""" This module holds the CdnDecrypter utility class. """ from hashlib import sha256 from .. import _tl from ..crypto import AESModeCTR from ..errors import CdnFileTamperedError class CdnDecrypter: """ Used when downloading a file results in a 'FileCdnRedirect' to both prepare the redirect, decrypt the file as it downloads, and ensure the file hasn't been tampered. https://core.telegram.org/cdn """ def __init__(self, cdn_client, file_token, cdn_aes, cdn_file_hashes): """ Initializes the CDN decrypter. :param cdn_client: a client connected to a CDN. :param file_token: the token of the file to be used. :param cdn_aes: the AES CTR used to decrypt the file. :param cdn_file_hashes: the hashes the decrypted file must match. """ self.client = cdn_client self.file_token = file_token self.cdn_aes = cdn_aes self.cdn_file_hashes = cdn_file_hashes @staticmethod async def prepare_decrypter(client, cdn_client, cdn_redirect): """ Prepares a new CDN decrypter. :param client: a TelegramClient connected to the main servers. :param cdn_client: a new client connected to the CDN. :param cdn_redirect: the redirect file object that caused this call. :return: (CdnDecrypter, first chunk file data) """ cdn_aes = AESModeCTR( key=cdn_redirect.encryption_key, # 12 first bytes of the IV..4 bytes of the offset (0, big endian) iv=cdn_redirect.encryption_iv[:12] + bytes(4) ) # We assume that cdn_redirect.cdn_file_hashes are ordered by offset, # and that there will be enough of these to retrieve the whole file. decrypter = CdnDecrypter( cdn_client, cdn_redirect.file_token, cdn_aes, cdn_redirect.cdn_file_hashes ) cdn_file = await cdn_client(_tl.fn.upload.GetCdnFile( file_token=cdn_redirect.file_token, offset=cdn_redirect.cdn_file_hashes[0].offset, limit=cdn_redirect.cdn_file_hashes[0].limit )) if isinstance(cdn_file, _tl.upload.CdnFileReuploadNeeded): # We need to use the original client here await client(_tl.fn.upload.ReuploadCdnFile( file_token=cdn_redirect.file_token, request_token=cdn_file.request_token )) # We want to always return a valid upload.CdnFile cdn_file = decrypter.get_file() else: cdn_file.bytes = decrypter.cdn_aes.encrypt(cdn_file.bytes) cdn_hash = decrypter.cdn_file_hashes.pop(0) decrypter.check(cdn_file.bytes, cdn_hash) return decrypter, cdn_file def get_file(self): """ Calls GetCdnFileRequest and decrypts its bytes. Also ensures that the file hasn't been tampered. :return: the CdnFile result. """ if self.cdn_file_hashes: cdn_hash = self.cdn_file_hashes.pop(0) cdn_file = self.client(_tl.fn.upload.GetCdnFile( self.file_token, cdn_hash.offset, cdn_hash.limit )) cdn_file.bytes = self.cdn_aes.encrypt(cdn_file.bytes) self.check(cdn_file.bytes, cdn_hash) else: cdn_file = _tl.upload.CdnFile(bytes(0)) return cdn_file @staticmethod def check(data, cdn_hash): """ Checks the integrity of the given data. Raises CdnFileTamperedError if the integrity check fails. :param data: the data to be hashed. :param cdn_hash: the expected hash. """ if sha256(data).digest() != cdn_hash.hash: raise CdnFileTamperedError()