#!/usr/bin/env python3 # A simple script to print all updates received from telethon import TelegramClient from getpass import getpass from os import environ # environ is used to get API information from environment variables # You could also use a config file, pass them as arguments, # or even hardcode them (not recommended) def main(): session_name = environ.get('TG_SESSION','session') user_phone = environ['TG_PHONE'], client = TelegramClient(session_name, int(environ['TG_API_ID']), environ['TG_API_HASH'], proxy=None, update_workers=4) print('INFO: Connecting to Telegram Servers...', end='', flush=True) client.connect() print('Done!') if not client.is_user_authorized(): print('INFO: Unauthorized user') client.send_code_request(user_phone) code_ok = False while not code_ok: code = input('Enter the auth code: ') try: code_ok = client.sign_in(user_phone, code) except SessionPasswordNeededError: pw = getpass('Two step verification enabled. Please enter your password: ') code_ok = client.sign_in(password=pw) print('INFO: Client initialized succesfully!') client.add_update_handler(update_handler) input('Press Enter to stop this!\n') def update_handler(update): print(update) print('Press Enter to stop this!') if __name__ == '__main__': main()