import datetime import os import time import ipaddress from typing import Optional, List from .abstract import Session from .._misc import utils from .. import _tl from .types import DataCenter, ChannelState, SessionState, Entity try: import sqlite3 sqlite3_err = None except ImportError as e: sqlite3 = None sqlite3_err = type(e) EXTENSION = '.session' CURRENT_VERSION = 8 # database version class SQLiteSession(Session): """ This session contains the required information to login into your Telegram account. NEVER give the saved session file to anyone, since they would gain instant access to all your messages and contacts. If you think the session has been compromised, close all the sessions through an official Telegram client to revoke the authorization. """ def __init__(self, session_id=None): if sqlite3 is None: raise sqlite3_err super().__init__() self.filename = ':memory:' self.save_entities = True if session_id: self.filename = session_id if not self.filename.endswith(EXTENSION): self.filename += EXTENSION self._conn = None c = self._cursor() c.execute("select name from sqlite_master " "where type='table' and name='version'") if c.fetchone(): # Tables already exist, check for the version c.execute("select version from version") version = c.fetchone()[0] if version < CURRENT_VERSION: self._upgrade_database(old=version) c.execute("delete from version") c.execute("insert into version values (?)", (CURRENT_VERSION,)) self._conn.commit() else: # Tables don't exist, create new ones self._create_table(c, 'version (version integer primary key)') self._mk_tables(c) c.execute("insert into version values (?)", (CURRENT_VERSION,)) self._conn.commit() # Must have committed or else the version will not have been updated while new tables # exist, leading to a half-upgraded state. c.close() def _upgrade_database(self, old): c = self._cursor() if old == 1: old += 1 # old == 1 doesn't have the old sent_files so no need to drop if old == 2: old += 1 # Old cache from old sent_files lasts then a day anyway, drop c.execute('drop table sent_files') self._create_table(c, """sent_files ( md5_digest blob, file_size integer, type integer, id integer, hash integer, primary key(md5_digest, file_size, type) )""") if old == 3: old += 1 self._create_table(c, """update_state ( id integer primary key, pts integer, qts integer, date integer, seq integer )""") if old == 4: old += 1 c.execute("alter table sessions add column takeout_id integer") if old == 5: # Not really any schema upgrade, but potentially all access # hashes for User and Channel are wrong, so drop them off. old += 1 c.execute('delete from entities') if old == 6: old += 1 c.execute("alter table entities add column date integer") if old == 7: self._mk_tables(c) c.execute(''' insert into datacenter (id, ip, port, auth) select dc_id, server_address, port, auth_key from sessions ''') c.execute(''' insert into session (user_id, dc_id, bot, pts, qts, date, seq, takeout_id) select 0, s.dc_id, 0, coalesce(u.pts, 0), coalesce(u.qts, 0), coalesce(, 0), coalesce(u.seq, 0), s.takeout_id from sessions s left join update_state u on = 0 limit 1 ''') c.execute(''' insert into entity (id, access_hash, ty) select case when id < -1000000000000 then -(id + 1000000000000) when id < 0 then -id else id end, hash, case when id < -1000000000000 then 67 when id < 0 then 71 else 85 end from entities ''') c.execute('drop table sessions') c.execute('drop table entities') c.execute('drop table sent_files') c.execute('drop table update_state') def _mk_tables(self, c): self._create_table( c, '''datacenter ( id integer primary key, ip text not null, port integer not null, auth blob not null )''', '''session ( user_id integer primary key, dc_id integer not null, bot integer not null, pts integer not null, qts integer not null, date integer not null, seq integer not null, takeout_id integer )''', '''channel ( channel_id integer primary key, pts integer not null )''', '''entity ( id integer primary key, access_hash integer not null, ty integer not null )''', ) async def insert_dc(self, dc: DataCenter): self._execute( 'insert or replace into datacenter values (?,?,?,?)',, str(ipaddress.ip_address(dc.ipv6 or dc.ipv4)), dc.port, dc.auth ) async def get_all_dc(self) -> List[DataCenter]: c = self._cursor() res = [] for (id, ip, port, auth) in c.execute('select * from datacenter'): ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip) res.append(DataCenter( id=id, ipv4=int(ip) if ip.version == 4 else None, ipv6=int(ip) if ip.version == 6 else None, port=port, auth=auth, )) return res async def set_state(self, state: SessionState): self._execute( 'insert or replace into session values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', state.user_id, state.dc_id, int(, state.pts, state.qts,, state.seq, state.takeout_id, ) async def get_state(self) -> Optional[SessionState]: row = self._execute('select * from session') return SessionState(*row) if row else None async def insert_channel_state(self, state: ChannelState): self._execute( 'insert or replace into channel values (?,?)', state.channel_id, state.pts, ) async def get_all_channel_states(self) -> List[ChannelState]: c = self._cursor() try: return [ ChannelState(*row) for row in c.execute('select * from channel') ] finally: c.close() async def insert_entities(self, entities: List[Entity]): c = self._cursor() try: c.executemany( 'insert or replace into entity values (?,?,?)', [(, e.access_hash, e.ty) for e in entities] ) finally: c.close() async def get_entity(self, ty: Optional[int], id: int) -> Optional[Entity]: row = self._execute('select ty, id, access_hash from entity where id = ?', id) return Entity(*row) if row else None async def save(self): # This is a no-op if there are no changes to commit, so there's # no need for us to keep track of an "unsaved changes" variable. if self._conn is not None: self._conn.commit() @staticmethod def _create_table(c, *definitions): for definition in definitions: c.execute('create table {}'.format(definition)) def _cursor(self): """Asserts that the connection is open and returns a cursor""" if self._conn is None: self._conn = sqlite3.connect(self.filename, check_same_thread=False) return self._conn.cursor() def _execute(self, stmt, *values): """ Gets a cursor, executes `stmt` and closes the cursor, fetching one row afterwards and returning its result. """ c = self._cursor() try: return c.execute(stmt, values).fetchone() finally: c.close()