import typing from .updates import UpdateMethods from .. import utils, hints from import types, custom if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from .telegramclient import TelegramClient class ButtonMethods(UpdateMethods): @staticmethod def build_reply_markup( buttons: 'typing.Optional[hints.MarkupLike]', inline_only: bool = False) -> 'typing.Optional[types.TypeReplyMarkup]': """ Builds a :tl:`ReplyInlineMarkup` or :tl:`ReplyKeyboardMarkup` for the given buttons. Does nothing if either no buttons are provided or the provided argument is already a reply markup. You should consider using this method if you are going to reuse the markup very often. Otherwise, it is not necessary. This method is **not** asynchronous (don't use ``await`` on it). Arguments buttons (`hints.MarkupLike`): The button, list of buttons, array of buttons or markup to convert into a markup. inline_only (`bool`, optional): Whether the buttons **must** be inline buttons only or not. Example .. code-block:: python from telethon import Button markup = client.build_reply_markup(Button.inline('hi')) client.send_message('click me', buttons=markup) """ if buttons is None: return None try: if buttons.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xe2e10ef2: return buttons # crc32(b'ReplyMarkup'): except AttributeError: pass if not utils.is_list_like(buttons): buttons = [[buttons]] elif not utils.is_list_like(buttons[0]): buttons = [[b] for b in buttons] is_inline = False is_normal = False resize = None single_use = None selective = None rows = [] for row in buttons: current = [] for button in row: if isinstance(button, custom.Button): if button.resize is not None: resize = button.resize if button.single_use is not None: single_use = button.single_use if button.selective is not None: selective = button.selective button = button.button elif isinstance(button, custom.MessageButton): button = button.button inline = custom.Button._is_inline(button) is_inline |= inline is_normal |= not inline if button.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xbad74a3: # 0xbad74a3 == crc32(b'KeyboardButton') current.append(button) if current: rows.append(types.KeyboardButtonRow(current)) if inline_only and is_normal: raise ValueError('You cannot use non-inline buttons here') elif is_inline == is_normal and is_normal: raise ValueError('You cannot mix inline with normal buttons') elif is_inline: return types.ReplyInlineMarkup(rows) # elif is_normal: return types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup( rows, resize=resize, single_use=single_use, selective=selective)