from .raw import Raw
from .chataction import ChatAction
from .messagedeleted import MessageDeleted
from .messageedited import MessageEdited
from .messageread import MessageRead
from .newmessage import NewMessage
from .userupdate import UserUpdate

class StopPropagation(Exception):
    If this exception is raised in any of the handlers for a given event,
    it will stop the execution of all other registered event handlers.
    It can be seen as the ``StopIteration`` in a for loop but for events.

    Example usage:
        >>> from telethon import TelegramClient, events
        >>> client = TelegramClient(...)
        >>> @client.on(events.NewMessage)
        ... def delete(event):
        ...     event.delete()
        ...     # No other event handler will have a chance to handle this event
        ...     raise StopPropagation
        >>> @client.on(events.NewMessage)
        ... def _(event):
        ...     # Will never be reached, because it is the second handler
        ...     pass
    # For some reason Sphinx wants the silly >>> or
    # it will show warnings and look bad when generated.