPhoto): return types.InputMediaPhoto( id=get_input_photo(media.photo), ttl_seconds=ttl or media.ttl_seconds ) if isinstance(media, (types.Photo, types.photos.Photo, types.PhotoEmpty)): return types.InputMediaPhoto( id=get_input_photo(media), ttl_seconds=ttl ) if isinstance(media, types.MessageMediaDocument): return types.InputMediaDocument( id=get_input_document(media.document), ttl_seconds=ttl or media.ttl_seconds ) if isinstance(media, (types.Document, types.DocumentEmpty)): return types.InputMediaDocument( id=get_input_document(media), ttl_seconds=ttl ) if isinstance(media, (types.InputFile, types.InputFileBig)): if is_photo: return types.InputMediaUploadedPhoto(file=media, ttl_seconds=ttl) else: attrs, mime = get_attributes( media, attributes=attributes, force_document=force_document, voice_note=voice_note, video_note=video_note, supports_streaming=supports_streaming ) return types.InputMediaUploadedDocument( file=media, mime_type=mime, attributes=attrs, force_file=force_document, ttl_seconds=ttl) if isinstance(media, types.MessageMediaGame): return types.InputMediaGame(id=types.InputGameID( id=media.game.id, access_hash=media.game.access_hash )) if isinstance(media, types.MessageMediaContact): return types.InputMediaContact( phone_number=media.phone_number, first_name=media.first_name, last_name=media.last_name, vcard='' ) if isinstance(media, types.MessageMediaGeo): return types.InputMediaGeoPoint(geo_point=get_input_geo(media.geo)) if isinstance(media, types.MessageMediaVenue): return types.InputMediaVenue( geo_point=get_input_geo(media.geo), title=media.title, address=media.address, provider=media.provider, venue_id=media.venue_id, venue_type='' ) if isinstance(media, types.MessageMediaDice): return types.InputMediaDice(media.emoticon) if isinstance(media, ( types.MessageMediaEmpty, types.MessageMediaUnsupported, types.ChatPhotoEmpty, types.UserProfilePhotoEmpty, types.ChatPhoto, types.UserProfilePhoto)): return types.InputMediaEmpty() if isinstance(media, types.Message): return get_input_media(media.media, is_photo=is_photo, ttl=ttl) if isinstance(media, types.MessageMediaPoll): if media.poll.quiz: if not media.results.results: # A quiz has correct answers, which we don't know until answered. # If the quiz hasn't been answered we can't reconstruct it properly. raise TypeError('Cannot cast unanswered quiz to any kind of InputMedia.') correct_answers = [r.option for r in media.results.results if r.correct] else: correct_answers = None return types.InputMediaPoll( poll=media.poll, correct_answers=correct_answers, solution=media.results.solution, solution_entities=media.results.solution_entities, ) if isinstance(media, types.Poll): return types.InputMediaPoll(media) _raise_cast_fail(media, 'InputMedia') def get_input_message(message): """Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for input messages.""" try: if isinstance(message, int): # This case is really common too return types.InputMessageID(message) elif message.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x54b6bcc5: # crc32(b'InputMessage'): return message elif message.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x790009e3: # crc32(b'Message'): return types.InputMessageID(message.id) except AttributeError: pass _raise_cast_fail(message, 'InputMedia') def get_input_group_call(call): """Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for input calls.""" try: if call.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x58611ab1: # crc32(b'InputGroupCall') return call elif call.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x20b4f320: # crc32(b'GroupCall') return types.InputGroupCall(id=call.id, access_hash=call.access_hash) except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(call, 'InputGroupCall') def _get_entity_pair(entity_id, entities, cache, get_input_peer=get_input_peer): """ Returns ``(entity, input_entity)`` for the given entity ID. """ if not entity_id: return None, None entity = entities.get(entity_id) try: input_entity = cache.get(resolve_id(entity_id)[0])._as_input_peer() except AttributeError: # AttributeError is unlikely, so another TypeError won't hurt try: input_entity = get_input_peer(entity) except TypeError: input_entity = None return entity, input_entity def get_message_id(message): """Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for message IDs.""" if message is None: return None if isinstance(message, int): return message if isinstance(message, types.InputMessageID): return message.id try: if message.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x790009e3: # hex(crc32(b'Message')) = 0x790009e3 return message.id except AttributeError: pass raise TypeError('Invalid message type: {}'.format(type(message))) def _get_metadata(file): if not hachoir: return stream = None close_stream = True seekable = True # The parser may fail and we don't want to crash if # the extraction process fails. try: # Note: aiofiles are intentionally left out for simplicity. # `helpers._FileStream` is async only for simplicity too, so can't # reuse it here. if isinstance(file, str): stream = open(file, 'rb') elif isinstance(file, bytes): stream = io.BytesIO(file) else: stream = file close_stream = False if getattr(file, 'seekable', None): seekable = file.seekable() else: seekable = False if not seekable: return None pos = stream.tell() filename = getattr(file, 'name', '') parser = hachoir.parser.guess.guessParser(hachoir.stream.InputIOStream( stream, source='file:' + filename, tags=[], filename=filename )) return hachoir.metadata.extractMetadata(parser) except Exception as e: _log.warning('Failed to analyze %s: %s %s', file, e.__class__, e) finally: if stream and close_stream: stream.close() elif stream and seekable: stream.seek(pos) def get_attributes(file, *, attributes=None, mime_type=None, force_document=False, voice_note=False, video_note=False, supports_streaming=False, thumb=None): """ Get a list of attributes for the given file and the mime type as a tuple ([attribute], mime_type). """ # Note: ``file.name`` works for :tl:`InputFile` and some `IOBase` streams name = file if isinstance(file, str) else getattr(file, 'name', 'unnamed') if mime_type is None: mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] attr_dict = {types.DocumentAttributeFilename: types.DocumentAttributeFilename(os.path.basename(name))} if is_audio(file): m = _get_metadata(file) if m: if m.has('author'): performer = m.get('author') elif m.has('artist'): performer = m.get('artist') else: performer = None attr_dict[types.DocumentAttributeAudio] = \ types.DocumentAttributeAudio( voice=voice_note, title=m.get('title') if m.has('title') else None, performer=performer, duration=int(m.get('duration').seconds if m.has('duration') else 0) ) if not force_document and is_video(file): m = _get_metadata(file) if m: doc = types.DocumentAttributeVideo( round_message=video_note, w=m.get('width') if m.has('width') else 1, h=m.get('height') if m.has('height') else 1, duration=int(m.get('duration').seconds if m.has('duration') else 1), supports_streaming=supports_streaming ) elif thumb: t_m = _get_metadata(thumb) width = 1 height = 1 if t_m and t_m.has("width"): width = t_m.get("width") if t_m and t_m.has("height"): height = t_m.get("height") doc = types.DocumentAttributeVideo( 0, width, height, round_message=video_note, supports_streaming=supports_streaming) else: doc = types.DocumentAttributeVideo( 0, 1, 1, round_message=video_note, supports_streaming=supports_streaming) attr_dict[types.DocumentAttributeVideo] = doc if voice_note: if types.DocumentAttributeAudio in attr_dict: attr_dict[types.DocumentAttributeAudio].voice = True else: attr_dict[types.DocumentAttributeAudio] = \ types.DocumentAttributeAudio(0, voice=True) # Now override the attributes if any. As we have a dict of # {cls: instance}, we can override any class with the list # of attributes provided by the user easily. if attributes: for a in attributes: attr_dict[type(a)] = a # Ensure we have a mime type, any; but it cannot be None # 'The "octet-stream" subtype is used to indicate that a body # contains arbitrary binary data.' if not mime_type: mime_type = 'application/octet-stream' return list(attr_dict.values()), mime_type def sanitize_parse_mode(mode): """ Converts the given parse mode into an object with ``parse`` and ``unparse`` callable properties. """ if not mode: return None if (all(hasattr(mode, x) for x in ('parse', 'unparse')) and all(callable(x) for x in (mode.parse, mode.unparse))): return mode elif callable(mode): class CustomMode: @staticmethod def unparse(text, entities): raise NotImplementedError CustomMode.parse = mode return CustomMode elif isinstance(mode, str): try: return { 'md': markdown, 'markdown': markdown, 'htm': html, 'html': html }[mode.lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown parse mode {}'.format(mode)) else: raise TypeError('Invalid parse mode type {}'.format(mode)) def get_input_location(location): """ Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for input messages. Note that this returns a tuple ``(dc_id, location)``, the ``dc_id`` being present if known. """ info = _get_file_info(location) return info.dc_id, info.location def _get_file_info(location): try: if location.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x1523d462: return _FileInfo(None, location, None) # crc32(b'InputFileLocation'): except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(location, 'InputFileLocation') if isinstance(location, types.Message): location = location.media if isinstance(location, types.MessageMediaDocument): location = location.document elif isinstance(location, types.MessageMediaPhoto): location = location.photo if isinstance(location, types.Document): return _FileInfo(location.dc_id, types.InputDocumentFileLocation( id=location.id, access_hash=location.access_hash, file_reference=location.file_reference, thumb_size='' # Presumably to download one of its thumbnails ), location.size) elif isinstance(location, types.Photo): return _FileInfo(location.dc_id, types.InputPhotoFileLocation( id=location.id, access_hash=location.access_hash, file_reference=location.file_reference, thumb_size=location.sizes[-1].type ), _photo_size_byte_count(location.sizes[-1])) _raise_cast_fail(location, 'InputFileLocation') def _get_extension(file): """ Gets the extension for the given file, which can be either a str or an ``open()``'ed file (which has a ``.name`` attribute). """ if isinstance(file, str): return os.path.splitext(file)[-1] elif isinstance(file, pathlib.Path): return file.suffix elif getattr(file, 'name', None): # Note: ``file.name`` works for :tl:`InputFile` and some `IOBase` return _get_extension(file.name) else: # Maybe it's a Telegram media return get_extension(file) def is_image(file): """ Returns `True` if the file extension looks like an image file to Telegram. """ match = re.match(r'\.(png|jpe?g)', _get_extension(file), re.IGNORECASE) if match: return True else: return isinstance(resolve_bot_file_id(file), types.Photo) def is_gif(file): """ Returns `True` if the file extension looks like a gif file to Telegram. """ return re.match(r'\.gif', _get_extension(file), re.IGNORECASE) def is_audio(file): """Returns `True` if the file has an audio mime type.""" ext = _get_extension(file) if not ext: metadata = _get_metadata(file) if metadata and metadata.has('mime_type'): return metadata.get('mime_type').startswith('audio/') else: return False else: file = 'a' + ext return (mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] or '').startswith('audio/') def is_video(file): """Returns `True` if the file has a video mime type.""" ext = _get_extension(file) if not ext: metadata = _get_metadata(file) if metadata and metadata.has('mime_type'): return metadata.get('mime_type').startswith('video/') else: return False else: file = 'a' + ext return (mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] or '').startswith('video/') def is_list_like(obj): """ Returns `True` if the given object looks like a list. Checking ``if hasattr(obj, '__iter__')`` and ignoring ``str/bytes`` is not enough. Things like ``open()`` are also iterable (and probably many other things), so just support the commonly known list-like objects. """ return isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set, dict, range, GeneratorType)) def parse_phone(phone): """Parses the given phone, or returns `None` if it's invalid.""" if isinstance(phone, int): return str(phone) else: phone = re.sub(r'[+()\s-]', '', str(phone)) if phone.isdigit(): return phone def parse_username(username): """ Parses the given username or channel access hash, given a string, username or URL. Returns a tuple consisting of both the stripped, lowercase username and whether it is a joinchat/ hash (in which case is not lowercase'd). Returns ``(None, False)`` if the ``username`` or link is not valid. """ username = username.strip() m = USERNAME_RE.match(username) or TG_JOIN_RE.match(username) if m: username = username[m.end():] is_invite = bool(m.group(1)) if is_invite: return username, True else: username = username.rstrip('/') if VALID_USERNAME_RE.match(username): return username.lower(), False else: return None, False def get_inner_text(text, entities): """ Gets the inner text that's surrounded by the given entities. For instance: text = 'hey!', entity = MessageEntityBold(2, 2) -> 'y!'. :param text: the original text. :param entities: the entity or entities that must be matched. :return: a single result or a list of the text surrounded by the entities. """ text = add_surrogate(text) result = [] for e in entities: start = e.offset end = e.offset + e.length result.append(del_surrogate(text[start:end])) return result def get_peer(peer): try: if isinstance(peer, int): pid, cls = resolve_id(peer) return cls(pid) elif peer.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x2d45687: return peer elif isinstance(peer, ( types.contacts.ResolvedPeer, types.InputNotifyPeer, types.TopPeer, types.Dialog, types.DialogPeer)): return peer.peer elif isinstance(peer, types.ChannelFull): return types.PeerChannel(peer.id) elif isinstance(peer, types.UserEmpty): return types.PeerUser(peer.id) elif isinstance(peer, types.ChatEmpty): return types.PeerChat(peer.id) if peer.SUBCLASS_OF_ID in (0x7d7c6f86, 0xd9c7fc18): # ChatParticipant, ChannelParticipant return types.PeerUser(peer.user_id) peer = get_input_peer(peer, allow_self=False, check_hash=False) if isinstance(peer, (types.InputPeerUser, types.InputPeerUserFromMessage)): return types.PeerUser(peer.user_id) elif isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerChat): return types.PeerChat(peer.chat_id) elif isinstance(peer, (types.InputPeerChannel, types.InputPeerChannelFromMessage)): return types.PeerChannel(peer.channel_id) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass _raise_cast_fail(peer, 'Peer') def get_peer_id(peer, add_mark=True): """ Convert the given peer into its marked ID by default. This "mark" comes from the "bot api" format, and with it the peer type can be identified back. User ID is left unmodified, chat ID is negated, and channel ID is "prefixed" with -100: * ``user_id`` * ``-chat_id`` * ``-100channel_id`` The original ID and the peer type class can be returned with a call to :meth:`resolve_id(marked_id)`. """ # First we assert it's a Peer TLObject, or early return for integers if isinstance(peer, int): return peer if add_mark else resolve_id(peer)[0] # Tell the user to use their client to resolve InputPeerSelf if we got one if isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerSelf): _raise_cast_fail(peer, 'int (you might want to use client.get_peer_id)') try: peer = get_peer(peer) except TypeError: _raise_cast_fail(peer, 'int') if isinstance(peer, types.PeerUser): return peer.user_id elif isinstance(peer, types.PeerChat): # Check in case the user mixed things up to avoid blowing up if not (0 < peer.chat_id <= 9999999999): peer.chat_id = resolve_id(peer.chat_id)[0] return -peer.chat_id if add_mark else peer.chat_id else: # if isinstance(peer, types.PeerChannel): # Check in case the user mixed things up to avoid blowing up if not (0 < peer.channel_id <= 9999999999): peer.channel_id = resolve_id(peer.channel_id)[0] if not add_mark: return peer.channel_id # Growing backwards from -100_0000_000_000 indicates it's a channel return -(1000000000000 + peer.channel_id) def resolve_id(marked_id): """Given a marked ID, returns the original ID and its :tl:`Peer` type.""" if marked_id >= 0: return marked_id, types.PeerUser marked_id = -marked_id if marked_id > 1000000000000: marked_id -= 1000000000000 return marked_id, types.PeerChannel else: return marked_id, types.PeerChat def _rle_decode(data): """ Decodes run-length-encoded `data`. """ if not data: return data new = b'' last = b'' for cur in data: if last == b'\0': new += last * cur last = b'' else: new += last last = bytes([cur]) return new + last def _rle_encode(string): new = b'' count = 0 for cur in string: if not cur: count += 1 else: if count: new += b'\0' + bytes([count]) count = 0 new += bytes([cur]) return new def _decode_telegram_base64(string): """ Decodes a url-safe base64-encoded string into its bytes by first adding the stripped necessary padding characters. This is the way Telegram shares binary data as strings, such as Bot API-style file IDs or invite links. Returns `None` if the input string was not valid. """ try: return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(string + '=' * (len(string) % 4)) except (binascii.Error, ValueError, TypeError): return None # not valid base64, not valid ascii, not a string def _encode_telegram_base64(string): """ Inverse for `_decode_telegram_base64`. """ try: return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(string).rstrip(b'=').decode('ascii') except (binascii.Error, ValueError, TypeError): return None # not valid base64, not valid ascii, not a string def resolve_bot_file_id(file_id): """ Given a Bot API-style `file_id `, returns the media it represents. If the `file_id ` is not valid, `None` is returned instead. Note that the `file_id ` does not have information such as image dimensions or file size, so these will be zero if present. For thumbnails, the photo ID and hash will always be zero. """ data = _rle_decode(_decode_telegram_base64(file_id)) if not data: return None # This isn't officially documented anywhere, but # we assume the last byte is some kind of "version". data, version = data[:-1], data[-1] if version not in (2, 4): return None if (version == 2 and len(data) == 24) or (version == 4 and len(data) == 25): if version == 2: file_type, dc_id, media_id, access_hash = struct.unpack('LQ', payload)) elif len(payload) == 16: return struct.unpack('>LLQ', payload) else: pass except (struct.error, TypeError): pass return None, None, None def resolve_inline_message_id(inline_msg_id): """ Resolves an inline message ID. Returns a tuple of ``(message id, peer, dc id, access hash)`` The ``peer`` may either be a :tl:`PeerUser` referencing the user who sent the message via the bot in a private conversation or small group chat, or a :tl:`PeerChannel` if the message was sent in a channel. The ``access_hash`` does not have any use yet. """ try: dc_id, message_id, pid, access_hash = \ struct.unpack('> bit_shift) & 0b00011111 byte_index, bit_shift = divmod(value_count - 1, 8) if byte_index == len(waveform) - 1: value = waveform[byte_index] else: value = struct.unpack('> bit_shift) & 0b00011111 return bytes(result) def split_text(text, entities, *, limit=4096, max_entities=100, split_at=(r'\n', r'\s', '.')): """ Split a message text and entities into multiple messages, each with their own set of entities. This allows sending a very large message as multiple messages while respecting the formatting. Arguments text (`str`): The message text. entities (List[:tl:`MessageEntity`]) The formatting entities. limit (`int`): The maximum message length of each individual message. max_entities (`int`): The maximum amount of entities that will be present in each individual message. split_at (Tuplel[`str`]): The list of regular expressions that will determine where to split the text. By default, a newline is searched. If no newline is present, a space is searched. If no space is found, the split will be made at any character. The last expression should always match a character, or else the text will stop being splitted and the resulting text may be larger than the limit. Yields Pairs of ``(str, entities)`` with the split message. Example .. code-block:: python from telethon import utils from telethon.extensions import markdown very_long_markdown_text = "..." text, entities = markdown.parse(very_long_markdown_text) for text, entities in utils.split_text(text, entities): await client.send_message(chat, text, formatting_entities=entities) """ # TODO add test cases (multiple entities beyond cutoff, at cutoff, splitting at emoji) # TODO try to optimize this a bit more? (avoid new_ent, smarter update method) def update(ent, **updates): kwargs = ent.to_dict() del kwargs['_'] kwargs.update(updates) return ent.__class__(**kwargs) text = add_surrogate(text) split_at = tuple(map(re.compile, split_at)) while True: if len(entities) > max_entities: last_ent = entities[max_entities - 1] cur_limit = min(limit, last_ent.offset + last_ent.length) else: cur_limit = limit if len(text) <= cur_limit: break for split in split_at: for i in reversed(range(cur_limit)): m = split.match(text, pos=i) if m: cur_text, new_text = text[:m.end()], text[m.end():] cur_ent, new_ent = [], [] for ent in entities: if ent.offset < m.end(): if ent.offset + ent.length > m.end(): cur_ent.append(update(ent, length=m.end() - ent.offset)) new_ent.append(update(ent, offset=0, length=ent.offset + ent.length - m.end())) else: cur_ent.append(ent) else: new_ent.append(update(ent, offset=ent.offset - m.end())) yield del_surrogate(cur_text), cur_ent text, entities = new_text, new_ent break else: continue break else: # Can't find where to split, just return the remaining text and entities break yield del_surrogate(text), entities class AsyncClassWrapper: def __init__(self, wrapped): self.wrapped = wrapped def __getattr__(self, item): w = getattr(self.wrapped, item) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): val = w(*args, **kwargs) return await val if inspect.isawaitable(val) else val if callable(w): return wrapper else: return w def stripped_photo_to_jpg(stripped): """ Adds the JPG header and footer to a stripped image. Ported from https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/bec39d89e19670eb436dc794a8f20b657cb87c71/Telegram/SourceFiles/ui/image/image.cpp#L225 """ # NOTE: Changes here should update _photo_size_byte_count if len(stripped) < 3 or stripped[0] != 1: return stripped header = bytearray(b'\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\xff\xdb\x00C\x00(\x1c\x1e#\x1e\x19(#!#-+(0