import hashlib from .tcpobfuscated import ConnectionTcpObfuscated class ConnectionTcpMTProxy(ConnectionTcpObfuscated): """ Wrapper around the "obfuscated2" mode that modifies it a little and allows user to connect to the Telegram proxy servers commonly known as MTProxy. Implemented very ugly due to the leaky abstractions in Telethon networking classes that should be refactored later (TODO). .. warning:: The support for MTProtoProxies class is **EXPERIMENTAL** and prone to be changed. You shouldn't be using this class yet. """ @staticmethod def address_info(proxy_info): if proxy_info is None: raise ValueError("No proxy info specified for MTProxy connection") return proxy_info[:2] def __init__(self, ip, port, dc_id, *, loop, loggers, proxy=None): proxy_host, proxy_port = self.address_info(proxy) super().__init__( proxy_host, proxy_port, dc_id, loop=loop, loggers=loggers) # TODO: Implement the dd-secret secure mode (adds noise to fool DPI) self._secret = bytes.fromhex(proxy[2]) if len(self._secret) != 16: raise ValueError( "MTProxy secure mode is not implemented for now" if len(self._secret) == 17 and self._secret[0] == 0xDD else "MTProxy secret must be a hex-string representing 16 bytes" ) def _compose_key(self, data): return hashlib.sha256(data + self._secret).digest() def _compose_tail(self, data): dc_id_bytes = self._dc_id.to_bytes(2, "little", signed=True) return super()._compose_tail(data[:60] + dc_id_bytes + data[62:])