from telethon import TelegramClient, events, _tl import asyncio import logging import tracemalloc import os import time import sys """ Provider token can be obtained via @BotFather. more info at If you are using test token, set test=True in generate_invoice function, If you are using real token, set test=False """ provider_token = '' tracemalloc.start() logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_env(name, message, cast=str): if name in os.environ: return os.environ[name] while True: value = input(message) try: return cast(value) except ValueError as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(1) bot = TelegramClient( os.environ.get('TG_SESSION', 'payment'), get_env('TG_API_ID', 'Enter your API ID: ', int), get_env('TG_API_HASH', 'Enter your API hash: '), proxy=None ) # That event is handled when customer enters his card/etc, on final pre-checkout # If we don't `SetBotPrecheckoutResults`, money won't be charged from buyer, and nothing will happen next. @bot.on(events.Raw(_tl.UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery)) async def payment_pre_checkout_handler(event: _tl.UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery): if event.payload.decode('UTF-8') == 'product A': # so we have to confirm payment await bot( _tl.fn.messages.SetBotPrecheckoutResults( query_id=event.query_id, success=True, error=None ) ) elif event.payload.decode('UTF-8') == 'product B': # same for another await bot( _tl.fn.messages.SetBotPrecheckoutResults( query_id=event.query_id, success=True, error=None ) ) else: # for example, something went wrong (whatever reason). We can tell customer about that: await bot( _tl.fn.messages.SetBotPrecheckoutResults( query_id=event.query_id, success=False, error='Something went wrong' ) ) raise events.StopPropagation # That event is handled at the end, when customer payed. @bot.on(events.Raw(_tl.UpdateNewMessage)) async def payment_received_handler(event): if isinstance(event.message.action, _tl.MessageActionPaymentSentMe): payment: _tl.MessageActionPaymentSentMe = event.message.action # do something after payment was received if payment.payload.decode('UTF-8') == 'product A': await bot.send_message(event.message.from_id, 'Thank you for buying product A!') elif payment.payload.decode('UTF-8') == 'product B': await bot.send_message(event.message.from_id, 'Thank you for buying product B!') raise events.StopPropagation # let's put it in one function for more easier way def generate_invoice(price_label: str, price_amount: int, currency: str, title: str, description: str, payload: str, start_param: str) -> _tl.InputMediaInvoice: price = _tl.LabeledPrice(label=price_label, amount=price_amount) # label - just a text, amount=10000 means 100.00 invoice = _tl.Invoice( currency=currency, # currency like USD prices=[price], # there could be a couple of prices. test=True, # if you're working with test token, else set test=False. # More info at # params for requesting specific fields name_requested=False, phone_requested=False, email_requested=False, shipping_address_requested=False, # if price changes depending on shipping flexible=False, # send data to provider phone_to_provider=False, email_to_provider=False ) return _tl.InputMediaInvoice( title=title, description=description, invoice=invoice, payload=payload.encode('UTF-8'), # payload, which will be sent to next 2 handlers provider=provider_token, provider_data=_tl.DataJSON('{}'), # data about the invoice, which will be shared with the payment provider. A detailed description of # required fields should be provided by the payment provider. start_param=start_param, # Unique deep-linking parameter. May also be used in UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery # see: # it may be the empty string if not needed ) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='/start')) async def start_handler(event: events.NewMessage.Event): await event.respond('/product_a - product A\n/product_b - product B\n/product_c - product, shall cause an error') @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='/product_a')) async def start_handler(event: events.NewMessage.Event): await bot.send_message( event.chat_id, 'Sending invoice A', file=generate_invoice( price_label='Pay', price_amount=10000, currency='RUB', title='Title A', description='description A', payload='product A', start_param='abc' ) ) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='/product_b')) async def start_handler(event: events.NewMessage.Event): await bot.send_message( event.chat_id, 'Sending invoice B', file=generate_invoice( price_label='Pay', price_amount=20000, currency='RUB', title='Title B', description='description B', payload='product B', start_param='abc' ) ) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='/product_c')) async def start_handler(event: events.NewMessage.Event): await bot.send_message( event.chat_id, 'Sending invoice C', file=generate_invoice( price_label='Pay', price_amount=50000, currency='RUB', title='Title C', description='description c - shall cause an error', payload='product C', start_param='abc' ) ) async def main(): await bot.start() await bot.run_until_disconnected() if __name__ == '__main__': if not provider_token: logger.error("No provider token supplied.") exit(1)