""" This module contains several functions that authenticate the client machine with Telegram's servers, effectively creating an authorization key. """ import os import time from hashlib import sha1 from ..tl.types import ( ResPQ, PQInnerData, ServerDHParamsFail, ServerDHParamsOk, ServerDHInnerData, ClientDHInnerData, DhGenOk, DhGenRetry, DhGenFail ) from .. import helpers as utils from ..crypto import AES, AuthKey, Factorization from ..crypto import rsa from ..errors import SecurityError from ..extensions import BinaryReader from ..network import MtProtoPlainSender from ..tl.functions import ( ReqPqRequest, ReqDHParamsRequest, SetClientDHParamsRequest ) def do_authentication(connection, retries=5): """ Performs the authentication steps on the given connection. Raises an error if all attempts fail. :param connection: the connection to be used (must be connected). :param retries: how many times should we retry on failure. :return: """ if not retries or retries < 0: retries = 1 last_error = None while retries: try: return _do_authentication(connection) except (SecurityError, AssertionError, NotImplementedError) as e: last_error = e retries -= 1 raise last_error def _do_authentication(connection): """ Executes the authentication process with the Telegram servers. :param connection: the connection to be used (must be connected). :return: returns a (authorization key, time offset) tuple. """ sender = MtProtoPlainSender(connection) # Step 1 sending: PQ Request, endianness doesn't matter since it's random req_pq_request = ReqPqRequest( nonce=int.from_bytes(os.urandom(16), 'big', signed=True) ) sender.send(bytes(req_pq_request)) with BinaryReader(sender.receive()) as reader: req_pq_request.on_response(reader) res_pq = req_pq_request.result if not isinstance(res_pq, ResPQ): raise AssertionError(res_pq) if res_pq.nonce != req_pq_request.nonce: raise SecurityError('Invalid nonce from server') pq = get_int(res_pq.pq) # Step 2 sending: DH Exchange p, q = Factorization.factorize(pq) p, q = rsa.get_byte_array(min(p, q)), rsa.get_byte_array(max(p, q)) new_nonce = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(32), 'little', signed=True) pq_inner_data = bytes(PQInnerData( pq=rsa.get_byte_array(pq), p=p, q=q, nonce=res_pq.nonce, server_nonce=res_pq.server_nonce, new_nonce=new_nonce )) # sha_digest + data + random_bytes cipher_text, target_fingerprint = None, None for fingerprint in res_pq.server_public_key_fingerprints: cipher_text = rsa.encrypt(fingerprint, pq_inner_data) if cipher_text is not None: target_fingerprint = fingerprint break if cipher_text is None: raise SecurityError( 'Could not find a valid key for fingerprints: {}' .format(', '.join( [str(f) for f in res_pq.server_public_key_fingerprints]) ) ) req_dh_params = ReqDHParamsRequest( nonce=res_pq.nonce, server_nonce=res_pq.server_nonce, p=p, q=q, public_key_fingerprint=target_fingerprint, encrypted_data=cipher_text ) sender.send(bytes(req_dh_params)) # Step 2 response: DH Exchange with BinaryReader(sender.receive()) as reader: req_dh_params.on_response(reader) server_dh_params = req_dh_params.result if isinstance(server_dh_params, ServerDHParamsFail): raise SecurityError('Server DH params fail: TODO') if not isinstance(server_dh_params, ServerDHParamsOk): raise AssertionError(server_dh_params) if server_dh_params.nonce != res_pq.nonce: raise SecurityError('Invalid nonce from server') if server_dh_params.server_nonce != res_pq.server_nonce: raise SecurityError('Invalid server nonce from server') # Step 3 sending: Complete DH Exchange key, iv = utils.generate_key_data_from_nonce( res_pq.server_nonce, new_nonce ) if len(server_dh_params.encrypted_answer) % 16 != 0: # See PR#453 raise SecurityError('AES block size mismatch') plain_text_answer = AES.decrypt_ige( server_dh_params.encrypted_answer, key, iv ) with BinaryReader(plain_text_answer) as reader: reader.read(20) # hash sum server_dh_inner = reader.tgread_object() if not isinstance(server_dh_inner, ServerDHInnerData): raise AssertionError(server_dh_inner) if server_dh_inner.nonce != res_pq.nonce: raise SecurityError('Invalid nonce in encrypted answer') if server_dh_inner.server_nonce != res_pq.server_nonce: raise SecurityError('Invalid server nonce in encrypted answer') dh_prime = get_int(server_dh_inner.dh_prime, signed=False) g_a = get_int(server_dh_inner.g_a, signed=False) time_offset = server_dh_inner.server_time - int(time.time()) b = get_int(os.urandom(256), signed=False) gb = pow(server_dh_inner.g, b, dh_prime) gab = pow(g_a, b, dh_prime) # Prepare client DH Inner Data client_dh_inner = bytes(ClientDHInnerData( nonce=res_pq.nonce, server_nonce=res_pq.server_nonce, retry_id=0, # TODO Actual retry ID g_b=rsa.get_byte_array(gb) )) client_dh_inner_hashed = sha1(client_dh_inner).digest() + client_dh_inner # Encryption client_dh_encrypted = AES.encrypt_ige(client_dh_inner_hashed, key, iv) # Prepare Set client DH params set_client_dh = SetClientDHParamsRequest( nonce=res_pq.nonce, server_nonce=res_pq.server_nonce, encrypted_data=client_dh_encrypted, ) sender.send(bytes(set_client_dh)) # Step 3 response: Complete DH Exchange with BinaryReader(sender.receive()) as reader: set_client_dh.on_response(reader) dh_gen = set_client_dh.result if isinstance(dh_gen, DhGenOk): if dh_gen.nonce != res_pq.nonce: raise SecurityError('Invalid nonce from server') if dh_gen.server_nonce != res_pq.server_nonce: raise SecurityError('Invalid server nonce from server') auth_key = AuthKey(rsa.get_byte_array(gab)) new_nonce_hash = int.from_bytes( auth_key.calc_new_nonce_hash(new_nonce, 1), 'little', signed=True ) if dh_gen.new_nonce_hash1 != new_nonce_hash: raise SecurityError('Invalid new nonce hash') return auth_key, time_offset elif isinstance(dh_gen, DhGenRetry): raise NotImplementedError('DhGenRetry') elif isinstance(dh_gen, DhGenFail): raise NotImplementedError('DhGenFail') else: raise NotImplementedError('DH Gen unknown: {}'.format(dh_gen)) def get_int(byte_array, signed=True): """ Gets the specified integer from its byte array. This should be used by this module alone, as it works with big endian. :param byte_array: the byte array representing th integer. :param signed: whether the number is signed or not. :return: the integer representing the given byte array. """ return int.from_bytes(byte_array, byteorder='big', signed=signed)