import re import struct import zlib from ...utils import snake_to_camel_case # WHITELISTED_MISMATCHING_IDS = { # 0 represents any layer 0: {'ipPortSecret', 'accessPointRule', 'help.configSimple'} } for i in range(77, 83): WHITELISTED_MISMATCHING_IDS[i] = {'channel'} class TLObject: def __init__(self, fullname, object_id, args, result, is_function, layer): """ Initializes a new TLObject, given its properties. :param fullname: The fullname of the TL object ( The namespace can be omitted. :param object_id: The hexadecimal string representing the object ID :param args: The arguments, if any, of the TL object :param result: The result type of the TL object :param is_function: Is the object a function or a type? :param layer: The layer this TLObject belongs to. """ # The name can or not have a namespace self.fullname = fullname if '.' in fullname: self.namespace, = fullname.split('.', maxsplit=1) else: self.namespace, = None, fullname self.args = args self.result = result self.is_function = is_function self.bot_usable = None = None if object_id is None: = self.infer_id() else: = int(object_id, base=16) whitelist = WHITELISTED_MISMATCHING_IDS[0] |\ WHITELISTED_MISMATCHING_IDS.get(layer, set()) if self.fullname not in whitelist: assert == self.infer_id(),\ 'Invalid inferred ID for ' + repr(self) self.class_name = snake_to_camel_case(, suffix='Request' if self.is_function else '') self.real_args = list(a for a in self.sorted_args() if not (a.flag_indicator or a.generic_definition)) def sorted_args(self): """Returns the arguments properly sorted and ready to plug-in into a Python's method header (i.e., flags and those which can be inferred will go last so they can default =None) """ return sorted(self.args, key=lambda x: x.is_flag or x.can_be_inferred) def __repr__(self, ignore_id=False): if is None or ignore_id: hex_id = '' else: hex_id = '#{:08x}'.format( if self.args: args = ' ' + ' '.join([repr(arg) for arg in self.args]) else: args = '' return '{}{}{} = {}'.format(self.fullname, hex_id, args, self.result) def infer_id(self): representation = self.__repr__(ignore_id=True) representation = representation\ .replace(':bytes ', ':string ')\ .replace('?bytes ', '?string ')\ .replace('<', ' ').replace('>', '')\ .replace('{', '').replace('}', '') representation = re.sub( r' \w+:flags\.\d+\?true', r'', representation ) return zlib.crc32(representation.encode('ascii')) def to_dict(self): return { 'id': str(struct.unpack('i', struct.pack('I',[0]), 'method' if self.is_function else 'predicate': self.fullname, 'params': [x.to_dict() for x in self.args if not x.generic_definition], 'type': self.result } def is_good_example(self): return not self.class_name.endswith('Empty') def as_example(self, f, indent=0): f.write('functions' if self.is_function else 'types') if self.namespace: f.write('.') f.write(self.namespace) f.write('.') f.write(self.class_name) f.write('(') args = [arg for arg in self.real_args if not arg.omit_example()] if not args: f.write(')') return f.write('\n') indent += 1 remaining = len(args) for arg in args: remaining -= 1 f.write(' ' * indent) f.write( f.write('=') if arg.is_vector: f.write('[') arg.as_example(f, indent) if arg.is_vector: f.write(']') if remaining: f.write(',') f.write('\n') indent -= 1 f.write(' ' * indent) f.write(')')