import asyncio import html import logging import os import re import sys import time import urllib.parse from telethon import TelegramClient, events, types, custom, utils, errors logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger('asyncio').setLevel(logging.ERROR) try: import aiohttp except ImportError: aiohttp = None logging.warning('aiohttp module not available; #haste command disabled') def get_env(name, message, cast=str): if name in os.environ: return os.environ[name] while True: value = input(message) try: return cast(value) except ValueError as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(1) API_ID = get_env('TG_API_ID', 'Enter your API ID: ', int) API_HASH = get_env('TG_API_HASH', 'Enter your API hash: ') TOKEN = get_env('TG_TOKEN', 'Enter the bot token: ') NAME = TOKEN.split(':')[0] bot = TelegramClient(NAME, API_ID, API_HASH) # ============================== Constants ============================== WELCOME = { -1001109500936: 'Hi and welcome to the group. Before asking any questions, **please** ' 'read [the docs]( Make sure you are ' 'using the latest version with `pip3 install -U telethon`, since most ' 'problems have already been fixed in newer versions.', -1001200633650: 'Welcome to the off-topic group. Feel free to talk, ask or test anything ' 'here, politely. Check the description if you need to test more spammy ' '"features" of your or other people\'s bots (sed commands too).' } READ_FULL = ( 'Please read [Accessing the Full API](' '/en/latest/concepts/full-api.html)' ) SEARCH = ( 'Remember [search is your friend]' '({}&redirect=no)' ) DOCS = 'TL Reference for [{}]({})' RTD = '[Read The Docs!](' RTFD = '[Read The F* Docs!](' UPDATES = ( 'Check out [Working with Updates](' '/en/latest/basic/updates.html) in the documentation.' ) SPAM = ( "Telethon is free software. That means using it is a right: you are " "free to use it for absolutely any purpose whatsoever. However, help " "and support with using it is a privilege. If you misbehave or want " "to do bad things, nobody is obligated to help you and you're not " "welcome here." ) OFFTOPIC = { -1001109500936: 'That is not related to Telethon. ' 'You may continue the conversation in @TelethonOffTopic', -1001200633650: 'That seems to be related to Telethon. Try asking in @TelethonChat' } ASK = ( "Hey, that's not how you ask a question! If you want helpful advice " "(or any response at all) [read this first](" "/help/how-to-ask) and then ask again. If you have the time, [How To " "Ask Questions The Smart Way](" " is another wonderful resource worth reading." ) LOGGING = ''' **Please enable logging:** ```import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING)``` If you need more information, use `logging.DEBUG` instead. ''' ALREADY_FIXED = ( "This issue has already been fixed, but it's not yet available in PyPi. " "You can upgrade now with `pip3 install -U" "/Telethon/archive/`." ) GOOD_RESOURCES = ( "Some good resources to learn Python:\n" "• [Official Docs](\n" "• [Dive Into Python 3](" "diveintopython3/master/table-of-contents.html).\n" "• [Learn Python](\n" "• [Project Python](\n" "• [Computer Science Circles](\n" "• [MIT OpenCourse](" "and-computer-science/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-progr" "amming-in-python-fall-2016/).\n" "• [Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python](\n" "• The @PythonRes Telegram Channel.\n" "• Corey Schafer videos for [beginners](" "YYXdXT2l-Gg&list=PL-osiE80TeTskrapNbzXhwoFUiLCjGgY7) and in [general]" "(" "yTiXJA-UTHn6WwU)." ) LEARN_PYTHON = ( "That issue is no longer related with Telethon. You should learn more " "Python before trying again. " + GOOD_RESOURCES ) # ============================== Constants ============================== # ============================== Welcome ============================== last_welcome = {} @bot.on(events.ChatAction) async def handler(event): if event.user_joined: if event.chat_id in last_welcome: try: await last_welcome[event.chat_id].delete() except errors.MessageDeleteForbiddenError: # We believe this happens when trying to delete old messages pass last_welcome[event.chat_id] = await event.reply(WELCOME[event.chat_id]) # ============================== Welcome ============================== # ============================== Commands ============================== @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='#ping', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): s = time.time() message = await event.reply('Pong!') d = time.time() - s await message.edit(f'Pong! __(reply took {d:.2f}s)__') await asyncio.sleep(5) await asyncio.wait([event.delete(), message.delete()]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='#full', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#full: Advises to read "Accessing the full API" in the docs.""" await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond(READ_FULL, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='#search (.+)', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#search query: Searches for "query" in the method reference.""" query = urllib.parse.quote( await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond(SEARCH.format(query), reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='(?i)#(?:docs|ref) (.+)', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#docs or #ref query: Like #search but shows the query.""" q1 = q2 = urllib.parse.quote(q1) await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond(DOCS.format(q1, q2), reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='#rt(f)?d', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#rtd: Tells the user to please read the docs.""" rtd = RTFD if else RTD await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond(rtd, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='#(updates|events?)', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#updates: Advices the user to read "Working with Updates".""" await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond(UPDATES, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='(?i)#(ask|question)', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#ask or #question: Advices the user to ask a better question.""" await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond( ASK, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id, link_preview=False) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='(?i)#spam(mer|ming)?', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#spam, #spammer, #spamming: Informs spammers that they are not welcome here.""" await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond(SPAM, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='(?i)#(ot|offtopic)', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#ot, #offtopic: Tells the user to move to @TelethonOffTopic.""" await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond(OFFTOPIC[event.chat_id], reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='(?i)#log(s|ging)?', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#log, #logs or #logging: Explains how to enable logging.""" await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond(LOGGING, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='(?i)#master', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#master: The bug has been fixed in the `master` branch.""" await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond(ALREADY_FIXED, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='(?i)#(learn|python)', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """#learn or #python: Tells the user to learn some Python first.""" await asyncio.wait([ event.delete(), event.respond( LEARN_PYTHON, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id, link_preview=False) ]) @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='(?i)#(list|help)', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): await event.delete() text = 'Available commands:\n' for callback, handler in bot.list_event_handlers(): if isinstance(handler, events.NewMessage) and callback.__doc__: text += f'\n{callback.__doc__.strip()}' text += '\n\nYou can suggest new commands [here]('\ 'spreadsheets/d/12yWwixUu_vB426_toLBAiajXxYKvR2J1DD6yZtQz9l4/edit).' message = await event.respond(text, link_preview=False) await asyncio.sleep(1 * text.count(' ')) # Sleep ~1 second per word await message.delete() if aiohttp: @bot.on(events.NewMessage(pattern='(?i)#[hp]aste(bin)?', forwards=False)) async def handler(event): """ #haste: Replaces the message you reply to with a hastebin link. """ await event.delete() if not event.reply_to_msg_id: return msg = await event.get_reply_message() if len(msg.raw_text or '') < 200: return sent = await event.respond( 'Uploading paste…', reply_to=msg.reply_to_msg_id) name = html.escape( utils.get_display_name(await msg.get_sender()) or 'A user') text = msg.raw_text code = '' for _, string in msg.get_entities_text(( types.MessageEntityCode, types.MessageEntityPre)): code += f'{string}\n' text = text.replace(string, '') code = code.rstrip() if code: text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text) else: code = msg.raw_text text = '' async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with'', data=code.encode('utf-8')) as resp: if resp.status >= 300: await sent.edit("Hastebin seems to be down… ( ^^')") return haste = (await resp.json())['key'] await asyncio.wait([ msg.delete(), sent.edit(f'{name} ' f'said: {text}{haste}.py' .replace(' ', ' '), parse_mode='html') ]) # ============================== Commands ============================== # ============================== Inline ============================== @bot.on(events.InlineQuery) async def handler(event): builder = event.builder result = None query = event.text.lower() if query == 'ping': result = builder.article('Pong!', text='This bot works inline') elif query == 'group': result = builder.article( 'Move to the right group!', text='Try moving to the [right group](', buttons=custom.Button.url('Join the group!', ''), link_preview=False ) elif query in ('python', 'learn'): result = builder.article( 'Resources to Learn Python', text=GOOD_RESOURCES, link_preview=False ) # NOTE: You should always answer, but we want plugins to be able to answer # too (and we can only answer once), so we don't always answer here. if result: await event.answer([result]) # ============================== Inline ============================== bot.start(bot_token=TOKEN) # NOTE: This example has optional "plugins", which you can get by running: # # git clone plugins # # Into the same folder (so you would have `` next to # the now downloaded `plugins/` folder). We try importing them so # that the example runs fine without them, but optionally load them. try: # Standalone script with folder plugins/ import plugins plugins.init(bot) except ImportError: try: # Running as a module with `python -m assistant` and structure: # assistant/ # (this file) # plugins/ (cloned) from . import plugins plugins.init(bot) except ImportError: plugins = None bot.run_until_disconnected()