import asyncio import inspect import itertools import typing from .. import hints, errors, _tl from .._misc import helpers, utils, requestiter from .._tl import custom _MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 100 if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from .telegramclient import TelegramClient def _dialog_message_key(peer, message_id): """ Get the key to get messages from a dialog. We cannot just use the message ID because channels share message IDs, and the peer ID is required to distinguish between them. But it is not necessary in small group chats and private chats. """ return (peer.channel_id if isinstance(peer, _tl.PeerChannel) else None), message_id class _DialogsIter(requestiter.RequestIter): async def _init( self, offset_date, offset_id, offset_peer, ignore_pinned, ignore_migrated, folder ): self.request = _tl.fn.messages.GetDialogs( offset_date=offset_date, offset_id=offset_id, offset_peer=offset_peer, limit=1, hash=0, exclude_pinned=ignore_pinned, folder_id=folder ) if self.limit <= 0: # Special case, get a single dialog and determine count dialogs = await self.client(self.request) = getattr(dialogs, 'count', len(dialogs.dialogs)) raise StopAsyncIteration self.seen = set() self.offset_date = offset_date self.ignore_migrated = ignore_migrated async def _load_next_chunk(self): self.request.limit = min(self.left, _MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) r = await self.client(self.request) = getattr(r, 'count', len(r.dialogs)) entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x for x in itertools.chain(r.users, r.chats) if not isinstance(x, (_tl.UserEmpty, _tl.ChatEmpty))} messages = {} for m in r.messages: m._finish_init(self.client, entities, None) messages[_dialog_message_key(m.peer_id,] = m for d in r.dialogs: # We check the offset date here because Telegram may ignore it message = messages.get(_dialog_message_key(d.peer, d.top_message)) if self.offset_date: date = getattr(message, 'date', None) if not date or date.timestamp() > self.offset_date.timestamp(): continue peer_id = utils.get_peer_id(d.peer) if peer_id not in self.seen: self.seen.add(peer_id) if peer_id not in entities: # > In which case can a UserEmpty appear in the list of banned members? # > In a very rare cases. This is possible but isn't an expected behavior. # Real world example: continue cd = custom.Dialog(self.client, d, entities, message) if cd.dialog.pts: self.client._channel_pts[] = cd.dialog.pts if not self.ignore_migrated or getattr( cd.entity, 'migrated_to', None) is None: self.buffer.append(cd) if len(r.dialogs) < self.request.limit\ or not isinstance(r, _tl.messages.DialogsSlice): # Less than we requested means we reached the end, or # we didn't get a DialogsSlice which means we got all. return True # We can't use `messages[-1]` as the offset ID / date. # Why? Because pinned dialogs will mess with the order # in this list. Instead, we find the last dialog which # has a message, and use it as an offset. last_message = next(filter(None, ( messages.get(_dialog_message_key(d.peer, d.top_message)) for d in reversed(r.dialogs) )), None) self.request.exclude_pinned = True self.request.offset_id = if last_message else 0 self.request.offset_date = if last_message else None self.request.offset_peer = self.buffer[-1].input_entity class _DraftsIter(requestiter.RequestIter): async def _init(self, entities, **kwargs): if not entities: r = await self.client(_tl.fn.messages.GetAllDrafts()) items = r.updates else: peers = [] for entity in entities: peers.append(_tl.InputDialogPeer( await self.client.get_input_entity(entity))) r = await self.client(_tl.fn.messages.GetPeerDialogs(peers)) items = r.dialogs # TODO Maybe there should be a helper method for this? entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x for x in itertools.chain(r.users, r.chats)} self.buffer.extend( custom.Draft(self.client, entities[utils.get_peer_id(d.peer)], d.draft) for d in items ) async def _load_next_chunk(self): return [] def iter_dialogs( self: 'TelegramClient', limit: float = None, *, offset_date: 'hints.DateLike' = None, offset_id: int = 0, offset_peer: 'hints.EntityLike' = _tl.InputPeerEmpty(), ignore_pinned: bool = False, ignore_migrated: bool = False, folder: int = None, archived: bool = None ) -> _DialogsIter: if archived is not None: folder = 1 if archived else 0 return _DialogsIter( self, limit, offset_date=offset_date, offset_id=offset_id, offset_peer=offset_peer, ignore_pinned=ignore_pinned, ignore_migrated=ignore_migrated, folder=folder ) async def get_dialogs(self: 'TelegramClient', *args, **kwargs) -> 'hints.TotalList': return await self.iter_dialogs(*args, **kwargs).collect() def iter_drafts( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntitiesLike' = None ) -> _DraftsIter: if entity and not utils.is_list_like(entity): entity = (entity,) # TODO Passing a limit here makes no sense return _DraftsIter(self, None, entities=entity) async def get_drafts( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntitiesLike' = None ) -> 'hints.TotalList': items = await self.iter_drafts(entity).collect() if not entity or utils.is_list_like(entity): return items else: return items[0] async def edit_folder( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntitiesLike' = None, folder: typing.Union[int, typing.Sequence[int]] = None, *, unpack=None ) -> _tl.Updates: if (entity is None) == (unpack is None): raise ValueError('You can only set either entities or unpack, not both') if unpack is not None: return await self(_tl.fn.folders.DeleteFolder( folder_id=unpack )) if not utils.is_list_like(entity): entities = [await self.get_input_entity(entity)] else: entities = await asyncio.gather( *(self.get_input_entity(x) for x in entity)) if folder is None: raise ValueError('You must specify a folder') elif not utils.is_list_like(folder): folder = [folder] * len(entities) elif len(entities) != len(folder): raise ValueError('Number of folders does not match number of entities') return await self(_tl.fn.folders.EditPeerFolders([ _tl.InputFolderPeer(x, folder_id=y) for x, y in zip(entities, folder) ])) async def delete_dialog( self: 'TelegramClient', entity: 'hints.EntityLike', *, revoke: bool = False ): # If we have enough information (`Dialog.delete` gives it to us), # then we know we don't have to kick ourselves in deactivated chats. if isinstance(entity, _tl.Chat): deactivated = entity.deactivated else: deactivated = False entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity) ty = helpers._entity_type(entity) if ty == helpers._EntityType.CHANNEL: return await self(_tl.fn.channels.LeaveChannel(entity)) if ty == helpers._EntityType.CHAT and not deactivated: try: result = await self(_tl.fn.messages.DeleteChatUser( entity.chat_id, _tl.InputUserSelf(), revoke_history=revoke )) except errors.PeerIdInvalidError: # Happens if we didn't have the deactivated information result = None else: result = None if not await self.is_bot(): await self(_tl.fn.messages.DeleteHistory(entity, 0, revoke=revoke)) return result