import os import re import sys from docs.docs_writer import DocsWriter # Small trick so importing telethon_generator works sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from telethon_generator.parser import TLParser, TLObject # TLObject -> Python class name def get_class_name(tlobject): """Gets the class name following the Python style guidelines, in ThisClassFormat""" # Courtesy of name = if isinstance(tlobject, TLObject) else tlobject result = re.sub(r'_([a-z])', lambda m:, name) # Replace '_' with '' once again to make sure it doesn't appear on the name result = result[:1].upper() + result[1:].replace('_', '') # If it's a function, let it end with "Request" to identify them more easily if isinstance(tlobject, TLObject) and tlobject.is_function: result += 'Request' return result # TLObject -> filename def get_file_name(tlobject, add_extension=False): """Gets the file name in file_name_format.html for the given TLObject. Only its name may also be given if the full TLObject is not available""" if isinstance(tlobject, TLObject): name = else: name = tlobject # Courtesy of s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name) result = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower() if add_extension: return result + '.html' else: return result def get_create_path_for(tlobject): """Gets the file path (and creates the parent directories) for the given 'tlobject', relative to nothing; only its local path""" # Determine the output directory out_dir = 'methods' if tlobject.is_function else 'constructors' if tlobject.namespace: out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, tlobject.namespace) # Ensure that it exists os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) # Return the resulting filename return os.path.join(out_dir, get_file_name(tlobject, add_extension=True)) def get_path_for_type(type, relative_to='.'): """Similar to getting the path for a TLObject, it might not be possible to have the TLObject itself but rather its name (the type); this method works in the same way, returning a relative path""" if type.lower() in {'int', 'long', 'int128', 'int256', 'double', 'vector', 'string', 'bool', 'true', 'bytes', 'date'}: path = 'core/index.html#%s' % type.lower() elif '.' in type: # If it's not a core type, then it has to be a custom Telegram type namespace, name = type.split('.') path = 'types/%s/%s' % (namespace, get_file_name(name, add_extension=True)) else: path = 'types/%s' % get_file_name(type, add_extension=True) return get_relative_path(path, relative_to) # Destination path from the current position -> relative to the given path def get_relative_path(destination, relative_to): if os.path.isfile(relative_to): relative_to = os.path.dirname(relative_to) return os.path.relpath(destination, start=relative_to) def get_relative_paths(original, relative_to): """Converts the dictionary of 'original' paths to relative paths starting from the given 'relative_to' file""" return {k: get_relative_path(v, relative_to) for k, v in original.items()} # Generate a index.html file for the given folder def find_title(html_file): """Finds the for the given HTML file, returns (Unknown) if not found""" with open(html_file) as handle: for line in handle: if '<title>' in line: # + 7 to skip len('<title>') return line[line.index('<title>') + 7:line.index('')] return '(Unknown)' def generate_index(folder, css_file): """Generates the index file for the specified folder""" # Determine the namespaces listed here (as subfolders) # and the files (.html files) that we should link to namespaces = [] files = [] for item in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, item)): namespaces.append(item) elif item != 'index.html': files.append(item) # We work with relative paths relative_css_file = get_relative_path(css_file, relative_to=folder) # Now that everything is setup, write the index.html file with DocsWriter(os.path.join(folder, 'index.html'), type_to_path_function=get_path_for_type) as docs: # Title should be the current folder name docs.write_head(folder.title(), relative_css_path=relative_css_file) docs.write_title(folder.title()) if namespaces: docs.write_title('Namespaces', level=3) docs.begin_table(2) for namespace in namespaces: # For every namespace, also write the index of it generate_index(os.path.join(folder, namespace), css_file=css_file) docs.add_row(namespace.title(), link=os.path.join(namespace, 'index.html')) docs.end_table() docs.write_title('Available items') docs.begin_table(2) for file in files: docs.add_row(find_title(os.path.join(folder, file)), link=file) docs.end_table() docs.end_body() def generate_documentation(scheme_file): """Generates the documentation HTML files from from to /methods and /constructors, etc.""" original_paths = { 'css': 'css/docs.css', 'arrow': 'img/arrow.svg', 'index_all': 'core/index.html', 'index_types': 'types/index.html', 'index_methods': 'methods/index.html', 'index_constructors': 'constructors/index.html' } tlobjects = tuple(TLParser.parse_file(scheme_file)) print('Generating constructors and functions documentation...') for tlobject in tlobjects: filename = get_create_path_for(tlobject) # Determine the relative paths for this file paths = get_relative_paths(original_paths, relative_to=filename) with DocsWriter(filename, type_to_path_function=get_path_for_type) as docs: docs.write_head( title=get_class_name(tlobject), relative_css_path=paths['css']) # Create the menu (path to the current TLObject) docs.set_menu_separator(paths['arrow']) docs.add_menu('API', link=paths['index_all']) docs.add_menu('Methods' if tlobject.is_function else 'Constructors', link=paths['index_methods'] if tlobject.is_function else paths['index_constructors']) if tlobject.namespace: docs.add_menu(tlobject.namespace, link='index.html') docs.add_menu(get_file_name(tlobject)) docs.end_menu() # Create the page title docs.write_title(get_class_name(tlobject)) # Write the code definition for this TLObject docs.write_code(tlobject) docs.write_title('Parameters' if tlobject.is_function else 'Members', level=3) # Sort the arguments in the same way they're sorted on the generated code (flags go last) args = sorted([a for a in tlobject.args if not a.flag_indicator and not a.generic_definition], key=lambda a: a.is_flag) if args: # Writing parameters docs.begin_table(column_count=3) for arg in args: # Name row docs.add_row(, bold=True) # Type row docs.add_row(arg.type, link=get_path_for_type(arg.type, relative_to=filename), align='center') # Create a description for this argument description = '' if arg.is_vector: description += 'A list must be supplied for this argument. ' if arg.is_generic: description += 'A different MTProtoRequest must be supplied for this argument. ' if arg.is_flag: description += 'This argument can be omitted. ' docs.add_row(description.strip()) docs.end_table() else: if tlobject.is_function: docs.write_text('This request takes no input parameters.') else: docs.write_text('This type has no members.') docs.end_body() # TODO Explain the difference between functions, types and constructors # TODO Write the core/index.html containing the core types # # Find all the available types (which are not the same as the constructors) # Each type has a list of constructors associated to it, so it should be a map print('Generating types documentation...') tltypes = {} tlfunctions = {} for tlobject in tlobjects: # Select to which dictionary we want to store this type dictionary = tlfunctions if tlobject.is_function else tltypes if tlobject.result in dictionary: dictionary[tlobject.result].append(tlobject) else: dictionary[tlobject.result] = [tlobject] for tltype, constructors in tltypes.items(): filename = get_path_for_type(tltype) out_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) # Since we don't have access to the full TLObject, split the type into if '.' in tltype: namespace, name = tltype.split('.') else: namespace, name = None, tltype # Determine the relative paths for this file paths = get_relative_paths(original_paths, relative_to=out_dir) with DocsWriter(filename, type_to_path_function=get_path_for_type) as docs: docs.write_head( title=get_class_name(name), relative_css_path=paths['css']) docs.set_menu_separator(paths['arrow']) docs.add_menu('API', link=paths['index_all']) docs.add_menu('Types', link=paths['index_types']) if namespace: docs.add_menu(namespace, link='index.html') docs.add_menu(get_file_name(name)) docs.end_menu() # Main file title docs.write_title(get_class_name(name)) docs.write_title('Available constructors', level=3) if not constructors: docs.write_text('This type has no constructors available.') elif len(constructors) == 1: docs.write_text('This type has one constructor available.') else: docs.write_text('This type has %d constructors available.' % len(constructors)) docs.begin_table(1) for constructor in constructors: # Constructor full name link = get_create_path_for(constructor) link = get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename) docs.add_row(get_class_name(constructor), link=link, align='center') docs.end_table() docs.write_title('Methods returning this type', level=3) functions = tlfunctions.get(tltype, []) if not functions: docs.write_text('No method returns this type.') elif len(functions) == 1: docs.write_text('Only the following method returns this type.') else: docs.write_text('The following %d methods return this type as a result.' % len(functions)) docs.begin_table(1) for function in functions: link = get_create_path_for(function) link = get_relative_path(link, relative_to=filename) docs.add_row(get_class_name(function), link=link, align='center') docs.end_table() docs.end_body() # After everything's been written, generate an index.html file for every folder. # This will be done automatically and not taking into account any additional # information that we have available, simply a file listing all the others # accessible by clicking on their title print('Generating indices...') for folder in ['types', 'methods', 'constructors']: generate_index(folder, css_file=original_paths['css']) # Everything done print('Documentation generated.') """ import os def get_immediate_subdirectories(a_dir): return [name for name in os.listdir(a_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(a_dir, name))] """ if __name__ == '__main__': generate_documentation('../telethon_generator/')