import asyncio import itertools import time from .chatgetter import ChatGetter from ... import utils class Conversation(ChatGetter): """ Represents a conversation inside an specific chat. A conversation keeps track of new messages since it was created until its exit and easily lets you query the current state. If you need a conversation across two or more chats, you should use two conversations and synchronize them as you better see fit. """ _id_counter = 0 def __init__(self, client, input_chat, *, timeout, total_timeout, max_messages, replies_are_responses): self._id = Conversation._id_counter Conversation._id_counter += 1 self._client = client self._chat = None self._input_chat = input_chat self._chat_peer = None self._broadcast = None self._timeout = timeout if total_timeout: self._total_due = time.time() + total_timeout else: self._total_due = float('inf') self._outgoing = set() self._last_outgoing = 0 self._incoming = [] self._last_incoming = 0 self._max_incoming = max_messages self._last_read = None self._pending_responses = {} self._pending_replies = {} self._pending_edits = {} self._pending_reads = {} # The user is able to expect two responses for the same message. # {desired message ID: next incoming index} self._response_indices = {} if replies_are_responses: self._reply_indices = self._response_indices else: self._reply_indices = {} self._edit_indices = {} async def send_message(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a message in the context of this conversation. Shorthand for `telethon.client.messages.MessageMethods.send_message` with ``entity`` already set. """ message = await self._client.send_message( self._input_chat, *args, **kwargs) self._outgoing.add( self._last_outgoing = return message async def get_response(self, message=None, *, timeout=None): """ Awaits for a response to arrive. Args: message (:tl:`Message` | `int`, optional): The message (or the message ID) for which a response is expected. By default this is the last sent message. timeout (`int` | `float`, optional): If present, this `timeout` will override the per-action timeout defined for the conversation. """ return await self._get_message( message, self._response_indices, self._pending_responses, timeout, lambda x, y: True ) async def get_reply(self, message=None, *, timeout=None): """ Awaits for a reply (that is, a message being a reply) to arrive. The arguments are the same as those for `get_response`. """ return await self._get_message( message, self._reply_indices, self._pending_replies, timeout, lambda x, y: x.reply_to_msg_id == y ) async def get_edit(self, message=None, *, timeout=None): """ Awaits for an edit after the last message to arrive. The arguments are the same as those for `get_response`. """ return await self._get_message( message, self._reply_indices, self._pending_edits, timeout, lambda x, y: x.edit_date ) async def _get_message( self, target_message, indices, pending, timeout, condition): """ Gets the next desired message under the desired condition. Args: target_message (`object`): The target message for which we want to find another response that applies based on `condition`. indices (`dict`): This dictionary remembers the last ID chosen for the input `target_message`. pending (`dict`): This dictionary remembers {msg_id: Future} to be set once `condition` is met. timeout (`int`): The timeout override to use for this operation. condition (`callable`): The condition callable that checks if an incoming message is a valid response. """ now = time.time() future = asyncio.Future() target_id = self._get_message_id(target_message) # If there is no last-chosen ID, make sure to pick one *after* # the input message, since we don't want responses back in time if target_id not in indices: for i, incoming in self._incoming: if > target_id: indices[target_id] = i break else: indices[target_id] = 0 # If there are enough responses saved return the next one last_idx = indices[target_id] if last_idx < len(self._incoming): incoming = self._incoming[last_idx] if condition(incoming, target_id): indices[target_id] += 1 return incoming # Otherwise the next incoming response will be the one to use pending[target_id] = future done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [future, self._sleep(now, timeout)], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) if future in pending: for future in pending: future.cancel() raise asyncio.TimeoutError() else: return future.result() async def wait_read(self, message=None, *, timeout=None): """ Awaits for the sent message to be read. Note that receiving a response doesn't imply the message was read, and this action will also trigger even without a response. """ now = time.time() future = asyncio.Future() target_id = self._get_message_id(message) if self._last_read is None: self._last_read = target_id - 1 if self._last_read >= target_id: return self._pending_reads[target_id] = future done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [future, self._sleep(now, timeout)], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) if future in pending: for future in pending: future.cancel() raise asyncio.TimeoutError() else: return future.result() def _on_new_message(self, response): if response.chat_id != self.chat_id or response.out: return if len(self._incoming) == self._max_incoming: too_many = ValueError('Too many incoming messages') for pending in itertools.chain( self._pending_responses.values(), self._pending_replies.values(), self._pending_edits): pending.set_exception(too_many) return self._incoming.append(response) for msg_id, pending in self._pending_responses.items(): self._response_indices[msg_id] = len(self._incoming) pending.set_result(response) self._pending_responses.clear() remove_replies = [] for msg_id, pending in self._pending_replies.items(): if msg_id == response.reply_to_msg_id: remove_replies.append(msg_id) self._reply_indices[msg_id] = len(self._incoming) pending.set_result(response) for to_remove in remove_replies: del self._reply_indices[to_remove] # TODO Edits are different since they work by date not indices # That is, we need to scan all incoming messages and detect if # the last used edit date is different from the one we knew. def _on_edit(self, message): if message.chat_id != self.chat_id or message.out: return for i, msg in enumerate(self._incoming): if == self._incoming[i] = msg break remove_edits = [] for msg_id, pending in self._pending_replies.items(): if msg_id == remove_edits.append(msg_id) self._edit_indices[msg_id] = len(self._incoming) pending.set_result(message) for to_remove in remove_edits: del self._edit_indices[to_remove] def _on_read(self, event): if event.chat_id != self.chat_id or event.inbox: return self._last_read = event.max_id remove_reads = [] for msg_id, pending in self._pending_reads.items(): if msg_id >= self._last_read: remove_reads.append(msg_id) pending.set_result(True) for to_remove in remove_reads: del self._pending_reads[to_remove] def _get_message_id(self, message): if message: return message if isinstance(message, int) else elif self._last_outgoing: return self._last_outgoing else: raise ValueError('No message was sent previously') async def _sleep(self, now, timeout): due = self._total_due if timeout is None: timeout = self._timeout if timeout is not None: due = min(due, now + timeout) try: if due == float('inf'): while True: await asyncio.sleep(60) elif due > now: await asyncio.sleep(due - now) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass async def __aenter__(self): self._client._conversations[self._id] = self self._input_chat = \ await self._client.get_input_entity(self._input_chat) self._chat_peer = utils.get_peer(self._input_chat) self._outgoing.clear() self._last_outgoing = 0 self._incoming.clear() self._last_incoming = 0 self._pending_responses.clear() self._response_indices.clear() return self async def __aexit__(self, *args): del self._client._conversations[self._id]