.. _working-with-updates: ==================== Working with Updates ==================== The library comes with the :mod:`events` module. *Events* are an abstraction over what Telegram calls `updates`__, and are meant to ease simple and common usage when dealing with them, since there are many updates. Let's dive in! .. contents:: Getting Started *************** .. code-block:: python from telethon import TelegramClient, events client = TelegramClient(..., update_workers=1, spawn_read_thread=False) client.start() @client.on(events.NewMessage) def my_event_handler(event): if 'hello' in event.raw_text: event.reply('hi!') client.idle() Not much, but there might be some things unclear. What does this code do? .. code-block:: python from telethon import TelegramClient, events client = TelegramClient(..., update_workers=1, spawn_read_thread=False) client.start() This is normal initialization (of course, pass session name, API ID and hash). Nothing we don't know already. .. code-block:: python @client.on(events.NewMessage) This Python decorator will attach itself to the ``my_event_handler`` definition, and basically means that *on* a ``NewMessage`` *event*, the callback function you're about to define will be called: .. code-block:: python def my_event_handler(event): if 'hello' in event.raw_text: event.reply('hi!') If a ``NewMessage`` event occurs, and ``'hello'`` is in the text of the message, we ``reply`` to the event with a ``'hi!'`` message. .. code-block:: python client.idle() Finally, this tells the client that we're done with our code, and want to listen for all these events to occur. Of course, you might want to do other things instead idling. For this refer to :ref:`update-modes`. More on events ************** The ``NewMessage`` event has much more than what was shown. You can access the ``.sender`` of the message through that member, or even see if the message had ``.media``, a ``.photo`` or a ``.document`` (which you could download with for example ``client.download_media(event.photo)``. If you don't want to ``.reply`` as a reply, you can use the ``.respond()`` method instead. Of course, there are more events such as ``ChatAction`` or ``UserUpdate``, and they're all used in the same way. Simply add the ``@client.on(events.XYZ)`` decorator on the top of your handler and you're done! The event that will be passed always is of type ``XYZ.Event`` (for instance, ``NewMessage.Event``), except for the ``Raw`` event which just passes the ``Update`` object. You can put the same event on many handlers, and even different events on the same handler. You can also have a handler work on only specific chats, for example: .. code-block:: python import ast import random @client.on(events.NewMessage(chats='TelethonOffTopic', incoming=True)) def normal_handler(event): if 'roll' in event.raw_text: event.reply(str(random.randint(1, 6))) @client.on(events.NewMessage(chats='TelethonOffTopic', outgoing=True)) def admin_handler(event): if event.raw_text.startswith('eval'): expression = event.raw_text.replace('eval', '').strip() event.reply(str(ast.literal_eval(expression))) You can pass one or more chats to the ``chats`` parameter (as a list or tuple), and only events from there will be processed. You can also specify whether you want to handle incoming or outgoing messages (those you receive or those you send). In this example, people can say ``'roll'`` and you will reply with a random number, while if you say ``'eval 4+4'``, you will reply with the solution. Try it! Events module ************* .. automodule:: telethon.events :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: __ https://lonamiwebs.github.io/Telethon/types/update.html