=============================== Telegram API in Other Languages =============================== Telethon was made for **Python**, and as far as I know, there is no *exact* port to other languages. However, there *are* other implementations made by awesome people (one needs to be awesome to understand the official Telegram documentation) on several languages (even more Python too), listed below: C * Possibly the most well-known unofficial open source implementation out there by `**@vysheng** `__, ```tgl`` `__, and its console client ```telegram-cli`` `__. Latest development has been moved to `BitBucket `__. JavaScript ********** `**@zerobias** `__ is working on ```telegram-mtproto`` `__, a work-in-progress JavaScript library installable via ```npm`` `__. Kotlin ****** `Kotlogram `__ is a Telegram implementation written in Kotlin (the now `official `__ language for `Android `__) by `**@badoualy** `__, currently as a beta– yet working. PHP *** A PHP implementation is also available thanks to `**@danog** `__ and his `MadelineProto `__ project, with a very nice `online documentation `__ too. Python ****** A fairly new (as of the end of 2017) Telegram library written from the ground up in Python by `**@delivrance** `__ and his `Pyrogram `__ library! No hard feelings Dan and good luck dealing with some of your users ;) Rust **** Yet another work-in-progress implementation, this time for Rust thanks to `**@JuanPotato** `__ under the fancy name of `Vail `__. This one is very early still, but progress is being made at a steady rate.